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The Internet Time Travel Database

The Umbrella Academy, Season 2

by multiple writers and directors

Five’s plan for the Umbrella siblings to escape the apocalypse by going into the past ends up scattering them throughout different years of Dallas in the 1960s. They manage okay on their own until shortly after 11/22/63, when secondary effects from changes to the timeline cause a nuclear holocaust that can be averted only by recently arrived Five jumping back to 11/15/63 to exert his unique charm into getting the gang to work together.
— Michael Main
Hazel to Five: If you want to live, come with me.”
The Umbrella Academy, Season 2, ten episodes (Netflix, USA, 31 July 2020).
1 English variant
Time Periods Timeline Models
  • Hypertime: Despite the fact that the Commission’s headquarters is sometimes labeled as being in the 1950s, we’re convinced that it exists in a hypertime from which it can see and manipulate a single “real-world” timeline.
  • Time Runs in Reverse for Some Beings: Curse that writer Steve Blackman! May he never have an umbrella when he needs one and always have one when he doesn’t!
Time Travel Methods Themes Real-World Tags Fictional Tags Groupings
  1. From Icarus Theatre, [d]1 April 2019[/d] ⋙ to the alley running from Commerce Street to the service entrance of Morty’s Television Radio, Dallas, Texas, circa February 1960. Note: [s02e01]: Franz and Ben arrive in the 1960s, creating timeline a new timeline where each of the others will later arrive.
  2. From Icarus Theatre, [d]1 April 2019[/d] ⋙ to the alley running from Commerce Street to the service entrance of Morty’s Television Radio, Dallas, Texas, 1961. Note: [s02e01]: Allison arrives in the 1960s timeline.
  3. From Icarus Theatre, [d]1 April 2019[/d] ⋙ to the alley running from Commerce Street to the service entrance of Morty’s Television Radio, Dallas, Texas, 1962. Note: [s02e01]: Luthor arrives in the 1960s timeline.
  4. From Icarus Theatre, [d]1 April 2019[/d] ⋙ to the alley running from Commerce Street to the service entrance of Morty’s Television Radio, Dallas, Texas, [d]1 September 1963[/d]. Note: [s02e01]: Diego arrives in the 1960s timeline.
  5. From Icarus Theatre, [d]1 April 2019[/d] ⋙ to the alley running from Commerce Street to the service entrance of Morty’s Television Radio, Dallas, Texas, [d]12 October 1963[/d]. Note: [s02e01]: Vanya arrives in the 1960s timeline.
  6. From Icarus Theatre, [d]1 April 2019[/d] ⋙ to the alley running from Commerce Street to the service entrance of Morty’s Television Radio, Dallas, Texas, [d]25 November 1963[/d]. Note: [s02e01]: Five arrives in the 1960s timeline.
  7. From an unspecified place and time, but after Hazel had lived with Agnus for 20 years somewhere in the past at an unknown time ⋙ to Commerce Street, near the alley, in the middle of a pitched battle, [d]25 November 1963[/d]. Note: [s02e01]: Hazel arrives in the 1960s timeline. with a luggable time machine.
  8. From Commerce Street, near the alley, just before the nukes explode, [d]25 November 1963[/d] ⋙ to in front of Cecilia Childrens Clothing on Murphy St., Dallas, Texas, [d]15 November 1963[/d]. Note: [s02e01]: Hazel takes Five from back ten days to escape the nukes, creating a second new 1960s timeline, which is the main setting for the rest of Season 2.
  9. From a Commission facility (possibly), outside of time ⋙ to somewhere near Dallas, on or before [d]15 November 1963[/d]. Note: [s02e01]: The three Swedes travel to the main Season 2 timeline and eventually arrive at the Murphy Street bus stop across from where Hazel and Five are sitting.
  10. From the Commission’s headquarters (probably), outside of time ⋙ to the Swedes’s house, 10 McCoy Street, Dallas, Texas, [d]16 November 1963[/d]. Note: [s02e02]: A message ordering the Swedes to kill Vanya arrives via the pneumatic transport tube.
  11. From the Commission’s headquarters (probably), outside of time ⋙ to near the W. Arnold Pet Store in Dallas, Texas, on or before [d]17 November 1963[/d]. Note: [s02e03]: We presume the ex-Handler arrived via a luggable time machine.
  12. From the Commission’s headquarters (probably), outside of time ⋙ to 1993 London. Round trip. Note: [s02e04]: In a flashback, the Handler and a (for now) unidentified assassin travel to 1993.
  13. From Dallas, Texas, [d]21 November 1963[/d] ⋙ to the Lonely Lodge Inn, Oshkosh, Wisconsin, 1982. Round trip. Note: [s02e07]: Five’s mission to kill the Board of Directors.
  14. From the alley running from Commerce Street to the service entrance of Morty’s Television Radio, Dallas, Texas, [d]21 November 1963[/d] ⋙ to 2019. Note: [s02e07]: The suitcase that was supposed to save everything ends up traveling on its own!
  15. From Dallas, Texas, [d]21 or 22 November 1963[/d] ⋙ to the Commission’s headquarters, outside of time. Note: [s02e08]: Lila takes a drugged Diego to the HQ.
  16. From the Commission’s headquarters, outside of time ⋙ to near Allison and Ray’s house, Dallas, Texas, the morning of [d]22 November 1963[/d]. Note: [s02e08]: Diego and Herb.
  17. From near Allison and Ray’s house, Dallas, Texas, the morning of [d]22 November 1963[/d] ⋙ to the Commission’s headquarters, outside of time. Note: [s02e08]: Herb returns on his own.
  18. From the Commission’s headquarters (probably), outside of time ⋙ to near Dealey Plaza, Dallas, Texas, the morning of [d]22 November 1963[/d]. Note: [s02e08]: Old-body Five on a JFK mission of some sort—in fact, his last mission as old-body Five.
  19. From near Dealey Plaza, Dallas, Texas, the morning of [d]22 November 1963[/d] ⋙ to outside the family compound, the afternoon of [d]24 March 2019[/d]. Note: [s02e08]: Old-body Five, presumably lands in 2019. Although the narrative does not follow him there, we believe that young-body Five gave him the wrong formula, so that in fact he did land in thirteen-year-old Five’s body, kicking off the fun and games of Season 1.
  20. From the Commission’s headquarters, outside of time ⋙ to the field at Sissy’s farm outside of Dallas, Texas, [d]25 November 1963[/d]. Note: [s02e10]: The Handler, Lila, and a cast of thousands arrive three days after the assassination attempt (based on the TV broadcast shown at Ray’s house later in the episode).
  21. From the barn at Sissy’s farm outside of Dallas, Texas, after the Handler (nearly) kills everyone ⋙ to the same spot, a few seconds earlier. Note: [s02e10]: Five rewinds time. Curse those writers!
  22. From the barn at Sissy’s farm outside of Dallas, Texas, after the redo ⋙ to unknown location and time at an unknown time. Note: [s02e10]: Lila escapes through time with a suitcase.
  23. From the Commission’s headquarters, outside of time ⋙ to the field at Sissy’s farm outside of Dallas, Texas, after things have quieted down, [d]25 November 1963[/d]. Note: [s02e10]: Herb and Dot arrive.
  24. From the field at Sissy’s farm outside of Dallas, Texas, after things have quieted down, [d]25 November 1963[/d] ⋙ to the family compound, 2019 in the “Sparrow” timeline they created in 1963. Note: [s02e10]: “I knew you’d show up eventually,” says Dad when the siblings arrive, so they appear to be in the timeline that they themselves created via their interactions with Dad during 1963. Apparently, there’s a green Infinity Stone in the mix, too. Stay tuned.
  • The Ending—Up in the ITTDB Citadel, we gave a collective groan when Five rewound time to save the day at the end of Episode 10. It was a cheat on the writers part to fix everything by using a power that had never shown up before, and it set things up so that no future mistake will ever be a problem. We can’t understand why the writers missed a much more powerful ending of mortally wounded Five jumping back in time a couple minutes with his final bit of strength to warn everyone. Then wounded Five can die happy, while warned Five and his sibs kick ass.