Women’s Liberation Movement

Tag Area: Real-World Event
TV Episode

Quantum Leap (s02e04)

What Price Gloria?

Sam leaps into the body of executive secretary Samantha Stormer during a time rife with sexual harrassment that hadn’t yet been challenged or even given a name. —Michael Main
You know, this is degrading. First he chases me around the office, then he says I gotta wear lipstick
A fed-up Scott Bakula (as Sam Beckett) sits at a dinner table wearing a fancy,
                low-cut dress and frilly hat.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
TV Episode

Sabrina, the Teenage Witch (s02e08)


In a crossover involving all four of ABC’s Friday night family-friendly shows, Salem eats Sabrina’s time ball, sending their world back to the 1960s and sending each of the other shows’ characters to a different decade as well. You could argue that the time ball causes the whole culture to experience the world as if it were back in the 1960s rather than producing actual time travel. —Inmate Jan
You hold it and your surroundings become whatever decade you think of.
On the set of Sabrina’s house, Caroline Rhea (as Hilda), Melissa Joan Hart
                (as Sabrina), and Beth Broderick (as Zelda) flash peace signs in sixties clothes.
  • Eloi Honorable Mention
  • Fantasy
  • Comedy
  • Audience: Families
  • Debatable Time Travel

Time and Time Again

Hugh Stanton is recruited by cadre of Cambridge professors to use Isaac Newton’s technology to fix the past 111 years starting the the 1914 assassination of  Archduke Franz Ferdinand.
—Michael Main
‘Tell me, Mr. Bentley,’ Newton asked, staring at the dregs in his wine glass, which was empty once more, ‘if God gave you the chance to change one thing in history, would you do it? And if so, what would you change?’
Clocks, newspapers and a man with his back to us, dressed in a tweed suit and
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Feature Film


After high-powered lawyer Charlie Leroy gets her client cleared from a rape charge by claiming that the accuser’s lacy underwear was consent to have sex, Charlie finds herself transported by a divine cabdriver to historical moments that were key for women’s rights. —Michael Main
Attends . . . si maman n'épouse pas papa, je vais pas naître. Je viens de me tuer.
translate Wait . . . if Mom never marries Dad, I won’t be born. I just killed myself.
Issa Doumbia (as cabdriver Hubert) leans on a cab in front of Caroline Vigneaux
                (as Charlie), who is surrounded by lots of people from history.
  • Eloi Honorable Mention
  • Comedy
  • Definite Time Travel