Kill Hitler

Tag Area: Time Travel Trope
Short Story

Tomorrow and Tomorrow

When a typewriter appears on the floor of his boarding room and begins typing messages from the future, down-on-his-luck Steve Temple thinks it must be his old jokester friend Harry—but he’s wrong about that, and the fate of the world 500 years down the line now depends on what Steve does about a recently elected man. “Tomorrow and Tomorrow” doesn’t have the notoriety of that other Bradbury story about time travel and an elected official, but even though this one’s riddled with ridiculous ideas on time, it does accurately predict text messaging! —Michael Main
Sorry. Not Harry. Name is Ellen Abbot. Female. 26 years old. Year 2442. Five feet ten inches tall. Blonde hair, blue eyes—semantician and dimensional research expert. Sorry. Not Harry.
Pen-and-ink drawing of a row of faces above a row of cylinders, receding into
                the distance.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Comic Book

Unusual Tales #30

A Small Matter of Time

The title suggests that Professor Amos Shute’s intrepid travelers are going back in time to four planets that are identical in every way to our own, but then again, perhaps those four planets were merely at earlier times to begin with. We won’t say one way or another, but we are glad that the Spanish Flu pandemic, World War I, World War II, and World War III were all averted on some Earth. —Michael Main
In what time period will you find yourselves when you land at your particular destinatoin!
In two large panels with spaceships and a large model of Earth, Professor Amos
                Shute explains a mission to four space pilots.
  • Science Fiction
  • Audience: YA and Up
  • Debatable Time Travel
Flash Fiction

On the Bus

A man on a bus gives advice to his younger self. —Michael Main
You’re going to need a lot of dog food.
White text reading "Black is the New Black" on a black background above the
                text of a story.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

Every So Often

  • by Rich Larson
  • in Datafall: Collected Speculative Fiction [e-book] (Rich Larson, August 2012)

Victor is one of the many protectors of the timeline from rogue rewinders. In his case, his five-year mission is to protect a small dark-haired boy in 1894 Austria. —Michael Main
“I’m maintaining the Quo,” he says simply.
Silhouette of a man holding a child’s hand in front of arcing streams of neon
                green data.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Feature Film

A Promise of Time Travel

  • written and directed by Craig Jessen, produced by April Grace Lowe
  • (North Carolina Gay and Lesbian Film Festival, Durham, North Carolina, 16 August 2016)

After fifteen years of estrangement, bookish Zelda Jones reunites with her best friend from high school, Cassie . At the start of their new relationship, it’s not apparent that their interactions are going anywhere, but as the other main characters weave their way into the plot, Zelda learns about time travel on a single, static timeline, and the pieces lock nicely into place.

Oh, and Dave’s grandfather had a plot to go back and kill Hitler, but that’s not really relevant to Zelda (and Cassie and Walter and John and Charlie). —Michael Main
If you do travel back in time, even though it’s in your subjective future, it’s in the objective past. So if you could travel back in time and if you were determined to change the past, when it came down to it, you’d either decide not to, or you’d fail.
Head shots of April Grace Lowe (as Zelda) and Angela Rysk (as Cassie) beside a
                smoking alarm clock.
  • Eloi Bronze Medal
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Flash Fiction

Goodbye, Howard Henning

Did you ever wonder what happens when a time traveler makes a mistake? Don’t miss Stith’s “Story behind the Story” at the end of the web page. —Michael Main
This isn’t Germany. And this can’t be 1924.
Two large three-dimensional numbers--18,083 and 2 1 1 4 B--in front of a purple
                cosmic explosion.
  • Science Fiction
  • Comedy
  • Definite Time Travel
Flash Fiction

Agent 3203.7

The seventh incarnation of Agent 3203 is once again tasked with preventing a thoughtful assassin from carrying out a political mission for the good of humanity. —Michael Main
He’s destroying my world!
Eliezer Yudkowsky examines the wall on Platform 9 3/4 at King’s Cross
  • Satire
  • Definite Time Travel

Mindscape #124

How Time Travel Could and Should Work

  • by Sean Carroll
  • from Mindscape 124 [podcast], 23 November 2020

Alas, Sean Carroll doesn’t pull any punches in his realistic assessment of the kinds of time travel that are or may be possible under the laws of physics as we know them in our universe. Or, as Professor Carroll himself puts it: “. . . podcasting isn’t for the squeamish.” In my layman’s understand of his most excellent explication, time travel aficionados have two physical phenomena on which to hang their Hat Things:
  1. Time Dilation: Under the laws of Einstein’s special relativity, a fast traveler who leaves the Earth, zooming around for a while at near light speed before returning, will experience less passage of time than those who stay in the more-or-less fixed reference frame of Earth. How cool is that? Yes, you can travel as far into the future as you like, so long as you have a means of zooming up to a high enough speed and returning. (And according to general relativity, time dilation also occurs inside a high gravitational field, although I didn’t notice a discussion of this sort of time dilation in the podcast.)
  2. Closed Timelike Curves: The second hope for time travelers are certain distributions of matter that (according to Einstein’s equations of general relativity) result in directed paths through spacetime in which a traveler along the path is always moving forward through time—and yet completing a full circuit of the path returns the traveler to the starting point in both space and time. That’s the good news. The bad news is that such paths, called closed timelike curves, might only be possible in the presense of infinitely long rotating cylinders or other physical conditions that may be impossible to engineer.
Up in the ITTDB Citadel, many of us found ourselves in a disquieted state at this point in Professor Carroll’s podcast (roughly the two-hour mark). Some went to bed early in a kind of daze; others decided it was time for a long walk through the lonely ice paths that surround the Citdel. But for those with the fortitude to keep their ears glued to the pod, there was a great reward. Carroll had already waded through the swift, waist-high currents of causality, predeterminism, free will, the A Theory of Time, the B Theory of time, and more. But now he was ready to dive into deep, uncharted waters. Yes, now he was ready to leave known physics behind, to talk about branching time that went beyond the Everettian Many Worlds of Schrödinger’s equation, and to consider what kind of a world would be needed to allow stories such as Back to the Future and Looper to consistently hold together. With this in mind, he devices a four-pronged theory that concludes with what he calls Narrative Time. For me, narrative time shares some features with the time model of Asimov’s The End of Eternity (a model that we call Hypertime in our story-tagging system), but it goes far beyond that.

Suffice it to say that when all the Librarians up in the Citadel woke from their sleeps and returned from their treks, we had a celebration that was strident enough to raise Lazurus Long himself from the dead (if he is dead, that is). —Michael Main
I think that if we really try hard, we can make sense of this. But there’s a rule in physics or whatever that the more surprising and weird the phenomenon is, the more you’re gonna have to work to introduce some weird elements into your theory to explain it. That’s not surprising, right? So we’re gonna need some leaps of faith here, but I think I can come up with the scheme that involves four ingredients on the basis of which we can actually make sense of Back to the Future, Looper, and other similar movies.
A brain below a lit incandescant light bulb.
  • Eloi Gold Medal
  • Nonfiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Flash Fiction

The Hero of Your Own Story

A bad egg creates chaos by leaving time portals open between various times in various parts of the multiverse. —Michael Main
Your time portals are not big enough for any of the really exciting monsters.
Stylized outline of a rocket launching in a green circular seal for
                Daily Science Fiction.
  • Science Fiction
  • Comedy
  • Definite Time Travel
Feature Film

Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny

Indiana Jones and his goddaughter set out to find the missing half of Archimedes’s “clock” (or Antikythera Mechanism). With all the usual hair-raising chases, stunts, Nazis (or former Nazis), and the added twist of some actual time travel near the end. —Tandy Ringoringo
Helena: Well, for starters, you’d have changed the course of history.
Indy: That supposed to be a bad thing?
No image currently available.
  • Eloi Honorable Mention
  • Mainstream
  • Debatable Time Travel
Short Story

MacCoinnich #5

The Bureaucratic Constraints of Time Travel

  • by Jeff Currier
  • in The Kafka Protocol and the Burden of Compliance, edited by Jessica Augustsson (JayHenge, July 2024)

“Have any requests ever been approved?”
“Of course—just last week I approved a request to investigate the original Neolithic origins of the ‘Iceman’, the preserved mummy found in an Alpine glacier in the late 20th century.”
“And that wasn’t deemed a risk of changing the past?” Deraz asked.
“Certainly not. Prior to approval, it was determined the requestor was the ‘Iceman ’. ”
A bleak gray image of repeating grey rectangles, possibly windows in a giant
                apartment building.
  • Silver Medal Eloi
  • Science Fiction
  • Comedy
  • Definite Time Travel