At a bar, Andrea meets a loopy man who seems to already know her; he leaves a mysterious message on a napkin, which turns out to be a hint about their next meeting where the man is younger and no longer knows her.
Michael Main
If I had the power to decide never to meet him again, I reasoned, surely I had the power to change the course of the relationship for the better.




  1. “This Must Be the Place” by Elly Bangs, in Strange Horizons, 2 February 2009.
  2. audio reading, as by Elliott Bangs.
    “This Must Be the Place,” as by Elliott Bangs, in The Dunsteef Audio Fiction Magazine [podcast], 15 August 2010.
  3. recast of audio reading with misspelling of Elliott Bangs.
    “This Must Be the Place,” as by Elliot Bangs, [podcast], circa 2010.