Ice Ages

Tag Area: Real-World Setting
Comic Book

Gorgo 23

The Land of Long Ago

Charlton’s Gorgo comic was inspired by the the 1961 movie of the same name Unlike the movie, however, the comic book Gorgo had one adventure in time when Dr. Hobart Howarth rescues Gorgo from YaPa* by sending the giant reptile back to the late Jurassic. Sadly, as a child, I bought only one Gorgo comic, which was not the time-travel issue, although that one issue I had was drawn by Steve Ditko, hooray!
* Yet another Pentagon attack —Michael Main
I will send Gorgo back into is own era in the stream of time. Here he is an anachronism . . . In his own time, he would be in harmony withhis surroundings!
A giant green reptile bats at a dark pterodactyl while a man cowers to one
  • Science Fiction
  • Audience: YA and Up
  • Definite Time Travel

The Voyages of Ijon Tichy 20

Podróż dwudziesta

  • Journey twenty
  • The Twentieth Voyage
  • by Stanisław Lem
  • in Dzienniki gwiazdowe, expanded third edition, by Stanisław Lem, (Czytelnik, 1971)

After the time mish-mash of Ijon Tichy’s seventh voyage, it wasn’t clear whether Ijon would ever ply the channels of time again, but here he is, traveling back in time to persuade himself to go forward in time and take up the helm of THEOHIPPIP—a.k.a. Teleotelechronistic-Historical Engineering to Optimize the Hyoerputerized Implementation of Paleological Programming and Interplanetary Planning. It takes a few attempts for older Ijon to convince younger Ijon to head to the future on a one-man chronocykl, but when he does, the younger Ijon begins the unexpectedly hard task of righting history’s wrongs. As a sophisticated time traveler yourself, you’ll spot what’s happening early on, while you also get a tour of history from the formamtion of the Solar System to the extinction of the dinosaurs and the paintings of Hieronymus Bosch. You’ll also recognize the fun Lem has at the expense of the bureaucracies of mid-20th-century Poland. —Michael Main
Zresztą Bosch nie powstrzymał się od niedyskrecji. W „Ogrodzie uciech ziemskich,” w „piekle muzycznym” (prawe skrzydło tryptyku) stoi w samym środku dwunastoosobowy chronobus. I co miałem z tym robić?
translate Even so, Bosch couldn’t refrain from certain indiscretions. In the “Garden of Earthly Delights,” in the very center of the “Musical Hell” (the right wing of the triptych), stands a twelve-seat chronobus. Not a thing I could do about it.
Pen-and-ink drawing of a broomstick time machine with a bicycle saddle and
                handle bars, a.k.a. the chronocycle.
  • Science Fiction
  • Comedy
  • Definite Time Travel

The Creature Cases, s02e01

The Missing Mammoth: A Holiday Mystery

An intense story about Sam, Kit, and R.O.N. going back in time to the ice age with wooly mammoths and how they got back to C.L.A.D.E.
You’re right. We’ve got to help them, even if we are stuck in the Ice Age.
Sam and Kit try to hang on the a rampaging wooly mammoth.
  • Mystery and Crime
  • Audience: Preschoolers
  • Definite Time Travel
TV Episode

Time Bandits, s01e02


Even though Kevin seems (mostly) helpful to the bandits, Penelope still tries to dump him in the Ice Age and Maya times. —Michael Main
I’m not cut out to be a time traveling bandit.
Young Kal-El Tuk (as Kevin) stands boldly, wearing his glasses, knight tunic,
                and translation helmet.
  • Fantasy
  • Audience: Families
  • Definite Time Travel
TV Episode

Time Bandits, s01e05


In Georgian England, Judy entices Casanova, Penelope angers the Earl of Sandwich, and Fianna finds the bandits. —Michael Main
Penelope: But if you were challenged to a duel, what would you do?
Kevin: Well, I'd tell a teacher or another adult.
Rachel Harris (as the hairy, frowning demon Fianna)
  • Undetermined
  • Audience: Families
  • Definite Time Travel
TV Episode

Time Bandits, s01e07

Ice Age

Kevin and the Bandits finally meet up with Saffron in the ice age where over a period of three years she’s become legendary among the Neanderthals. —Michael Main
Kiera Thompson (as Saffron), dressed as a Neanderthal with face paint and ratty
  • Bronze Medal Eloi
  • Undetermined
  • Audience: Families
  • Definite Time Travel