Branching Timelines

Tag Area: Timeline Model

Sidewise in Time

Leinster’s title provides hope that this could be an early story of mixed-era geography, and indeed, the world of the story does have seemingly different times adjacent to each other. But we soon find out that these different times are actually the result of alternative histories that have been played out to the twentieth century and then appeared in different geographic areas. Yep! The Norse settled the Americas! The South won the war! The dinosaurs never died! And they're all next door to pompous Professor Minott and his merry band of students. —Michael Main
There are an indefinite nubmer of possible futures, any one of which we would encounter if we took the proper ‘forks” in time.
A series of four pen-and-ink panels show Roman soldiers, dinosaurs, and
  • Science Fiction
  • No Time Phenomena
Comic Book

Avengers Annual #2

. . . and Time, the Rushing River . . .

After the Scarlet Centurion waylays the Avengers on their way back from the 1940s, they find themselves in an alternative 1968 where the five original Avengers stayed together under the thumb of the Scarlet Centurion.

The story includes flashbacks and previously unknown explanations of the team’s previous trip to the ’40s in Avengers #56, and at the end of the story, Goliath uses Dr. Doom’s Time Platform to banish the Scarlet Centurion back to his time—and we think this is the only time travel that actually appears in the story (apart from the flashbacks). We don’t know what happens to the alternative 1968 (now known as Earth-689, but the traveling Avengers return to the universe that we all knew and loved in the 1960s (a.k.a. Earth-616), with their memory of the whole affair wiped by the Watcher. —Michael Main
Time is like a river! Dam it up at any one point . . . and it has no choice but to flow elsewhere . . . along other, easier routes!
Five Avengers from 1968, led by Goliath and the Wasp, face off against the five
                Avengers as they were in early 1964, led by Giant Man and the Wasp.
  • Eloi Silver Medal
  • Superhero
  • Audience: YA and Up
  • Definite Time Travel
Comic Book

Avengers #56

Death Be Not Proud!

Using Doc Doom’s time platform, the tag-3743 } Wasp sends Cap and the other three 1968 Avengers back to observe Bycky Barnes’s death at the hands of Baron Zemo. —Michael Main
That’s just what’s begun to torure me! How can I be sure he’s dead? I saw only a single searing blast! If I somehow survived it . . . couldn’t he have, too?
Standing over Bucky Barnes’s body, an anguished Captain America beseeches a
                higher power.
  • Superhero
  • Audience: YA and Up
  • Definite Time Travel

Unsound Variations

Peter Norten and his wife Kathy already had a rocky marriage before heading up to Bruce Bunnish’s Colorado mansion for a ten-year reunion with Bruce and two other members of the Northwestern University B Team that Peter captained to a near-win at the North American Intercollegiate Team Chess Championship. But will Peter and Kathy’s marriage survive the trip, and just how did Bruce end up as the only member of the team to go on to success? —Michael Main
Time is said to be the fourth dimension, but it differs from the other three in one conspicuous way—our consciousness moves along it. From past to present only, alas. Time itselfdoes not flow, no more than, say, width can flow. Our minds flicker from one instant of time to the next. This analogy was my starting point. I reasoned that if consciousness can move in one direction, it can move in the other direction as well. It took me fifty years to work out the details, however, and make what I call a flashback possible.
A blue-skinned, bikini-clad, sword-wielding woman flies over a forest on the
                neck of a dragon.
  • Eloi Bronze Medal
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

Ripples in the Dirac Sea

A physics guy invents a time machine that can go only backward and must always return the traveler to the exact same present from which he left. —Michael Main
  1. Travel is possible only into the past.
  2. The object transported will return to exactly the time and place of departure.
  3. It is not possible to bring objects from the past to the present.
  4. Actions in the past cannot change the present.
Pen-and-ink drawing of a man holding a woman in front of him with a peace sign
                on her sleeve and a complex clockface behind.
  • Eloi Gold Medal
  • 1989 Nebula
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

The Moment Universe Stories 1

Some Like It Cold

Sure, others have pulled that 20th century actress forward to make modern films with spectacular failure, each attempt spawning a branch universe unconnected to the 21st century of time traveler Det Gruber, but none of the others took into account the psychological factors in the way that Det’s employers have done. —Michael Main
She may be a wreck, but she wants to be here. Not like Paramount’s version.
A naked child sits beside a robot dog with the moon in the background.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel

The Moment Universe Stories 2

The Miracle of Ivar Avenue

  • by John Kessel
  • in Intersections: The Sycamore Hill Antholgy , edited by John Kessel et al., January 1996

In 1949 Los Angeles, Detective Lee Kinlaw has writer/director Preston Sturges down in the morgue. The only problem is that Sturges is still alive and well in Hollywood. —Michael Main
It’s a transmogrifier. A device that can change anyone into anyone else. I can change General MacArthur into President Truman, Shirley Temple into Marilyn Monroe.
Three patterned rectangles sit below the title of the Intersections anthology.
  • Eloi Honorable Mention
  • Science Fiction
  • Mystery and Crime
  • Definite Time Travel

The Moment Universe Stories 3

Corrupting Dr. Nice

Take a pair of time-hopping con artists looking for their next mark. Add a naïve and incredibly rich young scientist waiting to be fleeced. Stir together in the volatile political atmosphere of Roman-occupied Jerusalem at the time of the Crucifixion. The result: a wickedly entertaining blend of screwball comedy and biting social satire from one of science fiction’s most honored authors. —based on publicity material
The audacity of his snatching the first dinosaur out of the Cretaceous will draw the ire of every protect-the-past radical in the Northern Hemisphere.
A greenish-grey T. Rex gaps out of lush greenery.
  • Science Fiction
  • Comedy
  • Definite Time Travel

Moment Universe Stories 4

It’s All True

About five years after the first two Moment Universe stories, time traveling talent scount Det Gruber heads to 1942 in hopes of recruiting young, bitter Orson Welles to accompany him back to the future. —Michael Main
Welles clenched his fists. When he spoke it was in a lower tone. “Life is dark.”
An abstract design in red, orange, and yellow, perhaps suggesting paper rolling
                through a press.
  • Eloi Bronze Medal
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Feature Film


Imagine you’re a young boy in 1921 Cambridge when your equally young first love dies in a deep well. What would you do? Naturally, you’d vow to become a great scientist in an artsy movie so you could go back in time to alter the tragic event.

Apparently, people in early 20th-century Cambridge espouse many wise thoughts about time, parallel universes that encompass every possible combination of events again and again, and something about every decision every made creating a branch point. In the end, it's difficult to make a cohesive model of time from the plotline of Dimensions, but we tried our best to do so in our plot notes. —Michael Main
Annie: Are you ready to leave?
Stephen: Yes.
Annie: How long will it take?
Stephen: I don’t know: seconds, decades, an eternity.
Annie: An eternity? For a few moments together?
Stephen: Yes.
Intent Henry Lloyd-Hughes (as Stephen) and happy-go-lucky Camilla Rutherford
                (as Jame with a parousel) are superimposed over a spiral of 1921 dates with version
  • Science Fiction
  • Debatable Time Travel
Flash Fiction

The Loneliness of Time Travel

A twist on how meeting yourself for coffee interacts with how time travel works in your universe. —Michael Main
You have no idea how many of my younger selves freak out when I show up.
A star emerging from behind a blue planet.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Film

One-Minute Time Machine

James takes his one-minute time machine to a park bench to try to pick up quantum physicist Rachel.

The gang up in the ITTDB Citadel showed this five-minute film to me on my first prime birthday of the 2010 decade. —Michael Main
Rachel: What’s that?
James: Huh? Oh, nothing.
Rachel: Sure it’s not a One-Minute Time Machine?
Erinn Hayes (as Regina) gazes skyward from a park bench while Brian Dietzen (as
                James) stares straight-ahead beside her.
  • Gold Medal Eloi
  • Science Fiction
  • Romance
  • Comedy
  • Definite Time Travel
Feature Film

Hot Tub Time Machine 2

John Cusack exhibited his most excellent judgment by not reprising his role as Adam from the first tubfest. Nevertheless, we did spend several enjoyable hours up in the ITTDB Citadel trying to devise a timeline model that fits this second adventure of Adam’s three cohorts—one of whom (Jake) also attempts an explanation of how a mortally wounded Lou manages to jump into his future, healthy body. In his explanation, the trio of travelers go to 2025 in a timeline that branched off from their own timeline—in particular, a timeline where Lou was never shot. Perhaps they are even in the very timeline that was created after the trio returns to 2015 and Lou is not shot. That means that they’re living in the 2025 timeline at a point in their personal lives that’s before their actions created that timeline. —Michael Main
So, Lou was killed in our present, which means that here in the future, he should still be dead. Well, clearly he’s not fucking dead, because he’s sitting here, still bothering me. So what that tells me is we’re in a completely different future on a completely different timeline. [. . .] Anyway, the repairman said that the past is actually the future of the present that we’re in right now. So I think what that means is the killer is from the future. So clearly, someone from 2025 will go back in time and shoot Lou.
The move’s four main yahoos, dressed as astronauts, pose in front of a full
  • Science Fiction
  • Comedy
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

Million Eyes 0.02

Rachel Can See

  • by C. R. Berry
  • in Metamorphose: V2, edited by Tammy Davies (Metamorphose Literary, November 2016)

Teenager Rachel is sent to the Pinewood facility because she remembers events that never happened and people who died but are still inviting her to dinner. —Michael Main
She frowned. “I’m not crazy.”

“I’m not saying you are,” Dr. Flynn said. “But there is a problem with your memory and there are people at Pinewood who may be able to find out wht it is.”
A woman in a brown sweater turns her head and hides her face behind long red
  • Science Fiction
  • Audience: YA and Up
  • Time Phenomena


After Farway Gaius McCarthy fails his final examination at the Central Time Travelers Academy, he puts together a rogue time travel crew to swipe valuable artifacts from the past at moments when they won’t be missed. And it’s all roses until a mysterious girl sidetracks them on the Titanic and steers them into a multiverse of fading timelines.

As you might guess, we enjoyed Far and his friends, but the thing that sealed an Eloi Bronze Medal was the fact that when a particular timeline actually managed to branch (not an easy feat) and the traveler then jumped to the future, she found her another self—the her that was born on that timeline—waiting for her. Most branching timeline stories ignore this issue entirely. —Michael Main
“There’s nothing to return to.” Eliot’s knuckles bulged at the seams, but she didn’t yell. “When the Fade destroys a moment, it’s lost. Forever.”
An abstract design of thin purple lines and dots over out-of-focus grey
  • Eloi Bronze Medal
  • Science Fiction
  • Audience: Young Adults
  • Definite Time Travel
Nonfiction Book

Paradoxes of Time Travel

Ryan Wasserman’s philosophical book is one of two books* that need to live on your nonfiction shelf. One by one and with complete reference to the past literature, he presents all the major paradoxes of time travel along with different models of time travel and arguments against time travel even being possible. Just get it and read it cover-to-cover. As a bonus, Professor Wasserman, who is on the Philosophy faculty at Western Washington State University, will cheerfully have discussions about time travel issues via e-mail with those of us up in the nearby ITTDB Citadel.

* The other, of course, is Paul J. Nahin’s Time Machines: Time Travel in Physics, Metaphysics and Science Fiction, Second Edition. —Michael Main
Each of the foregoing cases involves a self-defeating act—an act such that, if it were performed, it wold not be. Self-defeating acts are obviously impossible, since the performance of such an act would imply a contradiction. Yet time travel seems to make such acts possible. This suggests the following line of argument against backward time travel:

(P1) If backward time travel were possible, it would be possible to perform a self-defeating act.

(P2) It is impossible to perform a self-defeating act.

(C) Backward time travel is impossible.
A descending spiral of Roman numerals in the style of a clockface.
  • Eloi Silver Medal
  • Nonfiction
  • Definite Time Travel

Mindscape #124

How Time Travel Could and Should Work

  • by Sean Carroll
  • from Mindscape 124 [podcast], 23 November 2020

Alas, Sean Carroll doesn’t pull any punches in his realistic assessment of the kinds of time travel that are or may be possible under the laws of physics as we know them in our universe. Or, as Professor Carroll himself puts it: “. . . podcasting isn’t for the squeamish.” In my layman’s understand of his most excellent explication, time travel aficionados have two physical phenomena on which to hang their Hat Things:
  1. Time Dilation: Under the laws of Einstein’s special relativity, a fast traveler who leaves the Earth, zooming around for a while at near light speed before returning, will experience less passage of time than those who stay in the more-or-less fixed reference frame of Earth. How cool is that? Yes, you can travel as far into the future as you like, so long as you have a means of zooming up to a high enough speed and returning. (And according to general relativity, time dilation also occurs inside a high gravitational field, although I didn’t notice a discussion of this sort of time dilation in the podcast.)
  2. Closed Timelike Curves: The second hope for time travelers are certain distributions of matter that (according to Einstein’s equations of general relativity) result in directed paths through spacetime in which a traveler along the path is always moving forward through time—and yet completing a full circuit of the path returns the traveler to the starting point in both space and time. That’s the good news. The bad news is that such paths, called closed timelike curves, might only be possible in the presense of infinitely long rotating cylinders or other physical conditions that may be impossible to engineer.
Up in the ITTDB Citadel, many of us found ourselves in a disquieted state at this point in Professor Carroll’s podcast (roughly the two-hour mark). Some went to bed early in a kind of daze; others decided it was time for a long walk through the lonely ice paths that surround the Citdel. But for those with the fortitude to keep their ears glued to the pod, there was a great reward. Carroll had already waded through the swift, waist-high currents of causality, predeterminism, free will, the A Theory of Time, the B Theory of time, and more. But now he was ready to dive into deep, uncharted waters. Yes, now he was ready to leave known physics behind, to talk about branching time that went beyond the Everettian Many Worlds of Schrödinger’s equation, and to consider what kind of a world would be needed to allow stories such as Back to the Future and Looper to consistently hold together. With this in mind, he devices a four-pronged theory that concludes with what he calls Narrative Time. For me, narrative time shares some features with the time model of Asimov’s The End of Eternity (a model that we call Hypertime in our story-tagging system), but it goes far beyond that.

Suffice it to say that when all the Librarians up in the Citadel woke from their sleeps and returned from their treks, we had a celebration that was strident enough to raise Lazurus Long himself from the dead (if he is dead, that is). —Michael Main
I think that if we really try hard, we can make sense of this. But there’s a rule in physics or whatever that the more surprising and weird the phenomenon is, the more you’re gonna have to work to introduce some weird elements into your theory to explain it. That’s not surprising, right? So we’re gonna need some leaps of faith here, but I think I can come up with the scheme that involves four ingredients on the basis of which we can actually make sense of Back to the Future, Looper, and other similar movies.
A brain below a lit incandescant light bulb.
  • Eloi Gold Medal
  • Nonfiction
  • Definite Time Travel
TV Episode

Loki, Season 1

Hang on to your Tesseracts! Apparently, in Endgame, when the Avengers traveled back in time to swipe various things from the 2012 Avengers, they inadvertantly started a branch in time where Loki ended up with the Tesseract. Of course, once that occurred, the Time Variance Authority spotted him as a Variant and quickly recruited him to help in their fight against even more variant Variants. —Michael Main
Appears to be a standard sequence violation. Branches growing at a stable rate and slope. Variant identified.
Tom Hiddleston (as Loki) stands with his arms crossed and an annoyed look on
                his face, in front of a large analog clock with multiple hands.
  • Eloi Bronze Medal
  • Superhero
  • Audience: YA and Up
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

A Smell of Jet Fuel

On the 107th floor of the South Tower on 9/11, time travel tour guide Brad Eckelson meets Sitra Velasco, a woman who couldn’t possibly be there. —Michael Main
Well, she wasn’t a contemporary, that much was clear.
A cloaked person, dressed in all-black with a billowing cape, stands atop a
                roaring dragon in flight.
  • Eloi Honorable Mention
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel

What If  . . . ? (s01e04)

What If . . . Doctor Strange Lost His Heart Instead of His Hands?

As we all know, when the world’s formost surgeon, Doctor Strange, lost the use of his hands in a car wreck, it prompted him to search out mystic treatments and eventually become the Master of the Mystic Arts. But what if he had lost something else in that wreck? —Michael Main
The Ancient One: Her death is an Absolute Point in time.
Dr. Strange: Absolute?
A.O.: Unchangable. Unmovable. Without her death, you would never have defeated Dormamu and become the Sorcerer Supreme—and the guardian of the Eye of Agamotto. If you erase her death, you never start your journey.
A computer animated cartoon drawing of Benedict Cumberbatch (as Doctor Strange)
                casting a spell.
  • Eloi Silver Medal
  • Fantasy
  • Superhero
  • Audience: YA and Up
  • Definite Time Travel
Animated Feature Film


Despite having relativistic time dilation, actual time travel, and a nice treatment of various time travel tropes, the story of Buzz Lightyear (the movie character) who was the basis for Buzz Lightyear (the toy) fell far short of infinity in terms of plot and fun. —Michael Main
Time dilation is quite simple. As you approached hyperspeed, your time slowed relative to our own, so during your mission, you aged only minutes, while the rest of us have aged years. Simply put, the faster you fly—
Closeup of the animated movie character Buzz Lightyear (not the toy) in his
                clear-helmeted spacesuit.
  • Science Fiction
  • Audience: Families
  • Definite Time Travel
TV Season

The Peripheral, Season 1

When Flynne Fisher’s ne’er-do-well brother lands a lucrative gig testing new VR tech, he drafts Flynne to do the heavy lifting, and she’s bowled over by the future world the VR has created—until she realizes it’s more than a sim. —Michael Main
If it were time travel, as you say, you’d be here physically. This is merely a matter of data transfer: quantum tunneling is the technical term for it. I understand your confusion.
Close-up of Chloë Grace Moretz (as Flynne Fisher) with her eyes obscured by a
                scene of rural North Carolina underneath an upside-down futuristic London.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel