- written and directed by Caroline Vigneaux
- Feature Film
- Comedy
- Adults
- Definite Time Travel
- English
- Flashback, written and directed by Caroline Vigneaux (Amazon Prime, 11 November 2021).
After high-powered lawyer Charlie Leroy gets her client cleared from a rape charge by claiming that the accuser’s lacy underwear was consent to have sex, Charlie finds herself transported by a divine cabdriver to historical moments that were key for women’s rights.
—Michael Main
Attends . . . si maman n'épouse pas papa, je vais pas naître. Je viens de me tuer.
Wait . . . if Mom never marries Dad, I won’t be born. I just killed myself.
- Time Periods
- Stone Age (3.4 Ma to 3000 BC: Paleo/Epipaleo/Meso/Neo/Chalcolithic): briefly
- Middle Ages (AD 476 to 1454): Joan of Arc
- Circa AD 1700 to 1799: 1793
- Circa AD 1800 to 1899: meets George Sand on 6 April 1850 and Napoleon in 1803.
- Circa AD 1900 to 1929: the Curies in 1906
- Circa AD 1960 to 1969: Charlie sees her parents open their first bank account in 1964.
- Circa AD 1970 to 1999: the trial of Marie-Claire Chevalier in 1972 and her parent’s home on 8 May 1982
- Circa AD 2000 to 2099: starting time period
- Timeline Models
- Do Over: After traipsing through history, Huburt gives Charlie a do-over of the court case that started everything in motion.
- Multiple Naive Timelines: Charlie changes at least one timeline when she alters her own birthdate. Overall, though, it’s not about the timelines.
- Time Travel Methods
- Magic Time Travel: Although most of Chrlie’s journeys are accompanied by crashes of some sort, the slips through time are clearly manifested by Hubert’s magic and not random timeslips.
- Themes
- Grandfather Paradox: Charlie muses on whether she just stopped her parents from getting together.
- Meeting or Viewing Ancestors or Descendants: Charlie meets her parents and grandparents.
- People from Different Times Look Exactly Alike: We noticed one point where a woman in the middle ages looks exactly like Charlie’s friend Noémie. There were likely other cases that we didn’t notice.
- Self-Visitation: Charlie meets herself as a child.
- Time Travel Guide
- True Histories: Charlie played a role in various parts of history such as the death of Pierre Curie’s death.
- What Year Is It?: Charlie asks the question in 1982.
- Real-World Tags
- Aristide Briand
- George Sand
- Gisèle Halimi
- Joan of Arc
- Marie-Claire Chevalier
- Marie Curie
- Maximilien Robespierre
- Napoleon
- Neanderthals and Other Cavemen
- Nicolas de Condorcet
- Olympe de Gouges
- Pierre Curie
- Simone de Beauvoir
- Universal Suffrage Movements: France, 1945
- Witch Trials: Normandy, AD 1431
- Women’s Liberation Movement
- Fictional Tags
- Deities: In the credits, Hubert is depicted as God.
- Flashback, written and directed by Caroline Vigneaux (Amazon Prime, 11 November 2021).Yaël Langmann (other contribution)
- English (subtitled).
Flashback, written and directed by Caroline Vigneaux.Yaël Langmann (other contribution) - German (dubbed and subtitled).
Flashback, written and directed by Caroline Vigneaux.Yaël Langmann (other contribution) - Italian (dubbed and subtitled).
Flashback, written and directed by Caroline Vigneaux.Yaël Langmann (other contribution) - Spanish (dubbed and subtitled).
Flashback, written and directed by Caroline Vigneaux.Yaël Langmann (other contribution)
Indexer Notes
- Debut—This film is sometimes confused with the earlier 2020 film of the same name, a.k.a. The Education of Fredrick Fitzell. For example, we suspect that the UAE release listed for the Caroline Vigneaux’s time travel film at the IMDb is actually the earlier film (see the earlier film’s release data at Kinorium). Because of this, we ignore that UAE release and consider the debut to be 11 November 2021.
- Credits—(1) a film by Caroline Vigneaux; (2) scenario, adaptation and dialogue by Caroline Vigneaux with the participation of Yaël Langmann; original idea by Caroline Vigneaux.