The Montauk Project

Tag Area: Prose Series

The Montauk Project 1

So Close to You

When a portal sends seventeen-year-old Lydia Bentley to 1945 at a secret military base near her Long Island home, she learns that her grandfather’s stories of dangerous government experiments are true, that the Montauk Project was real, and that she needs the help of a darkly mysterious time traveler to return home. —based on the copyright page
Does time travel exist? Most signs point to no, considering that we’re not all visiting Louis XIV at Versailles or doing the Charleston at a speakeasy in the 1920s. Or perhaps time travel is real, but it’s something that’s being kept from us. Maybe, like Area 51, where there are rumored experients on aliens and their spacecraft, somewhere in the US, time travel is being perfected as we speak.
From behind, we see a redheaded teen watching a vortex descend through clouds
                toward the sea.
  • Science Fiction
  • Romance
  • Audience: Young Adults
  • Definite Time Travel

The Montauk Project 2

This Strange and Familiar Place

Lydia Bentley will do anything to fix the mistakes she made in the past, like losing her grandfather in time—and the only way she knows how to begin is by time traveling to 1980s New York with Wes, posed as a Montauk Project recruit. —based on the copyright page
I fly out of the room and toward the front of the house. Wes was right—I stayed exactly the same after I traveled through the time machine, but I returned to a world I barely recognized. My family and friends expect me to be Lydia 2, with her thoughts and memories, and from the minute I arrived back in 2012 I’ve been trying to learn how to become this new version of myself.
From behind, we see a red-headed teen watching mammatus clouds above a city
  • Science Fiction
  • Romance
  • Audience: Young Adults
  • Definite Time Travel

The Montauk Project 3

Find Me Where the Water Ends

Lydia never wanted the life of a Montauk Project recruit, the Project has captured someone she loves—someone she'll do anything to save. Then she glimpses a timeline in which the Montauk Project never existed. The Project has taken so much from Lydia already, but she knows that she will sacrifice everything to make her vision of a world without the Project a reality. —based on publicity material
General Walker said they couldn’t have brought me in any earlier or time would have been messed up.
From behind, we see a red-headed teen watching colorful clouds and a rocky
  • Science Fiction
  • Romance
  • Audience: Young Adults
  • Undetermined Time Travel