Unsound Variations
- by George R. R. Martin
- Novella
- Science Fiction
- Adults
- Definite Time Travel
- English
- “Unsound Variations” by George R. R. Martin, in Amazing Science Fiction Stories, January 1982.
Peter Norten and his wife Kathy already had a rocky marriage before heading up to Bruce Bunnish’s Colorado mansion for a ten-year reunion with Bruce and two other members of the Northwestern University B Team that Peter captained to a near-win at the North American Intercollegiate Team Chess Championship. But will Peter and Kathy’s marriage survive the trip, and just how did Bruce end up as the only member of the team to go on to success?
—Michael Main
Time is said to be the fourth dimension, but it differs from the other three in one conspicuous way—our consciousness moves along it. From past to present only, alas. Time itselfdoes not flow, no more than, say, width can flow. Our minds flicker from one instant of time to the next. This analogy was my starting point. I reasoned that if consciousness can move in one direction, it can move in the other direction as well. It took me fifty years to work out the details, however, and make what I call a flashback possible.
- Time Periods
- Circa AD 1970 to 1999: The big chess tournament (early 1970s) and reunion (early 1980s).
- Circa AD 2000 to 2099: When Bunnish was 71.
- Timeline Models
- Branching Timelines: “Meanwhile, changes in the past create a new, variant timeline.”
- Themes
- Big Game (sports): “We were goin’ to play over the game.”
- Fix Your Own Past!
- Repeat until You Get It Right: “When I flashed back—you have no idea how many times I have flashed back, trying one new idea after another—that is always my target point, that day in Evanston, the game with Vesselare..
- Travels into Yourself: “My device would send my mind back to any point in my own lifetime that I chose, superimpose my consciousness with all of its memories on the consciousness of my earlier self.”
- Groupings
- “Unsound Variations” by George R. R. Martin, in Amazing Science Fiction Stories, January 1982.
- Czech.
“Nečekaná variace” [Unexpected variation] by George R. R. Martin, in Snové písně 2 (Argo, September 2019).. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . translated by unknown persons - French.
“Variantes douteuses” [Doubtful variants] by George R. R. Martin, in Au fil du temps (ActuSF, November 2013). - German.
“Aussichtslose Varianten” [Hopeless variants] by George R. R. Martin, in Kopernikus 7, edited by H. J. Alpers (Moewig, August 1982). - German.
“Aussichtslose Varianten” [Hopeless variants] by George R. R. Martin, in GRRM: Eine Rretrospektive 2 (Fantasy Productions, December 2014). - Hungarian.
“Bizonytalan variációk” [Uncertain variations] by George R. R. Martin, in Álomdalok 2, (Alexandra Kiadónak, 2019).. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . translated by unknown persons - Italian.
“Variante perdenti” [Losers variant] by George R. R. Martin, in I canti del sogno, Volume 2 (Mondadori, September 2003).. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . translated by unknown persons