Mike Chen


Here and Now and Then

When time travel agent Kin Stewart finds himself rapidly losing his memory and stranded in 1996, he writes a journal of his life in the future and proceeds to break every rule in the book by creating a new life and family in his new present . . . until a retriever shows up in 2014. —Michael Main
Science fiction. She thought the journal was filled with tales, like her Doctor Who or Heather’s Star Trek shows.
Two paper dolls--a man and a woman--run on opposite sides of a looped,
                non-Moebius, strip of paper with the San Francisco skyline along its edge.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel

A Quantum Love Story

Awkward neuroscientist Mariana is pulled into a four-day time loop by equally awkward Carter, who is a tech at the particle accellerator that started the whole thing. —Michael Main
He already knew he was in a loop of some sort, something that started the instant he woke up on Monday mornings.
A red line and a dotted green line weave through silhouettes of a man, an
                upside-down woman, the Golden Gate Bridge and more.
  • Science Fiction
  • Romance
  • Definite Time Travel