Time Cops

Tag Area: Time Travel Trope

Time Patrol 1

Time Patrol

In the first of a long series of hallowed stories, former military engineer (and noncomformist) Manse Everard is recruited by the Time Patrol to prevent time travelers from making major changes to history. (Don’t worry, history bounces back from the small stuff.) —Michael Main
If you went back to, I would guess, 1946, and worked to prevent your parents’ marriage in 1947, you would still have existed in that year; you would not go out of existence just because you had influenced events. The same would apply even if you had only been in 1946 one microsecond before shooting the man who would otherwise have become your father.
A man climbs a spiraling ramp up the side of a rocket while holding a blaster
                on two men below.
  • Gold Medal Eloi
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel

Time Patrol 2

Delenda Est

Curse those rogue time travelers! Who do they think they are? And what gives them the right to make Hannibal victorious in that classic Punic conflict? And what can Patrolman Manse Everard and his Venusian partner Van Sarawak do in an altered 20th-century world to make it right again? —Michael Main
Events are the result of a complex. There are no single causes. That’s why it’s so hard to change history. If I went back to, say, the Middle Ages, and shot one of FDR’s Dutch forebears, he’ll still be born in the late nineteenth century—because he and his genes resulted fom the entire world of his ancestors, and there’d have been compensation. But evey so often, a really key event does occur. Some one happening is a nexus of so many world lines that its outcome is decisive for the whole future.
No image currently available.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel

Time Patrol 4

The Only Game in Town

While on a two-man mission to stop a Mongol party from exploring North America in AD 1280, Patrolman John Sandoval gets a cracked skull, which leaves Manse Everard to figure out a way to save John and the mission while waxing philosophical about time travel and the Time Patrol. —Michael Main
Thin lightnings winked from above. The cloven air boomed behind them. He felt a chill, deeper than the night cold. But he eased his pace. There was no more reason for hurry.
No image currently available.
  • Undetermined
  • Definite Time Travel

Time Patrol 4

The Only Game in Town

While on a two-man mission to stop a Mongol party from exploring North America in AD 1280, Patrolman John Sandoval gets a cracked skull, which leaves Manse Everard to figure out a way to save John and the mission while waxing philosophical about time travel and the Time Patrol. —Michael Main
Thin lightnings winked from above. The cloven air boomed behind them. He felt a chill, deeper than the night cold. But he eased his pace. There was no more reason for hurry.
No image currently available.
  • Undetermined
  • Definite Time Travel

Many Mansions

  • by Robert Silverberg
  • in Universe 3, edited by Terry Carr (Random House, October 1973)

With eleven years of marriage behind them, Ted and Alice’s fantasies frequently start with a time machine and end with killing one or another of their spouse’s ancestors before they can procreate. So naturally, they each end up at Temponautics, Ltd. Oh, and Ted’s grandpa has some racy fantasies of his own.
In Silverberg’s Something Wild Is Loose (Vol. 3 of his collected stories), he posits that this story is “probably the most complex short story of temporal confusion” since Heinlein’s “By His Bootstraps” (1941) or “—All You Zombues—” (1959), but I would respectfully disagree. In particular, I would describe Heinlein’s two stories as the most complex short stories of temporal consistency in that there is but a single, static timeline and (in hindsight) every scene locks neatly into place within this one timeline. By contrast, Silverberg story involves multiple time travel choices by the characters in what I would call parallel universes. The confusion, such as it is, stems more from what appears to be alternate scenes in disconnected universes rather than temporal confusion per se. —Michael Main
On the fourth page Alice finds a clause warning the prospective renter that the company cannot be held liable for any consequences of actions by the renter which wantonly or wilfully interfere with the already determined course of history. She translates that for herself: If you kill your husband’s grandfather, don’t blame us if you get in trouble.
A yellow silhouette of a kneeling person in the bottom have of an hourglass.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

Time Patrol 5

Gibraltar Falls

  • by Poul Anderson
  • in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, October 1975

As part of an crew assigned to crew to observe the filling of the Mediterranean from the Atlantic in the late Micene, Patrolman Tom Nomura breaks the rules to use time travel to rescue Feliz a Rach when she’s swept over the falls. —Michael Main
The Mediterranean floor lay ten thousand feet below sea level. The inflow took most of that drop within a fifty-mile strait. Its volume amounted to ten thousand cubic miles a year, a hundred Victoria Falls or a thousand Niagaras.
No image currently available.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

Closing the Timelid

Centuries in the future, Orion throws an illicit party in which the partygoers get to experience complete death in the past. —Michael Main
Ah, agony in a tearing that made him feel, for the first time, every particle of his body as it screamed in pain.
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  • Eloi Bronze Medal
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel

Time Patrol 7

The Sorrow of Odin the Goth

Patrolman Carl Farnass is more of a story-gatherer and histornian than a time cop, and unlike most patrolmen, he takes a wife in the time of the Goths and takes a godlike interest in his children and their descendants. —Michael Main
But I did not, repeat not establish a new god; I merely fitted an image they’d long worshipped, and in the course of time, a generation or so, they came to assume I must be him.
A bearded man in a blue hat and cape holds a spear in front of a futuristic
                flying scooter.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Feature Film

Trancers I


In the first of six (really!) Trancer movies (plus a “lost” short), heroic trancer-hunter (and newly anointed time cop) Jack Deth follows evil trancer-maker Martin Whistler from 2247 to 1985 via drug-induced time-travel that can take you back only to the body of an ancestor. —Michael Main
Greetings to the council. As you may have gathered, I have survived the pathetic trap set by Trooper Deth on Mecon 7. For twelve long years, you have hunted my disciples like dogs. Now, my day of vengeance is at hand. I’ve synthesized a time drug, and in a moment shall retreat down the dark corridors of history. Know that it is I who is solely responsible for your demise. One by one, your ancestors shall be murdered, and you, their progeny, shall cease to exist. Then shall I return, join my legion, and claim the seat of power for my own. Adieu . . . adieu . . . 
Gun-toting Tim Tomerson (as Jack Deth) emerges from a door into a foggy night
                sky littered with parking lot posts.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
TV Episode

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (s0506)

Trials and Tribble-ations

Please, please, please set aside two hours to watch the original “The Trouble with Tribbles” (Star Trek [s2e15]) followed immediately by this episode of ST:DS9. You will laugh, you will cry, you will cheer with joy, as Sisko and the DS9 crew find themselves back with Kirk, Spock, McCoy, Klingons, and tribbles at Deep Station K-7 on Stardate 4523.7. —Michael Main
Kirk: [pacing in front of a lineup of the crew] Who started the fight?
O’Brien: I don’t know, sir.
Captain Cisco and Dax trying to stay unnoticed behind Kirk and Spock in a
                corridor on the Enterprise.
  • Eloi Gold Medal
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

Scherzo with Tyrannosaur

The director of Hilltop Research Station extinguishes various fires while hosting a donor dinner in the Cretaceous and planning predatory behavior of his own to keep the donor funds flowing, all while ensuring that the mysterious beings known only as the Unchanging remain in the dark about a quagmire of time travel violations. —Michael Main
It would bring our sponsors down upon us like so many angry hornets. The Unchanging would yank time travel out of human hands—retroactively.
A T-Rex leaps out of the forest while four oblivious diners in formal attire
                lift a toast.
  • 1999 Hugo
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

The Hat Thing

A nameless man tells another how to spot time travelers. —Michael Main
Sure. Researchers. Tourists. Criminals altering their present by manipulating the past. Religious pilgrims. Collectors. Who knows what motivates people in a million years from now?
A massive blocky ship beside a smaller ship with two moons and a purple planet
                in the background.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Flash Fiction

No Time

A battlefield plunderer meets his own dead self.
You get attacked, you have no backup, so you become your own.
A star emerging from behind a blue planet.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

Every So Often

  • by Rich Larson
  • in Datafall: Collected Speculative Fiction [e-book] (Rich Larson, August 2012)

Victor is one of the many protectors of the timeline from rogue rewinders. In his case, his five-year mission is to protect a small dark-haired boy in 1894 Austria. —Michael Main
“I’m maintaining the Quo,” he says simply.
Silhouette of a man holding a child’s hand in front of arcing streams of neon
                green data.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
TV Episode

Castle (s06e05)

Time Will Tell

A murder investigation leads to a suspect (Doyle) who says he traveled back in time to stop a catastrophe that will result in at least half the people on the planet dying. —Tandy Ringoringo
Ryan: I thought it was kind of derivative.
Esposito: Like a mash-up of 12 Monkeys and Terminator.
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  • Mystery and Crime
  • Definite Time Travel


After Farway Gaius McCarthy fails his final examination at the Central Time Travelers Academy, he puts together a rogue time travel crew to swipe valuable artifacts from the past at moments when they won’t be missed. And it’s all roses until a mysterious girl sidetracks them on the Titanic and steers them into a multiverse of fading timelines.

As you might guess, we enjoyed Far and his friends, but the thing that sealed an Eloi Bronze Medal was the fact that when a particular timeline actually managed to branch (not an easy feat) and the traveler then jumped to the future, she found her another self—the her that was born on that timeline—waiting for her. Most branching timeline stories ignore this issue entirely. —Michael Main
“There’s nothing to return to.” Eliot’s knuckles bulged at the seams, but she didn’t yell. “When the Fade destroys a moment, it’s lost. Forever.”
An abstract design of thin purple lines and dots over out-of-focus grey
  • Eloi Bronze Medal
  • Science Fiction
  • Audience: Young Adults
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

Marley and Marley

Somewhat jaded 28-year-old Marley comes back through time to take care of 12-year-old orphaned Marley. —Michael Main
He told me all the horrible things that would happen if I broke any Time Laws. Worlds would collapse. I would turn inside out. Important people would die and important things wouldn’t happen.
Two spirits emerge on a stone wall behind a young woman.
  • Science Fiction
  • Audience: YA and Up
  • Definite Time Travel

Here and Now and Then

When time travel agent Kin Stewart finds himself rapidly losing his memory and stranded in 1996, he writes a journal of his life in the future and proceeds to break every rule in the book by creating a new life and family in his new present . . . until a retriever shows up in 2014. —Michael Main
Science fiction. She thought the journal was filled with tales, like her Doctor Who or Heather’s Star Trek shows.
Two paper dolls--a man and a woman--run on opposite sides of a looped,
                non-Moebius, strip of paper with the San Francisco skyline along its edge.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel

The Leap Cycle 1

The Infinite

Leaplings, children born on the 29th of February, are very rare. Rarer still are Leaplings, such as Elle Bibi-Imbele, with the ability to leap through time. But now Leaplings are disappearing in time, and not everyone at the centre can be trusted. Soon Elle's adventure becomes more than a race through time. It's a race against time. She must fight to save the world as she knows it—before it ceases to exist. —based on publicity material
And I’m going on a school trip to 2048! We’ll be staying at the Time Squad Centre. Only four pupils from my class were chosen. They sent secret letters to our parents six weeks ago and I had to read mine out to Grandma because she can’t read or write but still puts on her glasses like she can. I was so excited and scared, I almost went tongue-tied. My favorite line from the letter was: “Elle has been chosen for this trip because she score the highest for Effort in Past, Present and Future for the whole of Seventh Year.”
A young girl with a backpacl and red high-top sneakers leaps into the air.
  • Science Fiction
  • Mystery and Crime
  • Audience: Young Adults
  • Definite Time Travel
Flash Fiction

Agent 3203.7

The seventh incarnation of Agent 3203 is once again tasked with preventing a thoughtful assassin from carrying out a political mission for the good of humanity. —Michael Main
He’s destroying my world!
Eliezer Yudkowsky examines the wall on Platform 9 3/4 at King’s Cross
  • Satire
  • Definite Time Travel

16 episodes

시지프스: The Myth

  • Sisyphus: The Myth
  • Sisyphus: The myth
  • Sisyphus: The Myth
  • by 전찬호 and 이제인, directed by 진혁
  • 16 untitled episodes (JTBC-TV, Korea, 17 February to 8 April 2021)

Young genius Han Tae-sul is the focus of dangerous people and a mysterious woman—Gang Seo-hae—from a war-torn near future.

Sadly, the story comes close to being a slick static timeline, but alas, the writers could not follow through. —Michael Main
The Downloader is a real piece of work. There’s only a ten percent chance of success, eh? And even if they make it, half of them get caught by the Control Bureau.
A static-y head shot of Park Shin-Hye (as Gang Seo Hae) with long black hair
                and a worried look.
  • Eloi Honorable Mention
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
TV Episode

Loki, Season 1

Hang on to your Tesseracts! Apparently, in Endgame, when the Avengers traveled back in time to swipe various things from the 2012 Avengers, they inadvertantly started a branch in time where Loki ended up with the Tesseract. Of course, once that occurred, the Time Variance Authority spotted him as a Variant and quickly recruited him to help in their fight against even more variant Variants. —Michael Main
Appears to be a standard sequence violation. Branches growing at a stable rate and slope. Variant identified.
Tom Hiddleston (as Loki) stands with his arms crossed and an annoyed look on
                his face, in front of a large analog clock with multiple hands.
  • Eloi Bronze Medal
  • Superhero
  • Audience: YA and Up
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

A Smell of Jet Fuel

On the 107th floor of the South Tower on 9/11, time travel tour guide Brad Eckelson meets Sitra Velasco, a woman who couldn’t possibly be there. —Michael Main
Well, she wasn’t a contemporary, that much was clear.
A cloaked person, dressed in all-black with a billowing cape, stands atop a
                roaring dragon in flight.
  • Eloi Honorable Mention
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

In the Chocolate Bar

Steven Mentzel discovered that the original recipe for Abelard chocolate has been removed from the safe where it is kept. He asks for help from Jacques Pepin, and a somewhat unlikely trio show up to help him. —Tandy Ringoringo
“Who are you looking for?” Steven asked.

“Myself,” she said, peering up and down the busy Boston street.“It’s not a good sign. I usually come back to reassure me that we’ve succeeded. I wonder what's holding me up?”

“Maybe it’s just a delay,” the clerk suggested concerned by the look on the tall woman’s face.
“You couldn’t get back in time?”

“It’s time travel,” Julia corrected him. “There’s always time to get back where you started. ”
A green drink with ice sits on a brown bar in front of a warped stopwatch.
  • Mystery and Crime
  • Definite Time Travel
TV Episode

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (s02e03)

Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow

A mysterious, bloody man appears and warns La’an of an attack in the past, after which she races to the bridge, only to find herself in an alternate timeline with a young James T. Kirk at the helm.

A trip to the past seeems in order. —Michael Main
There’s going to be an attack. It’s going to change the timeline. We have to stop it.
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  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel