Time Ships

Tag Area: Time Machine

El Anacronópete

  • He who flies backwards in time
  • The Time Ship: A Chrononautical Journey
  • by Enrique Gaspar
  • in Novelas (Daniel Cortezo, 1887)

Mad scientist Don Sindulfo and his best friend Benjamin head to the past in Sindulfo’s flying time machine along with Sindulfo’s niece, her maid, a troop of Spanish soldiers, and a bordelloful of French strumpets for madcap adventures at the 1860 Battle of Téouan, Queen Isabella’s Spain, nondescript locales in the eleventh and seventh centuries, 3rd-century China, the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius, and a biblical time shortly after the flood.

After taking a year of Spanish at the University of Colorado, I undertook a three-year project of translating Gaspar’s novel to English, which is available in a pdf file for your reading pleasure. Even with the unpleasant twist at the end, it was still a fine, farcical romp through history. —Michael Main
—Poco á poco—argumentaba un sensato.—Si el Anacronópete conduce á deshacer lo hecho, á mi me pasrece que debemos felicitarnos porque eso no permite reparar nuestras faltas.

—Tiene usted razón—clamaba empotrado en un testero del coche un marido cansado de su mujer.—En cuanto se abra la línea al público, tomo yo un billete para la vispera de mi boda.
translate “One step at a time,” argued a sensible voice. “If el Anacronópete aims to undo history, it seems to me that we must be congratulated as it allows us to amend our failures.”

“Quite right,” called a married man jammed into the front of the bus, thinking of his tiresome wife. “As soon as the ticket office opens to the public, I’m booking passage to the eve of my wedding.”
A flower plant in a vase and a Chinese woman holding a large shpere
                containing the flying time machine, El Anacronópete.
  • Eloi Silver Medal
  • Science Fiction
  • Comedy
  • Debatable Time Travel

The Atom-Smasher

We've got the evil Professor Tode (who modifies an atom-smasher into a time machine that travels to the Palaeolithic and to Atlantis), a fatherly older professor, his beautiful young daughter (menaced by evil Tode), casually written racist pronouncements (by Rousseau), and our hero scientist, the dashing Jim Dent. But my favorite sentence was the brief description of quantum mechanics, which I didn’t expect in a 1930 science fiction tale. —Michael Main
The Planck-Bohr quantum theory that the energy of a body cannot vary continuously, but only by a certain finite amount, or exact multiples of this amount, had been the key that unlocked the door.
Black and white drawing of a young man, a young woman, and an old man staring
                into a brightly lit crevice.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel

Race through Time 1

A Race through Time

Evil Daniel kidnaps Ellen and takes her to the year 1,000,000 A.D. via metabolic speed-up! Not to worry. Good and compassionate Webster follows via relativistic time dilation! —Michael Main
What I’ve done is to build a time-space traveler, working by atomic energy. Even as long ago as 1913, you know, Rutherford succeeded in partly breaking down the hydrogen atom. By 1933, others succeeded in partially breaking down atoms with high voltages of electricity. But they used up far more energy than they got back, or released. I’ve simply perfected the method to a point where, with an initial bombardment of fifty volts, I can break down one atom and get back thousands of times the energy I put in. There’s nothing strange or wonderful or miraculous about it. I don’t create energy of power from nothing. I simply liberate energy that already exists. Part of the power I use to break down another atom, and so on, while the rest is diverted to propel the torpedo by discharging through tubes—like a rocket. I’ve made one short experimental trip.
No image currently available.
  • Science Fiction
  • Time Phenomena
Comic Book

Doc Savage Comics #10

The Thunderbolt

In the origin story of a superhero called the Thunderbolt, a scientist travels to the future where an even more scientific princess grants him powers to fight crime in his own time, but the hero was never heard from again. (Maybe he/she is lost in time.) —Michael Main
With the aid of the mystic powers of Princess Ione, mistress of scientific wonders of the future, a present day doctor rises to become the world’s most dynamic crime fighter . . the Thunderbolt.
Three panels showing the Thunderbolt in his costume before flashing back to his
                time trip.
  • Science Fiction
  • Superhero
  • Audience: YA and Up
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

Factor, Unknown

In order to save the world, wealthy young Houghton travels back fifty years to set straight his great-uncle’s world-threatening mistakes, but it’s Alison—Houghton’s fiery tempered cousin-once-removed—who has a more genuine interest in saving the future than her father does. —Michael Main
“This is most extraordinary,” he said in an unexpectedly high-pitched voice, regarding Houghton benignly from the tall white fortress of his collar. “You say that you have come back through time to instruct me how to arrange my affairs so that they will not be instrumental in destroying the world some fifty years hence.”
Pen-and-ink drawing of a young man in sporty 1950s clothes leading a young
                woman in old-fashioned clothes into a domed time ship.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Comic Book

Space Adventures #1

Time Skipper Visits the City of Brass

  • [writer unknown] and Art Cappello (art)
  • in Space Adventures 1, July 1952

Charlton’s first issue of Space Adventures introduced Hap Holliday, the Time Skipper, who travels with Professor Eon Tempus to the far future to rescue Ula, queen of Futuropolis, from reptile people. The end of this installment assures us that we’ll learn more of Ula in the next issue, but alas, the second and final adventure of the Time Skipper was delayed until Space Adventures #3. —Michael Main
Just skip along with Hap Holliday, the time skipper, in his “Year an Instant” yacht and learn what the world can be like in somebody else’s lifetime!!!
A man in front of a 12-foot sphere shouts, "Professor! It works . . . And we
  • Science Fiction
  • Audience: YA and Up
  • Definite Time Travel
Comic Book

Space Adventures #3

The Time Skipper Travels to Ancient Rome

  • [writer unknown] and artist
  • in Space Adventures 3, November 1952

At the end of the Time Skipper’s first adventure, Hap Holliday and the professor were hoping to convince Queen Ula to accompany them back to the past, and it seems they succeeded, since Ula is with them on the splash page. But in their return trip (via the ever-staunch Timejumper), they overshoot their mark and end up in ancient Rome where the trio meets Cleopatra and tries to save Caesar. —Michael Main
Write Caesar a letter in your own hand, inviting him here tomorrow and we’ll have Ula deliver it. That will keep him from going to the Senate chamber!
A military man, a blonde queen, and a professor accidentally land their time
                ship in ancient Rome.
  • Science Fiction
  • Audience: YA and Up
  • Definite Time Travel
Comic Book

Strange Tales #20–21

The World I Lost—and Lost Again!

In this two-part story, world renowned scientists Adam Tyler is ready to marry his sweetheart, but not until he determines whether the future is any place to raise a family. —Michael Main
Go into the future! It’s not impossible . . . with my knowledge of relativity and time warps . . . I could project myself into a predetermined time of the future!
In three panels, eminent physicist Adam Tyler bemoans the state of a world on
                the verge of atomic war.
  • Undetermined
  • Audience: YA and Up
  • Definite Time Travel

Jon’s World

  • by Philip K. Dick
  • in Time to Come: Science-Fiction Stories of Tomorrow, edited by August Derleth; Farrar (Strass and Young, April 1954)

First the Soviets and the Westerners fought. Then the Westerners brought Schonerman’s killer robots into the mix. Then the robots fought both human sides. You know all that from Dick’s earlier story, “Second Variety.” But now it’s long after the desolation, long enough that Caleb Ryan and his financial backer Kastner are willing to bring back the secret of Schonerman’s robots from the past to make their world a better place for surviving mankind, including Ryan’s visionary son Jon. —Michael Main
And then the terminator’s claws began to manufacture their own varieties and attack Soviets and Westerners alike. The only humans that survived were those at the UN base on Luna.
The title Time to Come--along with other text--appears in a white letters on a
                red blob in front of a mottled black-and-white background.
  • Eloi Honorable Mention
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Comic Book

Unusual Tales #3

The Lodestone

Businessman Burt Carpe and his scientist sidekick Jeff struggle with coming up with a plan to make money from their time machine. In the end, they take a large lump of carbon back to an unspecified ice age a few million years in the past. Can you guess why? —Michael Main
There she is, my cyclo-metronome, a real live time-machine!
In three panels, a 1950s brown sedan drives through the rain at night.
  • Science Fiction
  • Audience: YA and Up
  • Definite Time Travel
Comic Book

Unusual Tales #30

A Small Matter of Time

The title suggests that Professor Amos Shute’s intrepid travelers are going back in time to four planets that are identical in every way to our own, but then again, perhaps those four planets were merely at earlier times to begin with. We won’t say one way or another, but we are glad that the Spanish Flu pandemic, World War I, World War II, and World War III were all averted on some Earth. —Michael Main
In what time period will you find yourselves when you land at your particular destinatoin!
In two large panels with spaceships and a large model of Earth, Professor Amos
                Shute explains a mission to four space pilots.
  • Science Fiction
  • Audience: YA and Up
  • Debatable Time Travel
Feature Film

Lem’s Star Diaries

Dziwny gość profesora Tarantogi

  • Professor Tarantoga’s strange guest
  • by Stanisław Lem
  • in Noc księżycowa (Wydawnictwo Literackie, 1963) [Published as a TV script (“widowisko telewizyjne”) eight years before the 1971 Polish TV broadcast.]

I’d bet my last złotych that Lem is carefully satirizing the rule of the Polish United Workers’s Party in this story of a fourth-millennium man who hails from Mars and has room in his brain for two or three different personalities (Kazimierz Nowak, Hipperkorn, and possibly a dreaded Nanów), the first of which leapt from a touring chronobus in the 20th century where he hoped to find the inventor of time travel, Professor Tarantoga. —Michael Main
W kilku słowach: w naszym społeczeñstwie decyduje o losie człowieka ranga intelektualna. Ludzie wartoœciowi, o zdolnoœciach wybitnych, mają prawo do całego, własnego ciała. Ja właœnie byłem takim, byłem samodzielnym, suwerennym meżczyznę!
translate Briefly, in our society the fate of a person depends on his intellectual level. Valuable people with outstanding abilities have the right to their entire body. I was just that, I was an independent, sovereign man!
A pencil sketch of an odd bird standing on the head of a dog-like robot
                with a full moon in the sky.
  • Science Fiction
  • Comedy
  • Definite Time Travel
Comic Book

Fantastic Four #19

Prisoners of the Pharoah! [sic]

Hoping to find a cure for Alicia’s blindness, the FF travel back to ancient Egypt where they meet the time traveler Rama-Tut for the first time. —Michael Main
At the conclusion of that adventure, Doom’s castle was abandoned by him, but there is still a chance that the machine he used to send us into the past may still be operational!
Standing beside Rama Tut and dressed in red finery, Sue Storm thinks,
                "Rama Tut
  • Eloi Honorable Mention
  • Superhero
  • Audience: YA and Up
  • Definite Time Travel
Comic Book

Fantastic Four Annual #2

The Final Victory of Dr. Doom!

At the end of FF #23, Doc Doom was left floating in space. But of course, he’s too good a villain to not have someone rescue him, and that someone is Rama-Tut, fresh from FF #19 in his time ship. —Michael Main
Pen-and-ink splash page of the Fantastic Four facing motor trouble
                while riding over the city in their world-famous Fantastic-Car.
  • Eloi Gold Medal
  • Superhero
  • Audience: YA and Up
  • Definite Time Travel
Feature Film

Journey to the Center of Time

  • written and directed by David L. Hewitt
  • (at movie theaters, USA, a forgettable day in 1967)

The writer, David L. Hewitt, took chunks of plot and script from The Time Travelers (1964), swapped the blonde for a brunette, swapped the accidental time gate for an accidental time rift that drags the whole lab through time as if it were a time ship, added a anachronistic dinosaur, and ended up with an unwatchable movie.

Like the 1964 version, this version has a brief mention that it’s impossible to change events that have already happened, but unlike the original, the montage at the end of the film is mere chaos that no longer reinforces the idea of a single deterministic, nonbranching timeline. Despite that, I enjoyed the consequences of the villainous character running into himself, but at the same time, I dismayed at the discussion of how meeting yourself could instantly cause a disastrous explosion or implosion or maybe something-or-other (the audio was unintelligible at 1:12) would cease to exist. (I pray that the space-time continuum wasn’t in peril). —Michael Main
Well, isn’t it obvious, Manning? The war did happen. We didn’t get back with our warning.
Alien death rays, a T-rex, and multiple copies of Scott Brady and Gigi Perreau
                () hugging.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Comic Book

Avengers Annual #2

. . . and Time, the Rushing River . . .

After the Scarlet Centurion waylays the Avengers on their way back from the 1940s, they find themselves in an alternative 1968 where the five original Avengers stayed together under the thumb of the Scarlet Centurion.

The story includes flashbacks and previously unknown explanations of the team’s previous trip to the ’40s in Avengers #56, and at the end of the story, Goliath uses Dr. Doom’s Time Platform to banish the Scarlet Centurion back to his time—and we think this is the only time travel that actually appears in the story (apart from the flashbacks). We don’t know what happens to the alternative 1968 (now known as Earth-689, but the traveling Avengers return to the universe that we all knew and loved in the 1960s (a.k.a. Earth-616), with their memory of the whole affair wiped by the Watcher. —Michael Main
Time is like a river! Dam it up at any one point . . . and it has no choice but to flow elsewhere . . . along other, easier routes!
Five Avengers from 1968, led by Goliath and the Wasp, face off against the five
                Avengers as they were in early 1964, led by Giant Man and the Wasp.
  • Eloi Silver Medal
  • Superhero
  • Audience: YA and Up
  • Definite Time Travel
Comic Book

Topolino #911

Zio Paperone e la scorribanda nei secoli

After waking an Egyptian pharaoh from a millennia-long sleep, Uncle Scrooge summons Donald and Gearloose, eventually realizing that they can restore the pharoah to his rightful throne via a trip to ancient Egypt in Gearloose’s not-quite-finished time machine. That doesn’t go quite as planned, and on the way home, they manage to turn the future into a money-mint-land or somnethin’?. —based on Duck Comics Revue
Il veicolo aveva bisogno di una messa a punto! Comunque, siamo sulla “strada” giusta! Tenetevi forte!
translate Keep your seat belts buckled at all times! In the unlikely event of a water landing, your seat cushion doubles as a flotation device.
In three panels, Uncle Scrooge is visited by three fawning minions and then
                decides to visit his private museum.
  • Science Fiction
  • Comedy
  • Audience: Families
  • Definite Time Travel

The Pursuit of the Pankera

The 2020 posthumous publication of this 1977 manscript shows us Heinlein’s first forey into the multiperson solipsism of semi-mad scientist Jake Burroughs, his beautiful daughter Deety, her strong love interest Zeb Carter, Hilda Corners and their time/dimension-traveling ship Gay Deceiver. In all, the earlier manuscript has three adventures that were significantly changed in his eventual 1980 publication of the work, retitled as The Number of the Beast:
  1. In Pankera, the Mars Ten actually is Barsoom where the gang meets the Princess of Mars and others, while in Beast, Mars Ten is a relatively boring futuristic British Mars.
  2. Pankera has a long adventure in the Lensman universe, while Beast has only a few pages.
  3. Pankera’s ending is a 30-page, rushed description of how they plan to launch a major war against the Panki, while Beast’s 130-page ending takes the gang to the universe of Dora and Lazurus Long where they rescue Maureen from the past and are joined by a passel of Heinlein’s characters.
In both books, Gay Deceiver can clearly travel through any one of three time axes at will, although that ability is largely ignored apart from Maureen’s rescue in Beast. Because of this, we had a fierce debate up in the ITTDB Citadel about whether to even include Pankera in the database. In the end, we decided yes, marking it as the parent work of Beast, but on account of no easily recognizable time travel, we also marked it as having only debatable time travel. —Michael Main
Sharpie, you have just invented multiperson solipsism. I didn’t think that was mathematically possible.
A young man and woman stand defiantly in the foreground, with an older man and
                woman, a spaceship, and multiple planets behind them.
  • Science Fiction
  • Debatable Time Travel

The Number of the Beast

Semi-mad scientist Jake Burroughs, his beautiful daughter Deety, her strong love interest Zeb Carter, Hilda Corners (“Aunt Hilda” if you prefer) and their time/dimension-traveling ship Gay Deceiver yak and smooch their way though many time periods in many universes (including that of Lazurus Long), soon realizing the true nature of the world as pantheistic multiperson solipsism.

In Heinlein’s first version of this novel, written in 1977, the middle third of the story takes place on Barsoom, but in the 1980 published version, Barsoom was replaced by a futuristic British Mars —Michael Main
Sharpie, you have just invented multiperson solipsism. I didn’t think that was mathematically possible.
A man with long, 1970s-style hair stands with a futuristic rifle in a prairie
                with a walled compound and yellow sky behind him.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Picture Book

Professor Noah’s Spaceship

Professor Noah rescues all the animals from a dying planet, and during their journey of 40 days and 40 nights they plan to travel through a time-zone to take them hundreds of years into the future. At one point, the elephant must take a spacewalk to fix the time-zone guideance fin, which suggests that the time-zone is some sort of a wormhole or other time portal in space rather than mere reletavistic time dilation—and indeed there is actual time travel! —Michael Main
He put on a special space-suit, went out through the air-lock, and pulled the fin into shape.
A long parade of colorful animals marches toward a fat, finned spaceship in the
  • Science Fiction
  • Audience: Children
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

Himself in Anachron

Tasco Magnon, time traveler, decides to take his new bride on his next trip through time—a quest to find the mythical Knot in Time—where the two of them get trapped, and only one can return.

After Smith’s death in 1966, the story was completed by his wife, Genevieve Linebarger, and sold to Harlan Ellison’s The Last Dangerous Vision, but that anthology was endlessly delayed. So in 1987, a translated version of the story was published in a French collection of Smith’s stories, and that was the first published version (although we’ve listed it as an English story, since that’s how it was written). The English version was finally published in Smith’s 1993 complete short science fiction collection by NESFA. By then, Ellison’s rights to the story had expired, although that didn’t stop him from suing NESFA. —Michael Main
‘Honeymoon in time,’ indeed. Why? Is it that your woman is jealous of your time trips? Don’t be an idiot, Tasco. You know that ship’s not built for two.
Spaceships float around a giant structure capped by a skull with spikey hair.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Early Chapter Book

Geronimo Stilton nel tempo 1

Viaggio nel tempo

  • Time travel
  • The Journey through Time
  • by unknown authors
  • (Piemme, 2002)

Holey cheese! Geronimo Stilton never expected to set paw inside a time machine. But when Professor von Volt invited him and his family to travel, they soon discovered how the dinosaurs became extinct, how the Great Pyramid of Giza was built, and what like was like at King Arthur’s court. —based on publicity material
I rettili attaccarono tutti insieme i gettarono a terra Trappola. Gli azzannarono un polpaccio con le zanne affilate come quelle dei piranha, e chissa come sarebbe andata a finire se non fossi arrivato io agitando un osso: — Via di qui! Viaaaaaaa!

I dromaeosaurus, colti di sorpresa, arretrarono e si diedero a una fuga precipitosa.
translate Suddenly, the pack attacked all at once. They threw Trap on the ground, and one of the grammed his arm with sharp fangs. Who know what wouldhave happened if I hadn’t furiously waved the bone and should at the top of my lungs.

“Go awayyyyyyyyyyyy!” I yelled. “Scram!”

Taken by surprise, the Dromaeosaurs retreated and swiftly took flight.
Geronimo Stilton and his mouse family peer out the porthole of the Mousemover
  • Mystery and Crime
  • Audience: Children
  • Definite Time Travel

Horrid Henry [s01e16]

Horrid Henry’s Time Machine

In the cartoon version of the short story, Henry imagines that his time machine is an elaborate time ship, at least until his perfect little brother brings him out of his daydream and back to the real world of cardboard. —Michael Main
Peter: “I'm going to the future. I want to see it for myself!”
  • Mainstream
  • Audience: Children
  • Time Phenomena
Comic Book

Geronimo Stilton Graphic Novel #17 (USA)

Il mistero della nave pirata [unofficial]

Holy cheese! Professor Paws von Volt has detected the Priate Cats looting cargo ships back in 18th century India! —Michael Main
My tempograph is showing an anomaly! The Pirate Cats have gone back in time to change it as they please!
The cartoon mouse Geronimo Stilton runs into a hooked hand as he carries a
                treasure chest away from a sailing ship.
  • Mystery and Crime
  • Audience: Children
  • Definite Time Travel


After Farway Gaius McCarthy fails his final examination at the Central Time Travelers Academy, he puts together a rogue time travel crew to swipe valuable artifacts from the past at moments when they won’t be missed. And it’s all roses until a mysterious girl sidetracks them on the Titanic and steers them into a multiverse of fading timelines.

As you might guess, we enjoyed Far and his friends, but the thing that sealed an Eloi Bronze Medal was the fact that when a particular timeline actually managed to branch (not an easy feat) and the traveler then jumped to the future, she found her another self—the her that was born on that timeline—waiting for her. Most branching timeline stories ignore this issue entirely. —Michael Main
“There’s nothing to return to.” Eliot’s knuckles bulged at the seams, but she didn’t yell. “When the Fade destroys a moment, it’s lost. Forever.”
An abstract design of thin purple lines and dots over out-of-focus grey
  • Eloi Bronze Medal
  • Science Fiction
  • Audience: Young Adults
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

Lost between the Plates

A woman seems to be chasing someone via random jumps through time. —Michael Main
I’ve been chasing him for years and forever. Spinning through time and space without a sail.
Stylized outline of a rocket launching in a green circular seal for
                Daily Science Fiction.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Feature Film

Captain Nova

Captain Nova Kester travels back from a devastated future to warn an energy mogel about the impending climate cataclysm, but only young Nas takes her seriously. That happens when time travel causes you to revert to 12 years old. —Michael Main
Luister, jongedame: De mensen denken al eeuwen dat ze leven in het einde der tijden. Het zou handig ziln als je jezelf ietsje minderbelangrijk maakt.
translate Listen, young lady: People have thought for centuries that the end of time is drawing near. It would help everyone if you showed just a little less . . . self-importance.
Kika van de Vijver (as young Nova Kester) and three costars pose in front of a
                merged background of 2025 and the future.
  • Science Fiction
  • Audience: YA and Up
  • Definite Time Travel

The Creature Cases, s02e01

The Missing Mammoth: A Holiday Mystery

An intense story about Sam, Kit, and R.O.N. going back in time to the ice age with wooly mammoths and how they got back to C.L.A.D.E.
You’re right. We’ve got to help them, even if we are stuck in the Ice Age.
Sam and Kit try to hang on the a rampaging wooly mammoth.
  • Mystery and Crime
  • Audience: Preschoolers
  • Definite Time Travel