The Fourth-Dimensional Demonstrator
- by Murray Leinster
- Astounding, December 1935
“These,” said Pete calmly, “are my fiancée.”
“These,” said Pete calmly, “are my fiancée.”
—are the same piece!
I have here a strange invention, a mirror that will let you see how anyone will look at anytime in the future.
The year is 1693, the month is June, and the day is the fifteenth. Come and watch with me.
He had boarded the kettle in the 575th Century, the base of operations assigned to him two years earlier. At the time the 575th had been the farthest upwhen he had ever traveled. Now he was moving upwhen to the 2456th Century.
You haven’t a prison record yet. But you will have . . . unless you let us help you!
Professor Mark Hanson has tus far been unable to get a single person to use his remarkable discovery for recovering the past!
When I opened you, I found a mess. I sent for the Chief of Surgery while I got the baby out, then we held a consultation with you on the table—and worked for hours to salvage what we could. You had two full sets of organs, both immature, but with the female set well enough developed for you to have a baby. They could never be any use to you again, so we took them out and rearranged things so that you can develop properly as a man.
That ship is an X-671, like mine!
I know you’ve come from a long way from here . . . a long way and a long time.
Tel était le but des expériences : projeter dans le Temps des émissaires, appeler le passé et l’avenit au secours du présent.
Such was the purpose of the experiments: to project emissaries into Time, to summon the Past and the Future to the aid of the Present.
— Zaraz — odparł wolno, nawet nie ruszając palcem. — Dzisiaj jest wtorek. Jeżeli ty jesteś środowy i do tej chwili we środę jeszcze nie są naprawione stery, to z tego wynika, że coś przeszkodzi nam w ich naprawieniu, ponieważ w przeciwnym razie, ty, we środę, nie nakłaniałbyś już mnie do tego, abym ja, we wtorek, wspólnie je z tobą naprawiał. Więc może lepiej nie ryzykować wyjścia na zewnątrz?
“Just a minute,” I replied, remaining on the floor. ”Today is Tuesday. Now if you are the Wednesday me, and if by that time on Wednesday the rudder still hasn’t been fixed, then it follows that something will prevent us from fixing it, since otherwise you, on Wednesday, would not now, on Tuesday, be asking me to help you fix it. Wouldn’t it be best, then, for us to not risk going outside?”
Isn’t it obvious? The war did happen. You never did go back with your warning.
Well, isn’t it obvious, Manning? The war did happen. We didn’t get back with our warning.
Time is like a river! Dam it up at any one point . . . and it has no choice but to flow elsewhere . . . along other, easier routes!
Zresztą Bosch nie powstrzymał się od niedyskrecji. W „Ogrodzie uciech ziemskich,” w „piekle muzycznym” (prawe skrzydło tryptyku) stoi w samym środku dwunastoosobowy chronobus. I co miałem z tym robić?
Even so, Bosch couldn’t refrain from certain indiscretions. In the “Garden of Earthly Delights,” in the very center of the “Musical Hell” (the right wing of the triptych), stands a twelve-seat chronobus. Not a thing I could do about it.
If Tyre explodes, why, here we’ll be, but our ancestors, your kids, everything we knew, they won’t. It’ll be a whole different history. Whether whatever is left of the Patrol can restore it—somehow head off the disaster—that’s problematical. I’d call it unlikely.
Ralph? The bully. When I was a kid, he used to wait for me on the corner every day.
He was a clerk.
Sensors show nothing, sir, But it appears a moment in time repeated itself exactly, for everyone.
- Travel is possible only into the past.
- The object transported will return to exactly the time and place of departure.
- It is not possible to bring objects from the past to the present.
- Actions in the past cannot change the present.
Most excellent!
The time-traveling is just too dangerous. Better that I devote myself to study the other great mystery of the universe—women!
Doc: [blowing train whistle] I’ve wanted to do that my whole life!
If you can’t change anything because it’s already happened, you may as well smell the flowers.
Kirk: [pacing in front of a lineup of the crew] Who started the fight?
O’Brien: I don’t know, sir.![]()
It would bring our sponsors down upon us like so many angry hornets. The Unchanging would yank time travel out of human hands—retroactively.
Hang on! That’s not possible. Ancient Runes is at the same time as Divination. You’d have to be in two classes at once.
This is the part where I’m transported through time and everything goes back to the way it was, like I’d never become Santa at all.
Oh, bless my bum-flap. You’re time travelers.
This device allows us to transport into the future or past, at a date or destination of our choosing. Unfortunately, the consequences of altering the order of history are so dangerous [thunder], we’ve chosen to leave it alone. So you mustn’t touch!
You’re going to need a lot of dog food.
Patrick, with this time machine, we can go back to the past and make our young selves wiser!
You get attacked, you have no backup, so you become your own.
Lucy: tell me who this is.
Unknown: I’m u 10 years in the future.![]()
This is now my new favorite moment in human history.
Brian: I am on the verge . . .
Sophie: . . . of cracking time travel, I know. Maybe when you do, we can go back in time and actually have all of the dates that you canceled.![]()
You have no idea how many of my younger selves freak out when I show up.
. . . dragging space-time with it like a swirl of chocolate being stirred into a bowl of cream.
I am slightly lost in space and time right now and need to get home in order to make sure my children get milk for their breakfast.
Sheman was supposed to keep the time machine secret, but he broke the rules. He took his friend Penny back in time to ancient Egypt.
We can’t meet. Seeing each other physically . . . You have no idea what that would cause.
About four years from now, most of the human race will be wiped out by a plague, a virus. We know it’s because of a man named Leland Frost. I have to find him.
—from “Splinter” [s01e01]![]()
We’ve been running simulations to resolve the Grandfather Paradox, and we experienced an unusual electromagnetic pulse at the school that was triggered remotely. We were able to locate the source, but I suspect someone may have taken our simulations a step further. . . . The equation in your daughter’s thesis notes may have actually solved the paradox. But they’re untested and now they’re missing, and you said Charles has been absent. Could he have taken them and induced an entanglement?!
All of them except Luke Denton and around a thousand other souls who’d been left behind whilst the rest of the human race were evolved against their will, by a force conspiracy theorists around the world had put down to anything from governmental to extra terrestrial tinkering.
I just googled woolly mammoth, babies, clones . . .
If I kill you now, you will never go back in time, there is no formica bomb, and Adolf Hilter takes over the world . . . with me as his heir.
It’s not anything fatal. You know it can’t be anything fatal, because if it was, then there would be no future self who could be sent back to warn you.
“There’s nothing to return to.” Eliot’s knuckles bulged at the seams, but she didn’t yell. “When the Fade destroys a moment, it’s lost. Forever.”
He told me all the horrible things that would happen if I broke any Time Laws. Worlds would collapse. I would turn inside out. Important people would die and important things wouldn’t happen.
Each of the foregoing cases involves a self-defeating act—an act such that, if it were performed, it wold not be. Self-defeating acts are obviously impossible, since the performance of such an act would imply a contradiction. Yet time travel seems to make such acts possible. This suggests the following line of argument against backward time travel:
(P1) If backward time travel were possible, it would be possible to perform a self-defeating act.
(P2) It is impossible to perform a self-defeating act.
(C) Backward time travel is impossible.![]()
Alise: You died ten years ago.
Darius: I was born ten years ago.![]()
This freak made a mess of our garage.
You’re missing the big picture here: If time travel were possible, it would be the greatest ethical and philosophical conundrum of the modern age.
All five Machines had limitations, but the hardest to surmount was what travelers call the Long Four Years. Wormholes only opened for people who remained within twenty kilometers of a Machine for at least 1,680 days.
Hazel to Five: If you want to live, come with me.”
I built this Super Mega Robot Time Machine to use the Time Crystal’s power. That means I can travel through time!
You know that pizza app you’re working on to reduce delivery times? You designed it too well.
You want to shoot me into oblivion with no way to get home.
I don't understand this power, but I will.
The Downloader is a real piece of work. There’s only a ten percent chance of success, eh? And even if they make it, half of them get caught by the Control Bureau.
Okay, so in order to run a reverse dimensional location search, I need to know what the interdimensional VIN is on your computer.
Appears to be a standard sequence violation. Branches growing at a stable rate and slope. Variant identified.
The Ancient One: Her death is an Absolute Point in time.
Dr. Strange: Absolute?
A.O.: Unchangable. Unmovable. Without her death, you would never have defeated Dormamu and become the Sorcerer Supreme—and the guardian of the Eye of Agamotto. If you erase her death, you never start your journey.![]()
I might be you, but I’m not a moron.
You have traveled thirty years back in time to save your cat.
Attends . . . si maman n'épouse pas papa, je vais pas naître. Je viens de me tuer.
Wait . . . if Mom never marries Dad, I won’t be born. I just killed myself.
“Twentieth century,” said Davos, and I whistled, long, and low, and falling. “Special assignment,” he said, and I whistled again. I’d never heard of anyone going that far back.
Young Adam: I mean if this is happening to me, that means that it already happened to you—right?—unless it works more like a multiverse where each ripple creates an alternate timeline—
Middle-Age Adam: It isn’t a multiverse! My god, we watch too many movies.![]()
Aram: You know, when I first heard about psychedelic therapy, I imagined something a bit more—
Dr. Idigbe: —tie-dye and trance music?![]()
The egg yolk path glistens in my periphery and my fingertips tingle. Once the rift closes, we go back. Back to before the rift ruptured. Back to when Joseph first moved in and before we . . .
Time dilation is quite simple. As you approached hyperspeed, your time slowed relative to our own, so during your mission, you aged only minutes, while the rest of us have aged years. Simply put, the faster you fly—
Well, someone killed our mothers, so we shouldn’t exist, but clearly we do exist, and the universe can’t handle it, which is a problem.
But waiting was very hard. So they built a time machine.