Early Chapter Book
Viaggio nel tempo
- by unknown authors
- (Piemme, 2002)
Holey cheese! Geronimo Stilton never expected to set paw inside a time machine. But when Professor von Volt invited him and his family to travel, they soon discovered how the dinosaurs became extinct, how the Great Pyramid of Giza was built, and what like was like at King Arthur’s court. —based on publicity material
I rettili attaccarono tutti insieme i gettarono a terra Trappola. Gli azzannarono un polpaccio con le zanne affilate come quelle dei piranha, e chissa come sarebbe andata a finire se non fossi arrivato io agitando un osso: — Via di qui! Viaaaaaaa!
I dromaeosaurus, colti di sorpresa, arretrarono e si diedero a una fuga precipitosa.![]()
Suddenly, the pack attacked all at once. They threw Trap on the ground, and one of the grammed his arm with sharp fangs. Who know what wouldhave happened if I hadn’t furiously waved the bone and should at the top of my lungs.
“Go awayyyyyyyyyyyy!” I yelled. “Scram!”
Taken by surprise, the Dromaeosaurs retreated and swiftly took flight.