Circa AD 2200 to 2299

Tag Area: Era
Short Story

Man of Ages

A super athelete who goes by various names—including Smith!—volunteers for a medical experiment and tells the story of his long life through the centuries. —Michael Main
Physically, I am thirty-three years of age. But, counting years of terrestrial chronology, I am three hundred and eighteen years old.
No image currently available.
  • Science Fiction
  • Time Phenomena
Short Story

Ijon Tichy

Ze wspomnień Ijona Tichego, pt. 4

  • From remembrances of Ijon Tichy, pt. 4
  • by Stanisław Lem
  • in Księga robotów (Iskry, 1961) [No title for this story other than the Roman numeral IV, which is the fourth of five numbered parts out of nine total parts.]

Ijon is unphased when Physicist Molteris lugs his time machine into Ijon’s sitting room, promising Ijon will be repaid for the colossal amount of electricity that will be consumed by the first trip. —Michael Main
Zamierzałem, ale . . . widzi pan . . . ja . . . mój gospodarz wyłączył mi elektrycznoćś . . . w niedzielę.
translate I planned to, but, you see, I—my landlord turned off the electricity on Sunday.
Pencil drawing of a middle-aged man riding on the back of a large robot.
  • Science Fiction
  • Comedy
  • Definite Time Travel
Comic Book

Journey into Mystery #86

On the Trail of the Tomorrow Man

Zarrko, a mad time-machine-building scientist from 2262, believes that our nuclear weapons will enable him to take over the world of his time. He comes back to 1962 to steal one, and the Mighty Thor pursues him back to 2262.

The plot suffers from Alpha Centauri syndrome, where the time traveler might as well be from Alpha Centauri as from the future, but seeing the emergence of Kirby’s high-perspective artwork gives this issue a boost. In addition, the story provides a powerful image of the pre-Vietnam cold war era and its prevailing assumptions about the roles of women in society. —Michael Main
Ahhh—an ancient explosion of a nuclear bomb! The perfect device with which to conquer the twenty-third century!
The Mighty Thor flies through a fading time machine with the Tomorrow Man
  • Eloi Honorable Mention
  • Superhero
  • Audience: YA and Up
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

The Voyages of Ijon Tichy 11

Podróż siódma

  • Journey seven
  • The Seventh Voyage
  • by Stanisław Lem
  • in Niezwyciężony i inne opowiadania by Stanisław Lem (Ministerstwa Obrony Narodowej, 1964)

What do you do when your one-man spaceship loses an argument with a meteor, and the only way to repair the rudder demands two people? “The Seventh Voyage” is the eleventh tale of Stanisław Lem’s space traveler Ijon Ticvhy, but I believe it’s the first where the hero also wrangles with time. —Michael Main
— Zaraz — odparł wolno, nawet nie ruszając palcem. — Dzisiaj jest wtorek. Jeżeli ty jesteś środowy i do tej chwili we środę jeszcze nie są naprawione stery, to z tego wynika, że coś przeszkodzi nam w ich naprawieniu, ponieważ w przeciwnym razie, ty, we środę, nie nakłaniałbyś już mnie do tego, abym ja, we wtorek, wspólnie je z tobą naprawiał. Więc może lepiej nie ryzykować wyjścia na zewnątrz?
translate “Just a minute,” I replied, remaining on the floor. ”Today is Tuesday. Now if you are the Wednesday me, and if by that time on Wednesday the rudder still hasn’t been fixed, then it follows that something will prevent us from fixing it, since otherwise you, on Wednesday, would not now, on Tuesday, be asking me to help you fix it. Wouldn’t it be best, then, for us to not risk going outside?”
An abstract drawing, possibly of a person in a spacesuit with a blue
                nebula of some sort poofing out of a projectile.
  • Science Fiction
  • Comedy
  • Definite Time Travel
TV Episode

Star Trek (s01e04)

The Naked Time

After an alien spore infects the entire Enterprise crew with madness, it seems that the only available action to save the ship from a rapdidly decaying orbit is a cold restart of the engines. —Michael Main
You know, Dr. McCoy said the same thing.
A bare-chested George Takei (as Sulu) strikes a fencing position with a silver
                foil in a corridor of the Enterprise.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
TV Episode

Star Trek (s01e19)

Tomorrow Is Yesterday

Darn those high-gravity black stars! Always accidentally throwing starships hither and yon through time. Although in this case, the crew of the Enterprise manages to correct all the problems they caused by beaming 1960s Air Force pilot Captain John Christopher on board. —Michael Main
Spock: Fifty years to go. Forty. Thirty.
Kirk: Never mind, Mr. Spock.
Spock: [silence]
A view of the Enterprise above the clouds of 1969 Earth.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
TV Episode

Star Trek (s01e28)

The City on the Edge of Forever

After a delirious Bones hurtles through a time portal to the 1930s, Kirk and Spock follow to save him and stop dangerous changes to the timeline, no matter the cost. —Michael Main
Joan Collins (as Edith Keeler) and William Shatner (as James T. Kirk), dressed
                in duffle coats, on a city sidewalk, looking toward the night sky.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
TV Episode

Star Trek (s02e26)

Assignment: Earth

The Enterprise and her crew make their first intentional trip back in time to study historical aspects of 1968 and the Cold War, but unexpectedly, they intercept a transporter beam that brings the mysterious Gary Seven and his feline from a faraway advanced planet. —Michael Main
Humans of the 20th century do not go beaming around the Galaxy, Mr. Seven.
In a light grey suit, Robert Lansing (as Gary Seven) lies on a catwalk with
                steam in his face and a black cat on his back.
  • Eloi Gold Medal
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
TV Episode

Star Trek (s03e06)

Spectre of the Gun

After barging into the space of the reclusive Melkotians, Kirk and his crew find themselves facing the Earps and Doc Holliday in a second-rate simulation of the 1881 gunfight at the O.K. Corral. —Michael Main
History has been changed in the fact that Billy Claiborne didn’t die, but Chekov is lying there dead.
A façade of a sheriff’s office stands on a set of tumbleweeds, barron trees,
                and a red sky.
  • Science Fiction
  • Time Phenomena
TV Episode

Star Trek (s03e11)

Wink of an Eye

In an outer quadrant of the galaxy, the Enterprise is taken over by Deela and her subject Scalosians, who can accelerate their personal time frames to a point where everyone else seems frozen. —Michael Main
They cannot hear you, Captain. To their ears, you sound like an insect.
Kathie Browne (as Queen Deela) sports a blonde 1960s beehive hairdo as she
                gives a severe stare off-camera.
  • Science Fiction
  • Time Phenomena
TV Episode

Star Trek (s03e19)

Requiem for Methuselah

The seemingly all-powerful Flint lives with the brilliant young Raina, hangs unknown [tag-3791 | da Vinci]] paintings on his walls, and provides Mr. Spock with a modern-day Brahms waltz. Could his riches be ill-got via time travel or is there a mundane explanation? —Michael Main
Your collection of Leonardo da Vinci masterpieces, Mr. Flint—they appear to have been recently painted.
No image currently available.
  • Science Fiction
  • Time Phenomena
TV Episode

Star Trek (s03e22)

The Savage Curtain

The critics agree that this episode lives in the bottom ten of all Star Trek episodes, but we kinda liked seeing Lincoln and Surak, even if Spock concludes that they were mere sims. —Michael Main
Conjecture, Captain, rather than explanation: It would seem that we were held in the power of creatures able to control matter and to rearrange molecules in whatever fashion was desired, so they were able to create images of Sarak and Lincoln after scanning our minds and using their fellow creatures as source matter.
Nichelle Nichols [as Uhura] and Lee Bergere [as Lincoln] converse on the bridge
                of the Enterprise.
  • Science Fiction
  • No Time Phenomena
TV Episode

Star Trek (s03e23)

All Our Yesterdays

The three principal Trekkers find themselves on a planet where everyone is being evacuated to the past to escape an impending supernova. —Michael Main
Spock! You’re reverting into your ancestors, five thousand years before you were born!
In an icy cave, Leonard Nimoy (as Spock) places his hands on Mariette Harley
                (as Zarabeth) for a Vulcan mind meld.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel

The Voyages of Ijon Tichy 20

Podróż dwudziesta

  • Journey twenty
  • The Twentieth Voyage
  • by Stanisław Lem
  • in Dzienniki gwiazdowe, expanded third edition, by Stanisław Lem, (Czytelnik, 1971)

After the time mish-mash of Ijon Tichy’s seventh voyage, it wasn’t clear whether Ijon would ever ply the channels of time again, but here he is, traveling back in time to persuade himself to go forward in time and take up the helm of THEOHIPPIP—a.k.a. Teleotelechronistic-Historical Engineering to Optimize the Hyoerputerized Implementation of Paleological Programming and Interplanetary Planning. It takes a few attempts for older Ijon to convince younger Ijon to head to the future on a one-man chronocykl, but when he does, the younger Ijon begins the unexpectedly hard task of righting history’s wrongs. As a sophisticated time traveler yourself, you’ll spot what’s happening early on, while you also get a tour of history from the formamtion of the Solar System to the extinction of the dinosaurs and the paintings of Hieronymus Bosch. You’ll also recognize the fun Lem has at the expense of the bureaucracies of mid-20th-century Poland. —Michael Main
Zresztą Bosch nie powstrzymał się od niedyskrecji. W „Ogrodzie uciech ziemskich,” w „piekle muzycznym” (prawe skrzydło tryptyku) stoi w samym środku dwunastoosobowy chronobus. I co miałem z tym robić?
translate Even so, Bosch couldn’t refrain from certain indiscretions. In the “Garden of Earthly Delights,” in the very center of the “Musical Hell” (the right wing of the triptych), stands a twelve-seat chronobus. Not a thing I could do about it.
Pen-and-ink drawing of a broomstick time machine with a bicycle saddle and
                handle bars, a.k.a. the chronocycle.
  • Science Fiction
  • Comedy
  • Definite Time Travel

A.E.S.O.P. 3


  • by Bob Shaw
  • in Universe 2, edited by Terry Carr (Ace Books, 1972)

David Surgenar, a veteran of the Cartographical Service—finds himself millions of years back in time on an alien planet with three soldiers and a pregnant female who may hold the key to the whole alien race. —Michael Main
He had been unwilling to admit his own fears that Man, perfector of a type of thinking which had given him mastery of the three spatial dimensions, had finally encountered a cooler, more judicious culture which had established its dominions in the long gray estuaries of time.
Distant people walk through ice-covered skyscrapers.
  • Undetermined
  • Definite Time Travel
Feature Film


Jazz musician Miles Monroe is conscripted into a long sleep and awakened 200 years later. —Michael Main
Look, you gotta be kidding. I wanna go back to sleep! If I don't get at least 600 years, I'm grouchy all day.
A montage of Woody Allen in the future, capped by Allen and Diane Keaton in a
  • 1974 Hugo
  • 1974 Nebula
  • Science Fiction
  • Comedy
  • Time Phenomena

A.E.S.O.P. fix-up novel

Ship of Strangers

We haven’t fully checked, but we believe that the only time travel in this fix-up novel is in Chapters 8–12, taken from Retroactive. —Michael Main
He had been unwilling to admit his own fears that Man, perfector of a type of thinking which had given him mastery of the three spatial dimensions, had finally encountered a cooler, more judicious culture which had established its dominions in the long gray estuaries of time.
No image currently available.
  • Undetermined
  • Definite Time Travel
Feature Film

Star Trek IV

Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home

As the brave crew of the Enterprise are returning to Earth on a Klingon Bird of Prey to stand trial for the events of the previous movie, Spock determines that Earth’s demise is imminent unless they can return to 1986 and retrieve a humpback whale (which they proceed to do).

I saw this in the theater with Deb Baker and Jon Shultis during a winter trip to Pittsburgh for a small computer science education conference. —Michael Main
McCoy: You realize that by giving him the formula you’re altering the future.
Scotty: Why? How do we know he didn’t invent the thing?
Headshots of the Enterprise crew overlook a Klingon ship passing over the
                Golden Gate bridge.
  • Eloi Silver Medal
  • Science Fiction
  • Comedy
  • Definite Time Travel

Star Trek: The Original Series Books


Determined to discover what the Klingons are doing in Federation space, Captain Kirk beams aboard their ship with a security team, just as the stormflares to its highest intensity. As the bridge crew watches in horror, Mauler vanishes from the Enterprise’s viewscrreen. And James T. Kirk awakens . . . one hundred years in the future. —from publicity material
His age, his century, his civilization—they were all gone. This was now his universe. The fact was irreversible. So be it. I will adjust.
A defiant woman and man stand side-by-side in green with green lights and fog
                behind them.
  • Science Fiction
  • No Time Phenomena

Time Was

Time travel via a spaceship that got too close to an uncharted black hole. Our hero, Caleb Hornblower, survives to have a romance with Liberty Stone, a woman from a couple hundred years before he was born. The romantic element is definitely stronger than the science, but there are some interesting discussions about past versus future technology and different social norms. There’s also a fun ride on an aircycle! And a bit of comedy when Liberty’s parents arrive unexpectedly. But only the one time travel event is documented, so this remains heavier on the Romance than the Time Travel.

The story continues in a 1990 sequel, Times Change. —Tandy Ringoringo
The cockpit lights went out, leaving only the whirl of kaleidoscopic colors from the instrument panel. His ship went into a spiral, tumbling end over end like a stone fired from a slingshot. Now the light was white, hot and brilliant. Instinctively he threw up an arm to shield his eyes. The sudden crushing pressure on his chest left him helpless to do more than gasp for breath.
Standing by a creek in the woods, a dark-haired man draws a woman toward him
                for a kiss.
  • Romance
  • Definite Time Travel

Times Change

Jacob (J.T.) Hornblower, astrophysicist, deliberately travels back a couple of centuries to shake some sense into his brother Caleb, who had foolishly (in J.T.’s opinion) decided to stay in the past. A little more science than the first book in this duology, but still heavier on the romance angle, as J.T. finds himself strongly attracted to Sunbeam (Sunny) Stone. Both J.T. and Sunny are opinionated and bullheaded, as well as having blackbelts, so there is also more conflict in this book. The documented return trip to the future includes a brief description of physical side-effects. —Tandy Ringoringo
And now he stood and wondered. If he dug for it, he would come upon the same box. The box that he had left with his parents only days before. The box would exist here, beneath his feet, just as it existed in his own time. As he existed.

If he dug it up now and carried it back to his ship, it would not be there for him to find on that high summer day in the twenty-third century. And if that was true, how could he be here, in this time, to dig it up at all?
A blonde woman and an Elvis lookalike cudddle on the floor by candlelight.
  • Romance
  • Definite Time Travel

Horrid Henry [s01e16]

Horrid Henry’s Time Machine

In the cartoon version of the short story, Henry imagines that his time machine is an elaborate time ship, at least until his perfect little brother brings him out of his daydream and back to the real world of cardboard. —Michael Main
Peter: “I'm going to the future. I want to see it for myself!”
  • Mainstream
  • Audience: Children
  • Time Phenomena

Star Trek

The Many and the Few

  • by Wendy Welcott
  • submission to Star Trek’s To Boldly Go Script Competition, 16 February 2016

Spock travels back and forth through time to save the Federation. —Michael Main
Peering into the murky abyss, Spock saw something he had never seen before: a window, a portal to that other world, not a vision, not a light, but a feeling, a feeling he didn’t understand—wonderment.
Pen-and-ink drawing two rabbits and a claw hammer in a small clearing
                on a solid, greenish-gold background.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Flash Fiction

Best. Scientist. EVER.

You head out on a quick, rollicking ride back through time, with an unknown pursuer and an ambiguous conclusion. —Tandy Ringoringo
You come to the conclusion that you can correct everything if you stop yourself before you steal the time machine.
Stylized outline of a rocket launching in a green circular seal for
                Daily Science Fiction.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Flash Fiction

Ad Nauseam

Illegal time travelers Jin and Rhea are stuck in a time loop in the 1950s. —Michael Main
Was this the fourth, or the fifth time around?
Stylized outline of a rocket launching in a green circular seal for
                Daily Science Fiction.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
TV Episode

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (s01e10)

A Quality of Mercy

A despondent Captain Pike considers warning two future cadets about the accident that will kill them and maim Pike himself, but before he can write to them, his older self shows up to transport young Pike to the future that the warnings will create. —Michael Main
Young Pike: How am I supposed to believe . . . ?
Old Pike: . . . that I’m really you?
Young Pike: You ever gonna let me get a word in edgewise?
Old Pike: I knew you were gonna say that. Does that help?
No image currently available.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
TV Episode

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (s02e03)

Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow

A mysterious, bloody man appears and warns La’an of an attack in the past, after which she races to the bridge, only to find herself in an alternate timeline with a young James T. Kirk at the helm.

A trip to the past seeems in order. —Michael Main
There’s going to be an attack. It’s going to change the timeline. We have to stop it.
No image currently available.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Partially Animated TV Episode

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (s02e07)

Those Old Scientists

Ensign Boimler is pulled into a time portal to the time of his heroes, Spock and Pike. Mariner follows! —Michael Main
I know me being here wasn’t . . . ideal . . . , and potentially reality-threatening, but meeting all of you has been one of the greatest experiences of my life.
No image currently available.
  • Eloi Gold Medal
  • Science Fiction
  • Comedy
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

The Other World

Divorce in the future is hard on children. Young Tage must pilot his spaceship from Mars to Earth for a summer visit with Mom, but he ends up 300 years in the past. —Michael Main
Written in bold, cursive letters it read the Cypress Review. Underneath it was some minor national news about the Soviet Union and other European countries that signed the Warsaw Pact last week. Soviet Union? Warsaw Pact? He thought curiously, the names sounded familiar but he could have sworn he remembered hearing about that in American History class and its timing being before the twenty-first century.
An robot with no skin dressed in black cowboy garb in an old west town.
  • Science Fiction
  • Audience: Children
  • Definite Time Travel