The World I Lost
- by unknown writers and John Forte
- Comic Book
- YA and Up
- Definite Time Travel
- English
The World I Lost
by unknown writers and John Forte, in Strange Tales #20 (Atlas Comics, April 1956).
World renowned scientists Adam Tyler is ready to marry his sweetheart, but not until he determines whether the future is any place to raise a family.
—Michael Main
Go into the future! It’s not impossible . . . with my knowledge of relativity and time warps . . . I could project myself into a predetermined time of the future!
- Time Periods
- Circa AD 1950 to 1959: Adam Tyler’s home time: 1953
- Time Travel Methods
- Time Ships: a rocketship
- Fictional Tags
- Post-Apocalyptic and Post-Holocaust Worlds: Adam Tyler’s destination time: 2050
- Groupings
The World I Lost
by unknown writers and John Forte, in Strange Tales #20 (Atlas Comics, April 1956).