Time Vehicles (motorized)

Tag Area: Time Machine
Comic Strip

Mickey Mouse, 22 October 1951 to 22 January 1952

Uncle Wombat’s Tock-Tock Time Machine

Mickey Mouse and Goofy ride in a aerodynamic car that
  • Comedy
  • Audience: Families
  • Definite Time Travel
Comic Book

Journey into Mystery #6

The Man Who Went Back

A man on death row murders his guards and escapes, getting on an odd bus where everyone is rapidly aging. And when he demands to be taken back, that’s when the real fun begins. —Michael Main
You’ve got to stop the bus . . . turn around or we’ll all soon be dead of old age!
No image currently available.
  • Weird Fiction
  • Audience: YA and Up
  • Definite Time Travel
Comic Book

Unusual Tales #29

Where Does It Go?

J. L . Standish finds himself unexpectedly on a flying bus to the future where the automata have a job for him. —Michael Main
But what would I do? If your automated processes are as efficient as I believe, a mere mortal cannot be important to you!
A purple city bus flies above startled onlookers.
  • Science Fiction
  • Audience: YA and Up
  • Definite Time Travel
Comic Book

Tales of Suspense #44

The Mad Pharoah!

Iron Man’s suit changes from grey to gold, and the golden Avenger is kidnapped and taken back to ancient Egypt where he upsets the plans of the consistently misspelled Mad Pharoah by winning the throne back for Cleopatra. —Michael Main
For though I do not know your real identity . . . I, Cleopatra, have lost my heart to you!
Carrying a smiling and waving Cleopatra in one arm, Iron Man flies over
                chariots and ancient Egyptians.
  • Eloi Honorable Mention
  • Superhero
  • Audience: YA and Up
  • Definite Time Travel

Bank and Shoal of Time

  • by R. A. Lafferty
  • in A Spadeful of Spacetime, edited by Fred Saberhagen (Ace Books, February 1981)

Peter Luna brings five “time attempter” experts to his estate, hoping that he’ll be able to pass on his secret for getting over the time shoal that prevents them from exploring the past. —Michael Main
This was the message received by a dozen or so experts in the "time attempters" field:

"I have succeeded in establishing a creeping time-satellite or time-shuttle at my estate of Moonwick near Lunel in the Herault Department of the Peoples Republic of France. If you are really experts in your field, you will appreciate the importance of this. From this time-shuttle, which is just beyond the ‘shoal’ of all of you to whom I am sending this message, it will be possible for you to launch genuine time probes. I am sending this to a dozen or so and I hope for acceptance from at least five. I must have a matched set of at least five. Some soon. A very little bit after ‘soon’ will be too late for me to transmit the shuttle to you. Bring ideas only. Everything else for frugal and break-through living is provided. You will receive various transportation chits and enabling papers. Peter Luna.”

The World Courier Service (“No questions asked. Messages carried anywhere or anywhen in the world”) delivered these messages to the dozen or so persons who were experts in the time field. And some of the people gave assent and some didn’t. So, the next day, the Courier Service delivered airline tickets, train tickets, and International Taxi Coupons to five of the experts who had agreed to go to Moonwick.
No image currently available.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Feature Film

Back to the Future I

Back to the Future

Typical skateboarding teenager Marty McFly meets Doc Brown for the first test of his DeLorean time machine, but when Libyan terrorists strike, things go awry, Marty and the DeLorean end up in 1955 where his parents are teens, and the Doc of 1955 must now send Marty back to the future. —Michael Main
Next Saturday night, we’re sending you . . . back to the future!
Michael J. Fox (as Marty McFly) emerges from the open door of the DeLorean onto
                two flaming tire tracks.
  • Eloi Gold Medal
  • 1986 Hugo
  • Science Fiction
  • Audience: YA and Up
  • Definite Time Travel
Feature Film

Back to the Future II

Back to the Future II

Doc Brown takes Marty and Jennifer from 1985 to 2015 to save their children from a bad fate, but the consequences pile up when Biff also gets in on the time-travel action. —Michael Main
The time-traveling is just too dangerous. Better that I devote myself to study the other great mystery of the universe—women!
Michael J. Fox (as Marty) and Christopher Lloyd (as Doc) check their watches
                beside the DeLorean in a lightning storm.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Feature Film

Back to the Future III

Back to the Future III

Marty and 1955-Doc travel back to the Old West where 1985-Doc is trapped along with various Biff ancestors and a possible love interest for Doc. —Michael Main
Doc: [blowing train whistle] I’ve wanted to do that my whole life!
Michael J. Fox (as Marty), Christopher Lloyd (as Doc), and Mary Steenburger (as
                Clara) in Western garb beside the DeLorean and a flaming train track.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

This Must Be the Place

At a bar, Andrea meets a loopy man who seems to already know her; he leaves a mysterious message on a napkin, which turns out to be a hint about their next meeting where the man is younger and no longer knows her. —Michael Main
If I had the power to decide never to meet him again, I reasoned, surely I had the power to change the course of the relationship for the better.
A collage of Tom Cruise and other likely figures from the 1980s beside a
                countdown of years to 1984.
  • Science Fiction
  • Music and Musicals
  • Definite Time Travel
Feature Film

A Million Ways to Die in the West

Albert: Hello?
Doc Brown: Wa . . . uoh.
Albert: What’s uh . . . what’s that?
Doc Brown: [hastily covering the DeLorean] Nothing! Wa . . . uh, it . . . [nods head] it’s a weather experiment.
Albert: Oh. [leaves]
Doc Brown: Great Scott!
Small images of Liam Neeson (as Clinch). Seth MacFarlane (as Albert), and
                Charlize Theron (as Anna) and five other western-themed characters (including a
  • Comedy
  • Western
  • Cameo Time Travel
TV Series

내가 이 나라의 평강공주다

  • Mai onri leobeusong
  • My only lovesong
  • My Only Love Song
  • by 김수진, directed by 민두식
  • (Netflix, 9 June 2017)

Diva actress Song Soo-jung drives off in a huff in her manager’s VW van—Boing Boing—only to find herself in the ancient kingdom of Goguryeo where she meets characters from her historical TV show including the real Princess Pyeonggang and the roguish hero On-Dal. —Michael Main
A cheerful Gong Seung-yeon (as Soo-jung) drives a cute white van while a
                frightened Lee Jong-hyun (as On Dal) hangs on beside her.
  • Romance
  • Comedy
  • Definite Time Travel
Feature Film

Out of Time

  • written and directed by Matt Handy
  • (unknown release details, 2019)

A government agent from 1951 follows three alien invaders through a time portal to 21st-century Los Angeles where he teams up with a local cop to track the trio down before they can signal their cohorts. —Michael Main
Sir: [pointing at billboard of the space shuttle] That is why we leapt into the future. We fly that back to the armada and show them where this planet is.
A man in a business suit and a fedora runs toward a bright, pastel purple light
                with Los Angeles, spaceships, and hills in the background.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Early Chapter Book

Press Start! 9

Super Rabbit Boy’s Time Jump!

A superhero rabbit from a low-resolution handheld video game fights his arch-nemesis, King Viking, who plans to stop Baby Rabbit Boy from ever getting superpowers. —Michael Main
I built this Super Mega Robot Time Machine to use the Time Crystal’s power. That means I can travel through time!
Two low-resolution video game rabbits swirl into a vortex along with four
  • Science Fiction
  • Fantasy
  • Audience: Children
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

A Smell of Jet Fuel

On the 107th floor of the South Tower on 9/11, time travel tour guide Brad Eckelson meets Sitra Velasco, a woman who couldn’t possibly be there. —Michael Main
Well, she wasn’t a contemporary, that much was clear.
A cloaked person, dressed in all-black with a billowing cape, stands atop a
                roaring dragon in flight.
  • Eloi Honorable Mention
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Feature Film

Next Stop, Christmas

Angie is too busy at work, doesn’t want to face her parents’ divorce, and has her mind stuck ten years in the past when she turned down a marriage proposal from the guy who became Tyler Grant, famous sportscaster. So she’s going to send Christmas on her own in Yonkers—except that the train ticker seller/conductor has other ideas that involve her reliving that Christmas in Connecticut ten years ago. —Michael Main
That was a long time ago in a galaxy far away—can’t turn back time.
Two well-known cast members (Lea Thompson and Christopher Lloyd) with the two
                lead cast members (Lyndsy Fonseca and Chandler Massey) pose in costume behind a steam
  • Fantasy
  • Romance
  • Definite Time Travel