Time Travel Sickness, Injuries, and Mixed-Up Body Parts

Tag Area: Time Travel Trope

The Time Machine

  • by H. G. Wells
  • serialized in New Review, (five parts, January to May 1895)

In which H. G. Wells’s third foray into time travel finalizes the story of our favorite unnamed Traveller and his machine, all in the form that we know and love.

The two earlier forays were  The Chronic Argonaut (which was abandoned after three installments in his school magazine) and seven fictionalized National Observer essays (which sketched out the Traveller and his machine, including a glimpse of the future and proto-Morlocks). The story of The Time Machine itself had three 1895 iterations:

[li]A five-part serial in the January through May issues of New Review, The serial contains mostly the story as we know it, but with an alternate chunk in the introduction where the Traveller discusses free will, predestination, and a Laplacian determinism of the universe.

In addition, material from Chapter XIII of the serial (just over a thousand words beginning partway through the first paragraph of page 577 and continuing to page 579, line 29) were omitted from later editions. This section was written for the serial after a back-and-forth written struggle between Wells and New Review editor William Henley. The material had a separate mimeographed publication by fan and Futurian Robert W. Lowndes in 1940 as “The Final Men” and has since had multiple publications elsewhere with varying titles such as “The Gray Man.”[/li]
[li]The US edition: The Time Machine: An Invention, by H. G. Wells (erroneously credited as H. S. Wells in the first release), Henry Holt [publisher], May 1895. This edition may have been completed before the serial, as it varies from the serial more so than the UK edition. It does not contain the extra material in the first chapter or “The Final Men” (although it does have a few additional sentences at that point of Chapter XIII).[/li]
[li]The UK edition: The Time Machine: An Invention,by H. G. Wells, William Heinemann [publisher], May 1895. This edition is a close match to the serial, with the exception of chapter breaks, the extra material in the first chapter, and “The Final Men” (omitted from what is now Chapter XIV).[/li]
—Michael Main
I drew a breath, set my teeth, gripped the starting lever with both hands, and went off with a thud.
First page of the original release of The Time Machine by H. G. Wells
                consisting of two long paragraphs.
  • Eloi Gold Medal
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

Tomorrow and Tomorrow

When a typewriter appears on the floor of his boarding room and begins typing messages from the future, down-on-his-luck Steve Temple thinks it must be his old jokester friend Harry—but he’s wrong about that, and the fate of the world 500 years down the line now depends on what Steve does about a recently elected man. “Tomorrow and Tomorrow” doesn’t have the notoriety of that other Bradbury story about time travel and an elected official, but even though this one’s riddled with ridiculous ideas on time, it does accurately predict text messaging! —Michael Main
Sorry. Not Harry. Name is Ellen Abbot. Female. 26 years old. Year 2442. Five feet ten inches tall. Blonde hair, blue eyes—semantician and dimensional research expert. Sorry. Not Harry.
Pen-and-ink drawing of a row of faces above a row of cylinders, receding into
                the distance.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

Of All Possible Worlds

Max Alben Mac Albin is genetically predisposed to survive time travel, so he’s the natural choice to go back in time and shift the course of a missile that shifted the course of history. —Michael Main
Now! Now to make a halfway decent world! Max Alben pulled the little red switch toward him.
Now! Now to make a halfway interesting world! Mac Albin pulled the little red switch toward him.
Pen-and-ink drawing of a falling rocket, divided into interleaved horizontal
                stripes that alternate between normal and negative black-and-white.
  • Eloi Honorable Mention
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel

Passage to Gomorrah

In a future of FTL spaceships, time storms between the stars, and male-only space explorers, young Berenice had run away to the stars as a sex worker. But when she inexplicably becomes pregnant, the powers-that-be book passage for her on Captain Cross’s ship to the exhile planet called Gomorrah. —Michael Main
“But wouldn’t our objective reality be affected?”

He nodded. “It could be,” he said, “since, in the absence of any real passage of time, it would be in temporal ratio to our involvement in our pasts, which might force it into a different time plane altogether.”
Pen-and-ink drawing of a man in a whirlwind falling toward a nude woman with
                outstretched arms.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Comic Strip

The Far Side

Professor Feldman’s Shock

Time travel can induce various kinds of shock. —Michael Main
A crew of Far Side characters construct two giant volumes titled The Complete
                Far Side.
  • Comedy
  • Audience: Families
  • Definite Time Travel

Thebes of the Hundred Gates

Edward Davis, a fresh recruit to the Time Service, is hurled back to ancient Egypt to track down a pair of other travelers who disappeared during the reign of Pharaoh Amenhotep III. —Michael Main
He had made three training jumps, two hundred years, then four hundred, then six hundred, and he thought he knew what to expect, that sickening sense of breathlessness, of dizziness, of having crashed into the side of a mountain at full tilt; but everyone had warned him that even the impact of a six-C jump was nothing at all compared with the zap of a really big one, and everyone had been right.
No image currently available.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel

Oxford Historians 1

Doomsday Book

We may never know just how young Kivrin Engle wrangled her academic advisor and the powers-that-be at the University of Oxford into sending her to previously off-limits, 14th-century England, but her timing was not ideal given that she’dd just been exposed to a recently re-emerged influenza virus. Oh, and the inexperience tech who also got hit with the virus with the virus after the drop may have sent Kivrin to the wrong year. —Ruthie Mariner
You know what he said when I told him he should run at least one unmanned? He said, “If something unfortunate does happen, we can go back in time and pull Miss Engle out before it happens, can’t we?” The man has no notion of how the net works, no notion of the paradoxes, no notion that Kivrin is there, and what happens to her is real and irrevocable.
No image currently available.
  • 1993 Hugo
  • 1993 Nebula
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel

Oxford Historians 2

To Say Nothing of the Dog, or How We Found the Bishop’s Bird Stump at Last

No image currently available.
  • Science Fiction
  • Comedy
  • Definite Time Travel

Blood Trail

  • by Kristine Kathryn Rusch
  • in Past Imperfect, edited by Martin H. Greenberg and Larry Segriff (DAW Books, October 2001)

Detective Wheldon, the top man in NYPD Homicide is approached by two FBI agents who offer to let him go back in time two weeks to observe the 4th killing by a serial killer.

This is the first story in Future Imperfect, a 2001 anthology of 12 original time-travel stories, co-edited by the prolific anthologist Martin H. Greenberg (1941-2011) who was also a political science professor at the University of Wisconsin, Green Bay. —Michael Main
When it became clear that time travel was even a remote possibility, the government bought a lot of scientists. Those who didn’t play got discredited.
A warped gold pockewatch with Arabic numerals and a separate second hand on its
                own dial.
  • Eloi Bronze Medal
  • Science Fiction
  • Mystery and Crime
  • Definite Time Travel
Early Chapter Book

Geronimo Stilton nel tempo 1

Viaggio nel tempo

  • Time travel
  • The Journey through Time
  • by unknown authors
  • (Piemme, 2002)

Holey cheese! Geronimo Stilton never expected to set paw inside a time machine. But when Professor von Volt invited him and his family to travel, they soon discovered how the dinosaurs became extinct, how the Great Pyramid of Giza was built, and what like was like at King Arthur’s court. —based on publicity material
I rettili attaccarono tutti insieme i gettarono a terra Trappola. Gli azzannarono un polpaccio con le zanne affilate come quelle dei piranha, e chissa come sarebbe andata a finire se non fossi arrivato io agitando un osso: — Via di qui! Viaaaaaaa!

I dromaeosaurus, colti di sorpresa, arretrarono e si diedero a una fuga precipitosa.
translate Suddenly, the pack attacked all at once. They threw Trap on the ground, and one of the grammed his arm with sharp fangs. Who know what wouldhave happened if I hadn’t furiously waved the bone and should at the top of my lungs.

“Go awayyyyyyyyyyyy!” I yelled. “Scram!”

Taken by surprise, the Dromaeosaurs retreated and swiftly took flight.
Geronimo Stilton and his mouse family peer out the porthole of the Mousemover
  • Mystery and Crime
  • Audience: Children
  • Definite Time Travel

When You Reach Me

Miranda has an odd friend named Marcus who knows a lot about time machines, another friend named Sal who has stopped hanging out with her, and a man—not really a friend—who sleeps under the mailbox out front. And then there are those mysterious notes from someone who seems to know quite a lot, but also needs her to write about everything that’s happening in her twelve-year-old life. —Michael Main
So if they had gotten home five minutes before they left, like those ladies promised they would, then they would have seen themselves get back. Before they left.
An abstract map of square city blocks with a few buildings, a shoe, a bread
                bag, a jacket with two pockets, a book, and other oddities in front of a city
  • Eloi Bronze Medal
  • Science Fiction
  • Audience: Children
  • Definite Time Travel

Anna Green 1

Time between Us

Somewhat self-absorbed 16-year-old Anna Green manages to fall for the first time traveler she ever meets, not realizing that he’s a time traveler or that he’s hoping his mission to 1995 will be a short-term affair. —Jeff Delgado
It’s too easy for me to say the wrong thing today, and if I do, we may never meet at all
A teenage girl looks into the distance on a beach with her arms clutched around
                her waist.
  • Romance
  • Audience: Young Adults
  • Definite Time Travel

[Error: Missing ']]' tag for wikilink]

The Reluctant Assassin

When fourteen-year-old Victorian waif Riley shows up in the 21st century on seventeen-year-old FBI Agent Chevie Savano’s watch, the two of them pair up and head back to the late 19th century to escape Riley’s evil pursuer.

Although the book involves wormholes and scientists, it’s really a quantum fantasy, wherein an ordinary fantasy has the word “quantum” scattered throughout in key places, typically before the word magic, magician, or wormhole. Nevertheless, we’ve listed it as science fiction to match its publicity material. —Michael Main
He discovered that Einstein’s quantum theory was essentially correct and that he could stabilize a traversable wormhole through space-time using exotic matter with negative energy density.
A young teen boy wearing a green jacket and a red pendant flies straight at us
                in a retro time machine.
  • Science Fiction
  • Audience: Young Adults
  • Definite Time Travel
Flash Fiction


In the moments before a jump, a traveler muses over the realities of time travel. —Michael Main
That's a much nicer narrative device than having to find the right kind of black hole orbiting the right kind of star and then build a machine around both of them.
A star emerging from behind a blue planet.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel

The Montauk Project 3

Find Me Where the Water Ends

Lydia never wanted the life of a Montauk Project recruit, the Project has captured someone she loves—someone she'll do anything to save. Then she glimpses a timeline in which the Montauk Project never existed. The Project has taken so much from Lydia already, but she knows that she will sacrifice everything to make her vision of a world without the Project a reality. —based on publicity material
General Walker said they couldn’t have brought me in any earlier or time would have been messed up.
From behind, we see a red-headed teen watching colorful clouds and a rocky
  • Science Fiction
  • Romance
  • Audience: Young Adults
  • Undetermined Time Travel
TV Season

12 Monkeys, Season 1

Same pandemic backstory as the movie, similar names for the characters, no Bruce Willis, and a mishmash of time-travel tropes along with tuneless minor-key chords in place of actual tension and slowly spoken clichéd dialogue in place of actual plot. Random discussions of fate brush shoulders with an admixture of possible time travel models from narrative time (when a wound sprouts on old JC’s shoulder while watching young JC get shot), to skeleton timelines (JC thinks that his timeline will vanish if he succeeds), to a fascination with a single static timeline (you’ll see it in Chechnya) and time itself has an agenda. Primarily, we’d say that the story follows narrative time from Cole’s point of view.

By the end of the first season, one principal character has seemingly been trapped in the 2043, and Cole is stuck in 2015, having just gone against fate in a major way, but with a third principal character poised to spread the virus via a jet plane.

P.S. Whatever you do, whether in narrative time or elsewhen, don’t bring up this adaptation as dinnertime conversation with Terry Gilliam (but do watch it if you can set aside angst over a lack of a consistent model and just go with Cole’s flow). —Michael Main
About four years from now, most of the human race will be wiped out by a plague, a virus. We know it’s because of a man named Leland Frost. I have to find him.

—from “Splinter” [s01e01]
A man
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Audio Play Series

3 seasons

ars Paradoxica

No image currently available.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Feature Film

Absolutely Anything

As a test to determine whether humanity should be destroyed, four slimey aliens grant schoolteacher Neil Clarke the power to do absolutely anything. I kinda think that if I had that power, and I made as many mistakes as Neil, I'd be using my power to rewind time more often than he did.

Writer and director Terry Jones acknowledges H. G. Wells’ “The Man Who Could Work Miracles” as inspiration for the story. —Michael Main
Neil [wavinghand]: Let the explosion never to have happened.
A brown mutt on a yellow background stares up at the logo for Absolutely
  • Comedy
  • Cameo Time Travel
Feature Film

7 Splinters of Time

While on medical leave for his mental health, police detective Darius Lafaux is called back in to investigate a case that turns into multiple murders of men who look exactly like himself. —Michael Main
Alise: You died ten years ago.
Darius: I was born ten years ago.
Two versions of Edoardo Ballerini (as Darius and Daniel) are merged into a
                single photo beside four other movie scenes.
  • Science Fiction
  • Mystery and Crime
  • Definite Time Travel
Feature Film

Out of Time

  • written and directed by Matt Handy
  • (unknown release details, 2019)

A government agent from 1951 follows three alien invaders through a time portal to 21st-century Los Angeles where he teams up with a local cop to track the trio down before they can signal their cohorts. —Michael Main
Sir: [pointing at billboard of the space shuttle] That is why we leapt into the future. We fly that back to the armada and show them where this planet is.
A man in a business suit and a fedora runs toward a bright, pastel purple light
                with Los Angeles, spaceships, and hills in the background.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel

Here and Now and Then

When time travel agent Kin Stewart finds himself rapidly losing his memory and stranded in 1996, he writes a journal of his life in the future and proceeds to break every rule in the book by creating a new life and family in his new present . . . until a retriever shows up in 2014. —Michael Main
Science fiction. She thought the journal was filled with tales, like her Doctor Who or Heather’s Star Trek shows.
Two paper dolls--a man and a woman--run on opposite sides of a looped,
                non-Moebius, strip of paper with the San Francisco skyline along its edge.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel

In Another Time

Hanna Ginsberg—a young Jewish violinist in Germany during the rise of Hitler—awakens in a field in 1946 with no memory of the past decade. —Michael Main
“Do you have a time machine,” he’d asked his father. It was hard to fathom, unbelievable even as he’d said it, but the idea fascinated him with little-boy wonder.
In a diagonally split photo a man on one side holds the hand of a woman on the
                other while a World War 2 plane flies overhead.
  • Romance
  • Music and Musicals
  • War
  • Definite Time Travel

The Future of Another Timeline

Tess is a geologist (because, of course, geologists control the time travel of the giant ancient machines) and a member of the Daughters of Harriet (Senator Harriet Tubman, that is, from 19th-century Mississippi). On the surface, the Daughters are time travel scholars, but in reality, Tess and her fellow Daughters are fighting a pitched changewar for women’s rights against the oppressors known as the Comstockers. One more thing: While she’s at it,Tess also hopes to also save the souls of her teenaged self and her underground feminist punk friends in the 1990s, with a particular focus on their vigilante killing spree and young Beth’s abortion. —Michael Main
All five Machines had limitations, but the hardest to surmount was what travelers call the Long Four Years. Wormholes only opened for people who remained within twenty kilometers of a Machine for at least 1,680 days.
A watch dial with Roman numerals inside a dark blue flower on a bright red
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel

Throwback 1


When 13-year-old Corey Fletcher first finds himself transported back in time, he doesn’t realize how it happened or that he is one of the rare travelers who can actually change the timeline, rescue his Papou, and maybe even save his grandma from 9/11. —Michael Main
So . . . some people inherit diabetess, some inherit curly hair, and I inherited time travel?
A stylized drawing of a teenager, with a baseball cap and a backpack, hanging
                from the hand of a large clock.
  • Science Fiction
  • Audience: Children
  • Definite Time Travel

Annie and the Wolves

Historical research Ruth McClintock and local high school student Reece have a journal written by Annie Oakley, from which they conclude that Annie was a time traveler to traumatic moments in her own life—a power that Ruth seems to share. —Michael Main
Reece, it isn’t just clarvoyance or neurosis, either.
She’d tell him in person, the thing they should have come out and admitted from the start.
It’s time travel.
Photograph of Annie Oakley shooting backwards over her shoulder while looking
                in a hand mirror.
  • Fantasy
  • Definite Time Travel

16 episodes

시지프스: The Myth

  • Sisyphus: The Myth
  • Sisyphus: The myth
  • Sisyphus: The Myth
  • by 전찬호 and 이제인, directed by 진혁
  • 16 untitled episodes (JTBC-TV, Korea, 17 February to 8 April 2021)

Young genius Han Tae-sul is the focus of dangerous people and a mysterious woman—Gang Seo-hae—from a war-torn near future.

Sadly, the story comes close to being a slick static timeline, but alas, the writers could not follow through. —Michael Main
The Downloader is a real piece of work. There’s only a ten percent chance of success, eh? And even if they make it, half of them get caught by the Control Bureau.
A static-y head shot of Park Shin-Hye (as Gang Seo Hae) with long black hair
                and a worried look.
  • Eloi Honorable Mention
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

Unredacted Reports from 1546

  • by Leah Cypess
  • Future Science Fiction Digest #11, June 2021 [e-zine · webzine]

An 18-year-old history student hopes to show that her research subject, 16th-century poet Lucia of Gonzaga, was a modern woman supressed by her time period, but as the traveling student sends messages back to her 21st-century mentor, she reveals more than just history as she’d hoped it would be. —Michael Main
You were wrong about my age, though. In the sixteenth century, I’m an adult. I am physically mature and able to bear children, and that’s all that matters. No one cares about the completeness of my frontal lobe.
Large, spherical glass terrariums float above a futuristic city in the sky.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel

Secret Agent Moe Berg #6

Billie the Kid

In an alternate history leading up to a 1945 atomic bomb in southern California, young Billie “the Kid” Davis grows up in the mid-20th century, playing shortstop better than any of the boys, flying B-25s with her Dad, and eventually—with Moe Berg and the woman-with-many-names—taking on that bomb. —Michael Main
This is your moment, Billie. Coming up right now. Save the worlds, Billie. Change everything. You can do it.
A woman in a U.S. astronaut suit pulls a sled over a yellow landscape with a
                black dragon roaring in the distance.
  • Science Fiction
  • Sports
  • War
  • Definite Time Travel

This Time Tomorrow

After turning forty in a snit because of her career decisions, her unexciting boyfriend, and her dying father, Alice Stern wakes up on her 16th birthday in her teen body. —Michael Main
“I know it’s your birthday,” Leonard said. “You’ve made me watch Sixteen Candles enough times to ensure that I wouldn’t let this one slide.”
A light brown scribble winds its way around a lighter brown cover of Straub’s
                novel, This Time Tomorrow.
  • Fantasy
  • Audience: YA and Up
  • Definite Time Travel
TV Season

The Peripheral, Season 1

When Flynne Fisher’s ne’er-do-well brother lands a lucrative gig testing new VR tech, he drafts Flynne to do the heavy lifting, and she’s bowled over by the future world the VR has created—until she realizes it’s more than a sim. —Michael Main
If it were time travel, as you say, you’d be here physically. This is merely a matter of data transfer: quantum tunneling is the technical term for it. I understand your confusion.
Close-up of Chloë Grace Moretz (as Flynne Fisher) with her eyes obscured by a
                scene of rural North Carolina underneath an upside-down futuristic London.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Feature Film

Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny

Indiana Jones and his goddaughter set out to find the missing half of Archimedes’s “clock” (or Antikythera Mechanism). With all the usual hair-raising chases, stunts, Nazis (or former Nazis), and the added twist of some actual time travel near the end. —Tandy Ringoringo
Helena: Well, for starters, you’d have changed the course of history.
Indy: That supposed to be a bad thing?
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  • Eloi Honorable Mention
  • Mainstream
  • Debatable Time Travel

Time Witch 2

So You Think You’re a Sleuth?

Essie’s husband Julian and his brothers have been arrested and imprisoned. With the removal of spells that had blocked memories of other family members, Essie learns that she has an identical twin sister (in looks at least) and an aunt. Some mysteries are solved, but new ones appear. Magical devices that can assist with or impede the abilities of Time Witches appear. Essie works with (and without) the Wayfarers (magical society's police force) to solve murders. And . . . is Julian really a bad guy? —Tandy Ringoringo
And I would tell you that you need to be careful when you go back in time—make sure you don’t change a thing, no matter how tempting that might be.
A contemplative young woman, dressed in red and wearing a witch hat, stands
                beside a black cat.
  • Fantasy
  • Romance
  • Mystery and Crime
  • Definite Time Travel

Time Witch 3

So You Think You Can Dance?

Essie is missing Julian, who’s in witness protection, and she’s caught a chill that simply will not go away, even though it’s summer. The Wayfarers (magical police) are avoiding her, which only makes her suspicious that they’re using him for bait. So, when her boss needs to go undercover at a dance class to investigate a possibly fraudulant insurance claim, Essie demands to join him to distract herself from her woes. —Tandy Ringoringo
‘You know if I could stop what happened to Vince, I would,’ I told her. ‘But Time Witches can’t really change things without bringing a crapstorm down on their heads. If I thought there wouldn’t be consequences, I’d do it in a heartbeat.’
A young witch in a black hat sits cross-legged beside a black cat.
  • Fantasy
  • Romance
  • Mystery and Crime
  • Definite Time Travel

Time Witch 4

So You Think You Can Dance?

Essie is missing Julian, who’s in witness protection, and she’s caught a chill that simply will not go away, even though it’s summer. The Wayfarers (magical police) are avoiding her, which only makes her suspicious that they’re using him for bait. So, when her boss needs to go undercover at a dance class to investigate a possibly fraudulant insurance claim, Essie demands to join him to distract herself from her woes. —Tandy Ringoringo
‘You know if I could stop what happened to Vince, I would,’ I told her. ‘But Time Witches can’t really change things without bringing a crapstorm down on their heads. If I thought there wouldn’t be consequences, I’d do it in a heartbeat.’
No image currently available.
  • Fantasy
  • Romance
  • Mystery and Crime
  • Definite Time Travel

A Quantum Love Story

Awkward neuroscientist Mariana is pulled into a four-day time loop by equally awkward Carter, who is a tech at the particle accellerator that started the whole thing. —Michael Main
He already knew he was in a loop of some sort, something that started the instant he woke up on Monday mornings.
A red line and a dotted green line weave through silhouettes of a man, an
                upside-down woman, the Golden Gate Bridge and more.
  • Science Fiction
  • Romance
  • Definite Time Travel

Time Witch 4

So You Think You Can Turn Back Time?

Belinda, Essie's identical twin, is still in love with Vince, who is dealing with PTSD from when Julian’s brothers kidnapped him. Vince is refusing to get any help for his PTSD, and he is in a temporary assignment in Dublin, forcing Belinda to go to Dublin if she wants to keep their relationship alive. It is a very lopsided relationship. —Tandy Ringoringo
[. . .] it can be kind of mind-blowing and a little bit nauseating to jump through time, so trying to hold an invisibility spell of your own at the same time could be hard. Hey.’ She gave me a quick hug. ‘Don’t worry, okay? If Bill and Ted can handle time travel, then so can we.’
A white cat sits behind a young woman with red lipstick and a crown of flowers
                on her head.
  • Fantasy
  • Romance
  • Mystery and Crime
  • Definite Time Travel