
Tag Area: Time Travel Trope
Short Story

The Fourth-Dimensional Demonstrator

Pete Davidson has inherited all the properties of an uncle who had been an authority on the fourth dimension, including the Fourth-Dimensional Demonstrator that can pull copies of matches, coins, dollar bills, fiancées, and kangaroos out of the past. —Michael Main
“These,” said Pete calmly, “are my fiancée.”
Three identical women, dresses in the same high fashion, stand on a contrivance
                connected to copper tubes and other high-tech machinery.
  • Eloi Honorable Mention
  • Science Fiction
  • Comedy
  • Definite Time Travel
Comic Book

Weird Fantasy #13 (1950)

Only Time Will Tell

Start by reading Heinlein’s “By His Bootstraps” (1941), and then read this one. You’ll enjoy both and stretch your mind around the first ex nihilo idea that we’ve spotted in comic books. Note that the half blueprint itself does have an origin, and you can trace it’s timeline from that origin to the past and back again. It’s only the concept expressed in the blueprint that has no origin. —Michael Main
—are the same piece!
Sitting at a lab bench and twirling knobs on a panel, a scientist talks about a
                brain on the bench in front of him.
  • Eloi Bronze Medal
  • Science Fiction
  • Audience: YA and Up
  • Definite Time Travel
Comic Book

Journey into Mystery #2

Don’t Look!

Yep, the mirror that Harold Whitney got from an odd old man really does let you see what people will look like in the future—a situation that we’d normally mark as a mere time phenomenon and tag as a simple kind of chronoscope. But the story also has a twist at the end that makes me wonder whether the old man was also a time traveler. —Michael Main
I have here a strange invention, a mirror that will let you see how anyone will look at anytime in the future.
No image currently available.
  • Weird Fiction
  • Audience: YA and Up
  • Debatable Time Travel
Short Story

Journey into Mystery #2

The Pact

Frances Conrad learns the dark truth about an unholy pact made by his ancestor from the horse’s mouth itself. —Michael Main
The year is 1693, the month is June, and the day is the fifteenth. Come and watch with me.
No image currently available.
  • Weird Fiction
  • Audience: YA and Up
  • Debatable Time Travel

The End of Eternity

Andrew Harlan, Technician in the everwhen of Eternity, falls in love and starts a chain of events that could lead to the end of everything. —Michael Main
He had boarded the kettle in the 575th Century, the base of operations assigned to him two years earlier. At the time the 575th had been the farthest upwhen he had ever traveled. Now he was moving upwhen to the 2456th Century.
A black-and-white drawing of an elderly man standing at an electronic control
                board with a futuristic sphere in the background.
  • Gold Medal Eloi
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Comic Book

Journey into Mystery #42

The Panhandler

One of the six time travelers who’ve arrived to intervene in Doug Cotter’s panhandling life just seems to know far too much about Doug’s private life. —Michael Main
You haven’t a prison record yet. But you will have . . . unless you let us help you!
No image currently available.
  • Weird Fiction
  • Audience: YA and Up
  • Definite Time Travel
Comic Book

Journey into Mystery #47

The Blinding Flash!

In order to retrieve his cigarette lighter from a crime scene, a small-time thief agrees to be a test subject for Professor Mark Hanson’s atom-powered machine that sends an astral projection of a person into the past. Oh, I almost forgot: There’s one other volunteer, too. —Michael Main
Professor Mark Hanson has tus far been unable to get a single person to use his remarkable discovery for recovering the past!
No image currently available.
  • Science Fiction
  • Weird Fiction
  • Audience: YA and Up
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

“—All You Zombies—”

A 25-year-old man, originally born as an orphan girl named Jane, tells his story to a 55-year-old bartender who then recruits him for a time-travel adventure. —Michael Main
When I opened you, I found a mess. I sent for the Chief of Surgery while I got the baby out, then we held a consultation with you on the table—and worked for hours to salvage what we could. You had two full sets of organs, both immature, but with the female set well enough developed for you to have a baby. They could never be any use to you again, so we took them out and rearranged things so that you can develop properly as a man.
A man wearing only a skirt stands on a spaceship while firing a ray gun upward
                at another ship.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Comic Book

Journey into Mystery #53

The Stranger in Space!

On an intergalactic trip to star group M-19, Frank Mason meets an identical ship coming the other way. —Michael Main
That ship is an X-671, like mine!
No image currently available.
  • Science Fiction
  • Audience: YA and Up
  • Definite Time Travel
TV Episode

The Twilight Zone (v1s01e05)

Walking Distance

Stopped at a gas station outside of his boyhood hometown, burnt-out executive Martin Sloan decides to explore the town, which surprisingly has not changed at all in twenty-some years. —Michael Main
I know you’ve come from a long way from here . . . a long way and a long time.
Michael Montgomery (as young Marty) carves his name into a post on a bandstand,
                while Gig Young (as old Martin) looks on.
  • Eloi Honorable Mention
  • Fantasy
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Film

La jetée

  • The pier
  • La Jetée
  • written and directed by Chris Marker
  • (at movie theaters, France, 16 February 1962) [Accessed at Youtube on 28 February 2022.]

In a world made uninhabitable by the Third World War, a prisoner is chosen as being the only person with vivid enough memories of the past to travel through time and return with salvation.

This 28-minute photo montage with about 1,200 words of narration has a nice seed of an idea, but I find it insulting to other talented filmmakers that Time magazine ranked this sketch of a film as #1 in their 2010 list of best time travel movies. —Michael Main
Tel était le but des expériences : projeter dans le Temps des émissaires, appeler le passé et l’avenit au secours du présent.
translate Such was the purpose of the experiments: to project emissaries into Time, to summon the Past and the Future to the aid of the Present.
A grid of 16 photos from Chris Marker
  • Science Fiction
  • Experimental
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

The Voyages of Ijon Tichy 11

Podróż siódma

  • Journey seven
  • The Seventh Voyage
  • by Stanisław Lem
  • in Niezwyciężony i inne opowiadania by Stanisław Lem (Ministerstwa Obrony Narodowej, 1964)

What do you do when your one-man spaceship loses an argument with a meteor, and the only way to repair the rudder demands two people? “The Seventh Voyage” is the eleventh tale of Stanisław Lem’s space traveler Ijon Ticvhy, but I believe it’s the first where the hero also wrangles with time. —Michael Main
— Zaraz — odparł wolno, nawet nie ruszając palcem. — Dzisiaj jest wtorek. Jeżeli ty jesteś środowy i do tej chwili we środę jeszcze nie są naprawione stery, to z tego wynika, że coś przeszkodzi nam w ich naprawieniu, ponieważ w przeciwnym razie, ty, we środę, nie nakłaniałbyś już mnie do tego, abym ja, we wtorek, wspólnie je z tobą naprawiał. Więc może lepiej nie ryzykować wyjścia na zewnątrz?
translate “Just a minute,” I replied, remaining on the floor. ”Today is Tuesday. Now if you are the Wednesday me, and if by that time on Wednesday the rudder still hasn’t been fixed, then it follows that something will prevent us from fixing it, since otherwise you, on Wednesday, would not now, on Tuesday, be asking me to help you fix it. Wouldn’t it be best, then, for us to not risk going outside?”
An abstract drawing, possibly of a person in a spacesuit with a blue
                nebula of some sort poofing out of a projectile.
  • Science Fiction
  • Comedy
  • Definite Time Travel
Feature Film

The Time Travelers

  • written and directed by Ib Melchior
  • (theatrical release, USA, 29 October 1964)

Using their time viewer, three scientists see a desolate landscape 107 years in the future, at which point the electrician realizes that the viewer has unexpectedly become a portal. All four jump through, only to have the portal collapse behind them, whereupon they are chased on the surface by Morlockish mutants who are afraid of thrown rocks, and they meet an advanced, post-apocalyptic, underground society that employs androids and is planning a generation-long trip to Alpha Centauri.

The film draws in at least four important additional time travel tropes: suspended animation, a single consistent timeline (with the corresponding inability to go back and change it), experiencing the passage of time at different rates, and a trip to the far future. And according to the SF Encyclopedia, the film was originally conceived as a sequel to the 1960 film of The Time Machine. —Michael Main
Isn’t it obvious? The war did happen. You never did go back with your warning.
A monster chases people across a rocket field--along with three other scenes
                from the future before it happens!
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Feature Film

Journey to the Center of Time

  • written and directed by David L. Hewitt
  • (at movie theaters, USA, a forgettable day in 1967)

The writer, David L. Hewitt, took chunks of plot and script from The Time Travelers (1964), swapped the blonde for a brunette, swapped the accidental time gate for an accidental time rift that drags the whole lab through time as if it were a time ship, added a anachronistic dinosaur, and ended up with an unwatchable movie.

Like the 1964 version, this version has a brief mention that it’s impossible to change events that have already happened, but unlike the original, the montage at the end of the film is mere chaos that no longer reinforces the idea of a single deterministic, nonbranching timeline. Despite that, I enjoyed the consequences of the villainous character running into himself, but at the same time, I dismayed at the discussion of how meeting yourself could instantly cause a disastrous explosion or implosion or maybe something-or-other (the audio was unintelligible at 1:12) would cease to exist. (I pray that the space-time continuum wasn’t in peril). —Michael Main
Well, isn’t it obvious, Manning? The war did happen. We didn’t get back with our warning.
Alien death rays, a T-rex, and multiple copies of Scott Brady and Gigi Perreau
                () hugging.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Comic Book

Avengers Annual #2

. . . and Time, the Rushing River . . .

After the Scarlet Centurion waylays the Avengers on their way back from the 1940s, they find themselves in an alternative 1968 where the five original Avengers stayed together under the thumb of the Scarlet Centurion.

The story includes flashbacks and previously unknown explanations of the team’s previous trip to the ’40s in Avengers #56, and at the end of the story, Goliath uses Dr. Doom’s Time Platform to banish the Scarlet Centurion back to his time—and we think this is the only time travel that actually appears in the story (apart from the flashbacks). We don’t know what happens to the alternative 1968 (now known as Earth-689, but the traveling Avengers return to the universe that we all knew and loved in the 1960s (a.k.a. Earth-616), with their memory of the whole affair wiped by the Watcher. —Michael Main
Time is like a river! Dam it up at any one point . . . and it has no choice but to flow elsewhere . . . along other, easier routes!
Five Avengers from 1968, led by Goliath and the Wasp, face off against the five
                Avengers as they were in early 1964, led by Giant Man and the Wasp.
  • Eloi Silver Medal
  • Superhero
  • Audience: YA and Up
  • Definite Time Travel

The Voyages of Ijon Tichy 20

Podróż dwudziesta

  • Journey twenty
  • The Twentieth Voyage
  • by Stanisław Lem
  • in Dzienniki gwiazdowe, expanded third edition, by Stanisław Lem, (Czytelnik, 1971)

After the time mish-mash of Ijon Tichy’s seventh voyage, it wasn’t clear whether Ijon would ever ply the channels of time again, but here he is, traveling back in time to persuade himself to go forward in time and take up the helm of THEOHIPPIP—a.k.a. Teleotelechronistic-Historical Engineering to Optimize the Hyoerputerized Implementation of Paleological Programming and Interplanetary Planning. It takes a few attempts for older Ijon to convince younger Ijon to head to the future on a one-man chronocykl, but when he does, the younger Ijon begins the unexpectedly hard task of righting history’s wrongs. As a sophisticated time traveler yourself, you’ll spot what’s happening early on, while you also get a tour of history from the formamtion of the Solar System to the extinction of the dinosaurs and the paintings of Hieronymus Bosch. You’ll also recognize the fun Lem has at the expense of the bureaucracies of mid-20th-century Poland. —Michael Main
Zresztą Bosch nie powstrzymał się od niedyskrecji. W „Ogrodzie uciech ziemskich,” w „piekle muzycznym” (prawe skrzydło tryptyku) stoi w samym środku dwunastoosobowy chronobus. I co miałem z tym robić?
translate Even so, Bosch couldn’t refrain from certain indiscretions. In the “Garden of Earthly Delights,” in the very center of the “Musical Hell” (the right wing of the triptych), stands a twelve-seat chronobus. Not a thing I could do about it.
Pen-and-ink drawing of a broomstick time machine with a bicycle saddle and
                handle bars, a.k.a. the chronocycle.
  • Science Fiction
  • Comedy
  • Definite Time Travel

Time Patrol 6

Ivory, and Apes, and Peacocks

Everard Manse appears to be the sole Patrolman standing between the evil Exaltationists and the fall of ancient Tyre—or possibly the fall of all civilization. Ah, but wait! The loyal street urchin Pum will also stand by his side! —Michael Main
If Tyre explodes, why, here we’ll be, but our ancestors, your kids, everything we knew, they won’t. It’ll be a whole different history. Whether whatever is left of the Patrol can restore it—somehow head off the disaster—that’s problematical. I’d call it unlikely.
A bearded man in a blue hat and cape holds a spear in front of a futuristic
                flying scooter.
  • Undetermined
  • Definite Time Travel
TV Episode

The Ray Bradbury Theater (s01e02)

The Playground

Charles visits his boyhood playground, at first on his own and then with his own son. There, he sees Ralph, the bully who tormented him, who’s still a boy and who still seems to be tormenting Charlie.

Perhaps Ralph was meant to be a ghost bully, perhaps the curly haired boy is young Charlie, perhaps Charlie switches bodies with his own son, or perhaps there’s time travel invovled. We doubt that even Captain Kirk could sort out all those perhapses in this TV version of Ray Bradbury’s story starring William Shatner. But clarity can be had if you read the original story, which takes about the same amount of time as watching the TV episode but shows the rich inner life of Charles Underwood and leaves no ambiguity about what’s up with “Ralph.” —Michael Main
Ralph? The bully. When I was a kid, he used to wait for me on the corner every day.
William Shatner (as "the Papa") sits in a swing at night, looking on in horror
                at something nearby.
  • Fantasy
  • Debatable Time Travel
Flash Fiction

The Turning Point

  • by Isaac Asimov
  • in The Drabble Project, edited by Rob Meades and David B. Wake (Beccon Publications, April 1988)

In exactly 100 words, Madison goes back in time to meet himself at the turning point of his young life.

Thanks to Marc Richardson for sending this one to me. —Michael Main
He was a clerk.
Lurid green cover for [_The Drabble Project_], listing all the authors
                of its 100-word stories.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
TV Episode

Star Trek: The Next Generation (s01e24)

We’ll Always Have Paris

Temporal distortions, such as time loops and mixed times, are rippling outward from an isolated planetoid where Dr. Manheim and Jenice Manheim, an old flame of Picard’s, built their time/gravity research lab. —Michael Main
Sensors show nothing, sir, But it appears a moment in time repeated itself exactly, for everyone.
Still shot from behind of Patrick Stewart (as Captain Jean-Luc Picard) gazing
                at a future Eiffel Tower on the holo-deck.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

Ripples in the Dirac Sea

A physics guy invents a time machine that can go only backward and must always return the traveler to the exact same present from which he left. —Michael Main
  1. Travel is possible only into the past.
  2. The object transported will return to exactly the time and place of departure.
  3. It is not possible to bring objects from the past to the present.
  4. Actions in the past cannot change the present.
Pen-and-ink drawing of a man holding a woman in front of him with a peace sign
                on her sleeve and a complex clockface behind.
  • Eloi Gold Medal
  • 1989 Nebula
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Feature Film

Bill & Ted I

Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure

The Two Great Ones, Bill S. Preston, Esq., and Ted “Theodore” Logan, are the subjects of time-traveler Rufus’s mission, but instead they end up using his machine to write a history report to save their band, Wyld Stallyns. —Michael Main
Most excellent!
Alex Winter (A K A Bill) and Keanu Reeves (A K A Ted) sit on top of a phone
                booth crammed with Napoleon and other historical figures in orbit around Earth.
  • Eloi Silver Medal
  • Science Fiction
  • Comedy
  • Audience: YA and Up
  • Definite Time Travel
Feature Film

Back to the Future II

Back to the Future II

Doc Brown takes Marty and Jennifer from 1985 to 2015 to save their children from a bad fate, but the consequences pile up when Biff also gets in on the time-travel action. —Michael Main
The time-traveling is just too dangerous. Better that I devote myself to study the other great mystery of the universe—women!
Michael J. Fox (as Marty) and Christopher Lloyd (as Doc) check their watches
                beside the DeLorean in a lightning storm.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Feature Film

Back to the Future III

Back to the Future III

Marty and 1955-Doc travel back to the Old West where 1985-Doc is trapped along with various Biff ancestors and a possible love interest for Doc. —Michael Main
Doc: [blowing train whistle] I’ve wanted to do that my whole life!
Michael J. Fox (as Marty), Christopher Lloyd (as Doc), and Mary Steenburger (as
                Clara) in Western garb beside the DeLorean and a flaming train track.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

Cloche vaine

At the end of her long successful writing career, a woman is still haunted by her sister’s death four decades earlier. —Michael Main
An orange glow flows over a naked torso and head holding a bright sword with
                Jupiter and stars in the background.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Feature Film

12 Monkeys

In the year 2035, with the world devastated by an artificially engineered plague, convict James Cole is sent back in time to gather information about the plague’s origin so the scientists can figure out how to fight it. —Michael Main
If you can’t change anything because it’s already happened, you may as well smell the flowers.
The faces of Bruce Willis (as old James with one red eye), Brat Pitt (as young
                James), and Madeline Stowe (as Kathryn) stare out of the shadows.
  • Eloi Silver Medal
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
TV Episode

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (s0506)

Trials and Tribble-ations

Please, please, please set aside two hours to watch the original “The Trouble with Tribbles” (Star Trek [s2e15]) followed immediately by this episode of ST:DS9. You will laugh, you will cry, you will cheer with joy, as Sisko and the DS9 crew find themselves back with Kirk, Spock, McCoy, Klingons, and tribbles at Deep Station K-7 on Stardate 4523.7. —Michael Main
Kirk: [pacing in front of a lineup of the crew] Who started the fight?
O’Brien: I don’t know, sir.
Captain Cisco and Dax trying to stay unnoticed behind Kirk and Spock in a
                corridor on the Enterprise.
  • Eloi Gold Medal
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

Scherzo with Tyrannosaur

The director of Hilltop Research Station extinguishes various fires while hosting a donor dinner in the Cretaceous and planning predatory behavior of his own to keep the donor funds flowing, all while ensuring that the mysterious beings known only as the Unchanging remain in the dark about a quagmire of time travel violations. —Michael Main
It would bring our sponsors down upon us like so many angry hornets. The Unchanging would yank time travel out of human hands—retroactively.
A T-Rex leaps out of the forest while four oblivious diners in formal attire
                lift a toast.
  • 1999 Hugo
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Feature Film

Harry Potter 3

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Compared to the books, I find the Harry Potter movies drawn-out and boring, but I rewatched this one during the pandemic and found that I enjoyed all three thirteen-year-olds as well as Hagrid, Sirius, Snape, Lupin, and—most of all—the fact that the filmmakers didn’t blithely destroy the single static timeline out of a misplaced sense that time travelers are meant to change the timeline willy-nilly. —Michael Main
Hang on! That’s not possible. Ancient Runes is at the same time as Divination. You’d have to be in two classes at once.
Daniel Radcliffe (as Harry Potter), Emma Watson (as Hermione Granger), and
                Rupurt Grint (as Ron Weasley) are watching something that spooks Harry, fascinates
                Hermione, and terrifies Ron.
  • Fantasy
  • Audience: YA and Up
  • Definite Time Travel
Feature Film

The Santa Clause 3

The Escape Clause

Now that Santa and Mrs. Claus have the North Pole running smoothly, the Counsel of Legendary Figures has called an emergency meeting on Christmas Eve! The evil Jack Frost has been making trouble, looking to take over the holiday! So he launches a plan to sabotage the toy factory and compel Scott to invoke the little-known Escape Clause and wish he'd never become Santa. —from publicity material
This is the part where I’m transported through time and everything goes back to the way it was, like I’d never become Santa at all.
Tim Allen (as Santa) and Martin Short (as Jack Frost) smile out at us over a
                winter scene in a tiny town.
  • Fantasy
  • Comedy
  • Audience: Families
  • Definite Time Travel

Artemis Fowl, Book #6

Artemis Fowl and the Time Paradox

  • by Eoin Colfer
  • (Hyperion Books for Children, July 2008)

When fourteen-year-old genius Artemis Fowl realizes that the only cure for his mother’s case of Spelltropy lies in a species of lemur that Artemis made extinct eight years ago, there is only one solution: Grab your 80-year-old, elfin-police-captain-friend Holly Short and trick her into traveling back in time to stop your formerly evil, ten-year-old self from killing off the last of the all-cure lemurs.

Author Eoin Colfer does a masterful job presenting a single nonbranching, static timeline, complete with three consistent causal loops (further described in our tag notes for this story). But really, Eoin, you missed the shuttle on “the kiss”! With the help of N°1, Artemis can time travel, so if you're intent on his first romantic kiss coming from Holly Short, couldn’t N°1 have brought Holly’s actual fourteen-year-old self into the story? Might have even presented an opportunity for a fourth causal loop: Fourteen-year-old Holly kissees fourteen-year-old Artemis, but only because fifteen-year-old Artemis had already told thirteen-year-old Holly that they would enjoy it. —Michael Main
Oh, bless my bum-flap. You’re time travelers.
A boy clutching a lemur and followed by a smaller version of himself is blown
                out of the page by a yellow explosion.
  • Science Fiction
  • Fantasy
  • Audience: Young Adults
  • Definite Time Travel

SpongeBob SquarePants [s7:e09A]

Back to the Past

SpongeBob, Patrick, and their two superhero friends head back to the days when the old superheroes were young. Can you guess who it was back in that past who ate all of Mermaid Man’s tartar sauce, unintentionally altering the future? Note: The old superheroes were voiced by Ernest Borgnine and Tim Conway; their young counterparts were Adam West and Burt Ward. —Michael Main
This device allows us to transport into the future or past, at a date or destination of our choosing. Unfortunately, the consequences of altering the order of history are so dangerous [thunder], we’ve chosen to leave it alone. So you mustn’t touch!
Former superhero sidekick Barnacle Boy stands beside a stylized control panel
                of a time machine.
  • Superhero
  • Comedy
  • Audience: Children
  • Definite Time Travel
Flash Fiction

On the Bus

A man on a bus gives advice to his younger self. —Michael Main
You’re going to need a lot of dog food.
White text reading "Black is the New Black" on a black background above the
                text of a story.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel

SpongeBob SquarePants Mini 68

Lessons Learned

  • [writer and director unknown]
  • (SpongeBob SquarePants Mini 68, Nickelodean (USA, 14 June 2011)

SpongeBob and faithful Patrick use the boxy time machine from “SB-129” to travel back and give advice to their younger selves. —Michael Main
Patrick, with this time machine, we can go back to the past and make our young selves wiser!
Cartoon character Sponge-Bob and his starfish pal Patrick stand in a boxy time
                machine in front of their younger selves.
  • Comedy
  • Definite Time Travel
Flash Fiction

No Time

A battlefield plunderer meets his own dead self.
You get attacked, you have no backup, so you become your own.
A star emerging from behind a blue planet.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Serial Film

Dating Rules [.s1]

Dating Rules from My Future Self I: Lucy

Nice and nerdy Lucy gets romantic advice from her future self via text messages.

Fellow ITTDB indexer Janet found this one on the web, and we watched a daily installment with tea during my first September up in the ITTDB Citadel. —Michael Main
Lucy: tell me who this is.
Unknown: I’m u 10 years in the future.
Nicely dressed Shiri Appleby (as Lucy) smiles at us over her cell phone.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Feature Film

Men in Black 3

When Boris the Animal escapes from lunar prison and returns to 1969 to kill Agent K and expose Earth to attack, Agent J must follow to save Agent K and all of Earth!

Tim and I saw this on Fathers Day Eve in 2012. —Michael Main
This is now my new favorite moment in human history.
Will Smith (as Agent J) sits on a motor inside a giant wheel, zipping down a
                highway in a tunnel.
  • Eloi Honorable Mention
  • Science Fiction
  • Comedy
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Film

D.N.E.: Do Not Erase

After Brian’s girlfriend walks out on him and he invents time travel, a parade of future Brians shows up with one dire warning after another.

If you have a nice girlfriend or boyfriend and you are trying to crack time travel, please take this short film as a warning. —Michael Main
Brian: I am on the verge . . .
Sophie: . . . of cracking time travel, I know. Maybe when you do, we can go back in time and actually have all of the dates that you canceled.
Multiple images of Nar Williams (as Brian), one who holds a raygun and three of
                whom are dumbfounded.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Flash Fiction

The Loneliness of Time Travel

A twist on how meeting yourself for coffee interacts with how time travel works in your universe. —Michael Main
You have no idea how many of my younger selves freak out when I show up.
A star emerging from behind a blue planet.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Flash Fiction

A Swirl of Chocolate

Charlie may be at a playground, but this is no laughing matter. People have disappeared. —Tandy Ringoringo
. . . dragging space-time with it like a swirl of chocolate being stirred into a bowl of cream.
A star emerging from behind a blue planet.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel

Fortunately, the Milk

When Dad is late returning from a milk (not the fat-free kind) run, he has to explain to his two kids about how he’d been delayed by sundry trips through time. —Michael Main
I am slightly lost in space and time right now and need to get home in order to make sure my children get milk for their breakfast.
No image currently available.
  • Fantasy
  • Comedy
  • Audience: Children
  • Definite Time Travel
Picture Book

Mr. Peabody and Sherman

Time-Travel Trouble!

  • by Billy Wrecks
  • (Random House Children’s Books, July 2014)

A short picture book of the 2014 Mr. Peabody and Sherman movie. The images are all from the movie’s CGI (or at least generated by the same process). —Michael Main
Sheman was supposed to keep the time machine secret, but he broke the rules. He took his friend Penny back in time to ancient Egypt.
Animated characters Sherman and Mr. Peabody peek out of a door frame.
  • Comedy
  • Audience: Children
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Film


After Rupert Shaw’s wife dies, he starts receiving phone calls from a man who claims to be Rupert himself and claims that his wife is still alive. —Michael Main
We can’t meet. Seeing each other physically . . . You have no idea what that would cause.
Sian Abrahams (as Amanda Shaw) and Christie-Luke Jones (as Rupert Shaw) face
                each other, holding hands, at the end of a short pier.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
TV Season

12 Monkeys, Season 1

Same pandemic backstory as the movie, similar names for the characters, no Bruce Willis, and a mishmash of time-travel tropes along with tuneless minor-key chords in place of actual tension and slowly spoken clichéd dialogue in place of actual plot. Random discussions of fate brush shoulders with an admixture of possible time travel models from narrative time (when a wound sprouts on old JC’s shoulder while watching young JC get shot), to skeleton timelines (JC thinks that his timeline will vanish if he succeeds), to a fascination with a single static timeline (you’ll see it in Chechnya) and time itself has an agenda. Primarily, we’d say that the story follows narrative time from Cole’s point of view.

By the end of the first season, one principal character has seemingly been trapped in the 2043, and Cole is stuck in 2015, having just gone against fate in a major way, but with a third principal character poised to spread the virus via a jet plane.

P.S. Whatever you do, whether in narrative time or elsewhen, don’t bring up this adaptation as dinnertime conversation with Terry Gilliam (but do watch it if you can set aside angst over a lack of a consistent model and just go with Cole’s flow). —Michael Main
About four years from now, most of the human race will be wiped out by a plague, a virus. We know it’s because of a man named Leland Frost. I have to find him.

—from “Splinter” [s01e01]
A man
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Audio Play Series

3 seasons

ars Paradoxica

No image currently available.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Feature Film


  • written and directed by Kenneth Mader
  • (Boston SciFi Film Festival, 7 February 2016)

Brilliant physics student Cassandra Sinclair finds herself running from the evil Initiative Organization—which includes her childhood friend Josh and a posh lady with an English accent—who are after the equations in her thesis notes that somehow (she’s not quite sure how) launched her on multiple slips back in time (we counted eight) that may or may not result in destroying yourself by getting too close to yourself, a closed timelike curve, quantum entanglement, and/or solving the Grandfather Paradox (without ever having anything that resembles the Grandfather Paradox, quantum entanglement, or a closed timelike curve). We suspect that writer/director Kenneth Mader had been reading “Experimental Simulation of Closed Timelike Curves,” but the actual science didn’t fully translate from the lab to the silver screen.

Handy Hint: The movie is eminently more watchable in a late-night group where everyone shouts “Great Scott!” whenever a character spews a sequence of pseudoscientific quantum mumbo jumbo that vaguely resembles an English sentence. —Michael Main
We’ve been running simulations to resolve the Grandfather Paradox, and we experienced an unusual electromagnetic pulse at the school that was triggered remotely. We were able to locate the source, but I suspect someone may have taken our simulations a step further. . . . The equation in your daughter’s thesis notes may have actually solved the paradox. But they’re untested and now they’re missing, and you said Charles has been absent. Could he have taken them and induced an entanglement?!
Repeated images of a thoughtful Courtney Hope fade into a firey high-tech
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel

I Hate Time Travellers

  • by Lee J Isserow
  • (, March 2016) [audio reading]

Turns out the Luke is one of the few people on Earth who didn’t get involuntarily evolved into a time traveler. —Michael Main
All of them except Luke Denton and around a thousand other souls who’d been left behind whilst the rest of the human race were evolved against their will, by a force conspiracy theorists around the world had put down to anything from governmental to extra terrestrial tinkering.
The words "I Hate Time Travellers" in block letters in front of a pink vortex.
  • Science Fiction
  • Comedy
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Film

A Little Something

A time-traveling salesman brings a gift to a woman who’s about to begin cancer treatment. —Michael Main
I just googled woolly mammoth, babies, clones . . .
A man in a white shirt and tie carries a briefcase through a cosmic swarm of
                stars and dust.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Feature Film

Future ’38

  • written and directed by Jamie Greenberg
  • (Slamdance Film Festival, Park City, Utah, 24 January 2017)

In this “lost” film from 1938, fascist powers are rising in Europe, so Mr. Essex is sent forward to 2018 to retrieve a piece of formica that’s been put into a vault where, over the decades, it will have matured into superbomb material. I don’t know whether the bomb ever worked, but surprisingly, the campy film did work—at least toward the end when the full contents of the vault are revealed. —Michael Main
If I kill you now, you will never go back in time, there is no formica bomb, and Adolf Hilter takes over the world . . . with me as his heir.
Startled Nick Westrate (as Essex) and Betty Gilpin (as Banky) walk through a
                spect-a-color futuristic city.
  • Science Fiction
  • Comedy
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story


Fifty future versions of a man show up in his apartment (49 of whom are corrupted) to warn him of an impending fateful decision that he must make correctly. —Michael Main
It’s not anything fatal. You know it can’t be anything fatal, because if it was, then there would be no future self who could be sent back to warn you.
Three identical men sleep in what must be a very crowded bed.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Film


What are you to do when you fail your high school final exams? In Shakir’s case, he decides to get his friend’s friend to send him back in time a few months to give himself a copy of the exam papers, which seems like a good plan if only he would listen to the warnings about not returning before he leaves. —Michael Main
Large yellow-and-black striped number 1989 superimposed over a lone house at
  • Science Fiction
  • Audience: YA and Up
  • Definite Time Travel


After Farway Gaius McCarthy fails his final examination at the Central Time Travelers Academy, he puts together a rogue time travel crew to swipe valuable artifacts from the past at moments when they won’t be missed. And it’s all roses until a mysterious girl sidetracks them on the Titanic and steers them into a multiverse of fading timelines.

As you might guess, we enjoyed Far and his friends, but the thing that sealed an Eloi Bronze Medal was the fact that when a particular timeline actually managed to branch (not an easy feat) and the traveler then jumped to the future, she found her another self—the her that was born on that timeline—waiting for her. Most branching timeline stories ignore this issue entirely. —Michael Main
“There’s nothing to return to.” Eliot’s knuckles bulged at the seams, but she didn’t yell. “When the Fade destroys a moment, it’s lost. Forever.”
An abstract design of thin purple lines and dots over out-of-focus grey
  • Eloi Bronze Medal
  • Science Fiction
  • Audience: Young Adults
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

Marley and Marley

Somewhat jaded 28-year-old Marley comes back through time to take care of 12-year-old orphaned Marley. —Michael Main
He told me all the horrible things that would happen if I broke any Time Laws. Worlds would collapse. I would turn inside out. Important people would die and important things wouldn’t happen.
Two spirits emerge on a stone wall behind a young woman.
  • Science Fiction
  • Audience: YA and Up
  • Definite Time Travel
Nonfiction Book

Paradoxes of Time Travel

Ryan Wasserman’s philosophical book is one of two books* that need to live on your nonfiction shelf. One by one and with complete reference to the past literature, he presents all the major paradoxes of time travel along with different models of time travel and arguments against time travel even being possible. Just get it and read it cover-to-cover. As a bonus, Professor Wasserman, who is on the Philosophy faculty at Western Washington State University, will cheerfully have discussions about time travel issues via e-mail with those of us up in the nearby ITTDB Citadel.

* The other, of course, is Paul J. Nahin’s Time Machines: Time Travel in Physics, Metaphysics and Science Fiction, Second Edition. —Michael Main
Each of the foregoing cases involves a self-defeating act—an act such that, if it were performed, it wold not be. Self-defeating acts are obviously impossible, since the performance of such an act would imply a contradiction. Yet time travel seems to make such acts possible. This suggests the following line of argument against backward time travel:

(P1) If backward time travel were possible, it would be possible to perform a self-defeating act.

(P2) It is impossible to perform a self-defeating act.

(C) Backward time travel is impossible.
A descending spiral of Roman numerals in the style of a clockface.
  • Eloi Silver Medal
  • Nonfiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Feature Film

7 Splinters of Time

While on medical leave for his mental health, police detective Darius Lafaux is called back in to investigate a case that turns into multiple murders of men who look exactly like himself. —Michael Main
Alise: You died ten years ago.
Darius: I was born ten years ago.
Two versions of Edoardo Ballerini (as Darius and Daniel) are merged into a
                single photo beside four other movie scenes.
  • Science Fiction
  • Mystery and Crime
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Film

2nd Door

  • written and directed by Umesh Verma
  • (Youtube: 2nd Door Channel, 8 December 2017)

Two men—a garage shop owner and a mad scientist—loop through 13 days, meeting and shooting each other and themselves, but not so that we could understand much (beyond that there was a time portal made of hubcaps and blue electricity). —Michael Main
This freak made a mess of our garage.
A man in an auto shop, dressed in clean clothes and suspenders, faces a large
                round portal made of hubcaps and other auto parts.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Feature Film

See You Yesterday

Up in the ITTDB Citadel, our first attraction is naturally to the time travel aspects of any movie, even when the result is an incomprehensible time wreck resulting from a pair of teenage geniuses. That’s what’s on the surface here, but it also seems to be a metaphor for the even bigger train wreck of the racist society in the 21st-century United States. —Michael Main
You’re missing the big picture here: If time travel were possible, it would be the greatest ethical and philosophical conundrum of the modern age.
Teens Eden Duncan-Smith (as C. J. Walker with glowing glasses) and Dante
                Crichlow (as Sebastian Thomas) run in front of a clockface.
  • Science Fiction
  • Audience: YA and Up
  • Definite Time Travel

The Future of Another Timeline

Tess is a geologist (because, of course, geologists control the time travel of the giant ancient machines) and a member of the Daughters of Harriet (Senator Harriet Tubman, that is, from 19th-century Mississippi). On the surface, the Daughters are time travel scholars, but in reality, Tess and her fellow Daughters are fighting a pitched changewar for women’s rights against the oppressors known as the Comstockers. One more thing: While she’s at it,Tess also hopes to also save the souls of her teenaged self and her underground feminist punk friends in the 1990s, with a particular focus on their vigilante killing spree and young Beth’s abortion. —Michael Main
All five Machines had limitations, but the hardest to surmount was what travelers call the Long Four Years. Wormholes only opened for people who remained within twenty kilometers of a Machine for at least 1,680 days.
A watch dial with Roman numerals inside a dark blue flower on a bright red
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
TV Season

The Umbrella Academy, Season 2

  • by multiple writers and directors
  • ten episodes (Netflix, USA, 31 July 2020)

Five’s plan for the Umbrella siblings to escape the apocalypse by going into the past ends up scattering them throughout different years of Dallas in the 1960s. They manage okay on their own until shortly after 11/22/63, when secondary effects from changes to the timeline cause a nuclear holocaust that can be averted only by recently arrived Five jumping back to 11/15/63 to exert his unique charm into getting the gang to work together. —Michael Main
Hazel to Five: If you want to live, come with me.”
All seven siblings of the Umbrella Academy walk in a straight line in their
                blue uniforms over a background of 1960s psychedelic black lines.
  • Eloi Silver Medal
  • Superhero
  • Audience: YA and Up
  • Definite Time Travel
Early Chapter Book

Press Start! 9

Super Rabbit Boy’s Time Jump!

A superhero rabbit from a low-resolution handheld video game fights his arch-nemesis, King Viking, who plans to stop Baby Rabbit Boy from ever getting superpowers. —Michael Main
I built this Super Mega Robot Time Machine to use the Time Crystal’s power. That means I can travel through time!
Two low-resolution video game rabbits swirl into a vortex along with four
  • Science Fiction
  • Fantasy
  • Audience: Children
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Film

The Speed of Time

Johnny Killfire of the year 2055 (the buff version) comes back to 2020 to stop his younger self from making a killer pizza-delivery app. —Michael Main
You know that pizza app you’re working on to reduce delivery times? You designed it too well.
A bearded man peers over his sunglasses, which reflect images of four
                characters and a dog from the film.
  • Science Fiction
  • Comedy
  • Definite Time Travel
Feature Film


  • written and directed by Seth Larney
  • (at limited theaters (USA, 2 October 2020)

The cinematic vision of writer/director Seth Larney was beyond his grasp in this story of a Philip K. Dick-esque future where all plant life has been killed off, an evil corporation has cornered the market in artificial oxygen, and a lowly utility worker with a dying wife is called four centuries into the future by a successfully executed causal loop accompanied by the usual kind of unexplained skeleton timeline. —Michael Main
You want to shoot me into oblivion with no way to get home.
Kodi Smit-McPhee (as Ethan Whyte) and Ryan Kwanten (as Jude) stare at us
                through oxygen helmuts, while below them, a man in an environmental suit stares into
                an overgrown city.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
TV Episode


I don't understand this power, but I will.
No image currently available.
  • Eloi Gold Medal
  • Superhero
  • Audience: YA and Up
  • Debatable Time Travel

16 episodes

시지프스: The Myth

  • Sisyphus: The Myth
  • Sisyphus: The myth
  • Sisyphus: The Myth
  • by 전찬호 and 이제인, directed by 진혁
  • 16 untitled episodes (JTBC-TV, Korea, 17 February to 8 April 2021)

Young genius Han Tae-sul is the focus of dangerous people and a mysterious woman—Gang Seo-hae—from a war-torn near future.

Sadly, the story comes close to being a slick static timeline, but alas, the writers could not follow through. —Michael Main
The Downloader is a real piece of work. There’s only a ten percent chance of success, eh? And even if they make it, half of them get caught by the Control Bureau.
A static-y head shot of Park Shin-Hye (as Gang Seo Hae) with long black hair
                and a worried look.
  • Eloi Honorable Mention
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
TV Episode

Solos [s1.e01]


While talking to her mother, who suffers from Alzheimer’s, brilliant scientist Leah Salavara’s subconscious brings up just the idea that’s needed to video chat with herself in other times and eventually complete the final step that leads to actual time travel with a surprisingly complex set of motives. —Michael Main
Okay, so in order to run a reverse dimensional location search, I need to know what the interdimensional VIN is on your computer.
A startled Anne Hathaway (as physicist Leah Salavara) looks up from her
                computer in a lab packed with electronics and futuristic screens.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
TV Episode

Loki, Season 1

Hang on to your Tesseracts! Apparently, in Endgame, when the Avengers traveled back in time to swipe various things from the 2012 Avengers, they inadvertantly started a branch in time where Loki ended up with the Tesseract. Of course, once that occurred, the Time Variance Authority spotted him as a Variant and quickly recruited him to help in their fight against even more variant Variants. —Michael Main
Appears to be a standard sequence violation. Branches growing at a stable rate and slope. Variant identified.
Tom Hiddleston (as Loki) stands with his arms crossed and an annoyed look on
                his face, in front of a large analog clock with multiple hands.
  • Eloi Bronze Medal
  • Superhero
  • Audience: YA and Up
  • Definite Time Travel

What If  . . . ? (s01e04)

What If . . . Doctor Strange Lost His Heart Instead of His Hands?

As we all know, when the world’s formost surgeon, Doctor Strange, lost the use of his hands in a car wreck, it prompted him to search out mystic treatments and eventually become the Master of the Mystic Arts. But what if he had lost something else in that wreck? —Michael Main
The Ancient One: Her death is an Absolute Point in time.
Dr. Strange: Absolute?
A.O.: Unchangable. Unmovable. Without her death, you would never have defeated Dormamu and become the Sorcerer Supreme—and the guardian of the Eye of Agamotto. If you erase her death, you never start your journey.
A computer animated cartoon drawing of Benedict Cumberbatch (as Doctor Strange)
                casting a spell.
  • Eloi Silver Medal
  • Fantasy
  • Superhero
  • Audience: YA and Up
  • Definite Time Travel
TV Episode

Fantasy Island (v3s01e07), pt. 2

The Bromance

Brian Cole, a hard-core survivalist, faces his greatest challenge: working with and understanding his own young self. —Michael Main
I might be you, but I’m not a moron.
Lying on a rocky slope, Eric Winter (as Brian Cole) looks skyward while an
                out-of-focus Roselyn Sanchez (as Elena Roarke) stands calmly in the background.
  • Fantasy
  • Definite Time Travel
Flash Fiction

Your Cat

You travel back in time to save your childhood cat in exactly the way that you know she was saved. —Michael Main
You have traveled thirty years back in time to save your cat.
Stylized outline of a rocket launching in a green circular seal for
                Daily Science Fiction.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Feature Film


After high-powered lawyer Charlie Leroy gets her client cleared from a rape charge by claiming that the accuser’s lacy underwear was consent to have sex, Charlie finds herself transported by a divine cabdriver to historical moments that were key for women’s rights. —Michael Main
Attends . . . si maman n'épouse pas papa, je vais pas naître. Je viens de me tuer.
translate Wait . . . if Mom never marries Dad, I won’t be born. I just killed myself.
Issa Doumbia (as cabdriver Hubert) leans on a cab in front of Caroline Vigneaux
                (as Charlie), who is surrounded by lots of people from history.
  • Eloi Honorable Mention
  • Comedy
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

Paean for a Branch Ghost

In the far future, a woman who had lived through the Sobibor extermination camp manipulates the system to go back and rescue the rest of her family. —Michael Main
“Twentieth century,” said Davos, and I whistled, long, and low, and falling. “Special assignment,” he said, and I whistled again. I’d never heard of anyone going that far back.
Outbuildings and a parking lot with a lake and a spaceport in the background.
  • Science Fiction
  • War
  • Definite Time Travel
Feature Film

The Adam Project

In 2050, time jet pilot Adam Reed steals a jet and heads back to 2018 to save his stranded wife, but he gets waylaid in 2022 where his 12-year-old self is the only hope to save the mission. —Michael Main
Young Adam: I mean if this is happening to me, that means that it already happened to you—right?—unless it works more like a multiverse where each ripple creates an alternate timeline—
Middle-Age Adam: It isn’t a multiverse! My god, we watch too many movies.
Ryan Reynolds and Walker Scobell (as the two Adams) pose in superimposed
                pictures along with three other cast members of The Adam Project and a timejet.
  • Science Fiction
  • Audience: YA and Up
  • Definite Time Travel
TV Episode

The Blacklist (s09e19)

The Bear Mask

Under severe stress, Agent Aram Mojtabai decides to try psychedelic therapy. Not realizing that he’s tripping, he finds himself repeating a violent time loop. —Tandy Ringoringo
Aram: You know, when I first heard about psychedelic therapy, I imagined something a bit more—
Dr. Idigbe: —tie-dye and trance music?
In dark red light, James Spader (as "Red") in a black fedora and trenchcoat
                looks seriously to the side.
  • Mystery and Crime
  • Time Phenomena
Short Story

The Art of Navigating an Affair in a Time Rift

Audra Cobb is pulled through time rifts from one parallel universe to another with a bit of time travel thrown in. I think the parallel universes are a literary mechanism to explore daydreaming about what might have been while under the spell of limerence. —Michael Main
The egg yolk path glistens in my periphery and my fingertips tingle. Once the rift closes, we go back. Back to before the rift ruptured. Back to when Joseph first moved in and before we . . .
Illustration of a young woman in a powered bodysuit sitting on a balcony
                overlooking a futuristic city.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Animated Feature Film


Despite having relativistic time dilation, actual time travel, and a nice treatment of various time travel tropes, the story of Buzz Lightyear (the movie character) who was the basis for Buzz Lightyear (the toy) fell far short of infinity in terms of plot and fun. —Michael Main
Time dilation is quite simple. As you approached hyperspeed, your time slowed relative to our own, so during your mission, you aged only minutes, while the rest of us have aged years. Simply put, the faster you fly—
Closeup of the animated movie character Buzz Lightyear (not the toy) in his
                clear-helmeted spacesuit.
  • Science Fiction
  • Audience: Families
  • Definite Time Travel
TV Season

The Umbrella Academy, Season 3

  • 0
  • (Netflix, 22 June 2022)

After stopping the JFK-induced apocalypse in Season 2, the six Umbrella siblings return to 2019 where they no longer exist and their still-living father has founded The Sparrow Academy in their stead. —Michael Main
Well, someone killed our mothers, so we shouldn’t exist, but clearly we do exist, and the universe can’t handle it, which is a problem.
The six living siblings of the Umbrella Academy gather in colorful garb on a
                luggage rack along with their dead brother and new friend from 1963.
  • Superhero
  • Audience: YA and Up
  • Definite Time Travel
Picture Book

Cookie Time

  • by Jessie Sima
  • (Simon and Shuster Books for Young Readers, September  2024)

It’s about two kids, Ari and Kat. It’s about cookies. And it’s about time travel! —based on an author’s introduction
But waiting was very hard. So they built a time machine.
Two kids and many cookies fly through time in a cardboard time machine.
  • Fantasy
  • Audience: Preschoolers
  • Definite Time Travel