Roman Empire

Tag Area: Real-World Setting
Oral Tradition

Οι εν Εφέσω επτά παίδες

  • Oi en Efeso epta paides
  • The seven children of Ephesus
  • The Seven Sleepers of Ephesus
  • early Christian legend, circa AD 400

Seven or eight young Christian children—or possibly young men or even soldiers—hide in a cave to escape Roman persecution, but once in the cave, they fall asleep for centuries. —Michael Main
A painting with no perspective sowing seven men and their dog sleeping in a
  • Religion
  • Time Phenomena

El Anacronópete

  • He who flies backwards in time
  • The Time Ship: A Chrononautical Journey
  • by Enrique Gaspar
  • in Novelas (Daniel Cortezo, 1887)

Mad scientist Don Sindulfo and his best friend Benjamin head to the past in Sindulfo’s flying time machine along with Sindulfo’s niece, her maid, a troop of Spanish soldiers, and a bordelloful of French strumpets for madcap adventures at the 1860 Battle of Téouan, Queen Isabella’s Spain, nondescript locales in the eleventh and seventh centuries, 3rd-century China, the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius, and a biblical time shortly after the flood.

After taking a year of Spanish at the University of Colorado, I undertook a three-year project of translating Gaspar’s novel to English, which is available in a pdf file for your reading pleasure. Even with the unpleasant twist at the end, it was still a fine, farcical romp through history. —Michael Main
—Poco á poco—argumentaba un sensato.—Si el Anacronópete conduce á deshacer lo hecho, á mi me pasrece que debemos felicitarnos porque eso no permite reparar nuestras faltas.

—Tiene usted razón—clamaba empotrado en un testero del coche un marido cansado de su mujer.—En cuanto se abra la línea al público, tomo yo un billete para la vispera de mi boda.
translate “One step at a time,” argued a sensible voice. “If el Anacronópete aims to undo history, it seems to me that we must be congratulated as it allows us to amend our failures.”

“Quite right,” called a married man jammed into the front of the bus, thinking of his tiresome wife. “As soon as the ticket office opens to the public, I’m booking passage to the eve of my wedding.”
A flower plant in a vase and a Chinese woman holding a large shpere
                containing the flying time machine, El Anacronópete.
  • Eloi Silver Medal
  • Science Fiction
  • Comedy
  • Debatable Time Travel
Short Story

The Heat Wave

Two stories, millennia apart, connected by office worker Paul Feron in a 20th-century New York heatwave and Roman gladiator Ferronius in a heatwave of his own. Time travel? Or a dream? —Michael Main
A dazzling streak of lightning, a mighty clap of thunder, and Paul Feron, suddenly awakened, sprang to his feet with white face and staring eyes. What had happened? God, what had happened?
Pen-and-ink drawing of a man in a Roman togo strangles another man in gladiator
                regalia in front of a gawking crowd.
  • Fantasy
  • Debatable Time Travel
Short Story

Ancestral Voices

Time traveler Emmet Pennypacker kills one ancient Hun without realizing who will disappear from the racist world of 1935. —Michael Main
The year of grace 1935! A dull year, a comfortable year! Nothing much happened. The depression was over; people worked steadily at their jobs and forgot that they had every starved; Roosevelt was still President of the United States; Hitler was firmly ensconced in Germany; France talked of security; Japan continued to defend itself against China by swallowing a few more provinces; Russia was about to commence on the third Five Year Plan, to be completed in two years; and, oh, yes—Cuba was still in revolution.
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  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

The Man Who Never Lived

Strange Nicholas van Allensteen joins with a universal mind to journey back before the start of time. —Michael Main
[. . .] This is an experiment in mental monism, you know, along the time-space continuum that forms material totality.”
I looked at Nicholas and, despite all my conversatons with him, I did not comprehend.
No image currently available.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Comic Strip

Mickey Mouse, 22 October 1951 to 22 January 1952

Uncle Wombat’s Tock-Tock Time Machine

Mickey Mouse and Goofy ride in a aerodynamic car that
  • Comedy
  • Audience: Families
  • Definite Time Travel
Comic Book

Space Adventures #3

The Time Skipper Travels to Ancient Rome

  • [writer unknown] and artist
  • in Space Adventures 3, November 1952

At the end of the Time Skipper’s first adventure, Hap Holliday and the professor were hoping to convince Queen Ula to accompany them back to the past, and it seems they succeeded, since Ula is with them on the splash page. But in their return trip (via the ever-staunch Timejumper), they overshoot their mark and end up in ancient Rome where the trio meets Cleopatra and tries to save Caesar. —Michael Main
Write Caesar a letter in your own hand, inviting him here tomorrow and we’ll have Ula deliver it. That will keep him from going to the Senate chamber!
A military man, a blonde queen, and a professor accidentally land their time
                ship in ancient Rome.
  • Science Fiction
  • Audience: YA and Up
  • Definite Time Travel

Time Patrol 1

Time Patrol

In the first of a long series of hallowed stories, former military engineer (and noncomformist) Manse Everard is recruited by the Time Patrol to prevent time travelers from making major changes to history. (Don’t worry, history bounces back from the small stuff.) —Michael Main
If you went back to, I would guess, 1946, and worked to prevent your parents’ marriage in 1947, you would still have existed in that year; you would not go out of existence just because you had influenced events. The same would apply even if you had only been in 1946 one microsecond before shooting the man who would otherwise have become your father.
A man climbs a spiraling ramp up the side of a rocket while holding a blaster
                on two men below.
  • Gold Medal Eloi
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel

Time Patrol 2

Delenda Est

Curse those rogue time travelers! Who do they think they are? And what gives them the right to make Hannibal victorious in that classic Punic conflict? And what can Patrolman Manse Everard and his Venusian partner Van Sarawak do in an altered 20th-century world to make it right again? —Michael Main
Events are the result of a complex. There are no single causes. That’s why it’s so hard to change history. If I went back to, say, the Middle Ages, and shot one of FDR’s Dutch forebears, he’ll still be born in the late nineteenth century—because he and his genes resulted fom the entire world of his ancestors, and there’d have been compensation. But evey so often, a really key event does occur. Some one happening is a nexus of so many world lines that its outcome is decisive for the whole future.
No image currently available.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Comic Book

Unusual Tales #33

Death of a Hot Rod

After high school, young Joe Bragan is offered a job driving his hot rod around the deserts of Libya. —Michael Main
He looks for real! So does the chariot!
A nineteen-sixties teen drives a blue hot rod with a Saracen chief in the back
                toward a Roman legion.
  • Fantasy
  • Audience: YA and Up
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

The Deadly Mission of Phineas Snodgrass

This cautionary tale about Snodgras—time traveler who brought modern-day healthcare back to the Roman Empire—originally appeared as an essay in the editorial pages of Pohl’s [⁠Galaxy[/em] along with a nod to L. Sprague de Camp’s Lest Darkness Fall, but it’s since made its way into more than one story compilation. —Michael Main
Snodgrass decided to make the Roman world healthy and to keep its people alive through 20th century medicine.
A probe with four large panels at right angles and a green exhast approaches
                the Horsehead Nebula.
  • Science Fiction
  • Comedy
  • Definite Time Travel

Time Patrol 7

The Sorrow of Odin the Goth

Patrolman Carl Farnass is more of a story-gatherer and histornian than a time cop, and unlike most patrolmen, he takes a wife in the time of the Goths and takes a godlike interest in his children and their descendants. —Michael Main
But I did not, repeat not establish a new god; I merely fitted an image they’d long worshipped, and in the course of time, a generation or so, they came to assume I must be him.
A bearded man in a blue hat and cape holds a spear in front of a futuristic
                flying scooter.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Early Chapter Book

The Magic Tree House 13

Vacation under the Volcano

Jack and Annie take on their first mission as members of the Ancient Society of Master Librarians: retreiving a lost scroll from Pompeii! —Michael Main
“This story was in a library in a Roman town. I need you to get it before thelibrary becomes lost.”
Dressed in ancient Roman garb, young Jack and Annie flee in the streets of
                Pompeii as Vesuvius erupts behind them.
  • Fantasy
  • Audience: Children
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story


Fiddles had not yet been invented during Nero’s time. So just how did that rumor get started? —Tandy Ringoringo
At any rate, ready your cameras and make sure your bows are rosined.
A young man sits on a hill over a city while a lander approaches in the sky
                with its huge mothership behind.
  • Eloi Honorable Mention
  • Science Fiction
  • Music and Musicals
  • Definite Time Travel
Early Chapter Book

Frankie’s Magic Football 2

Frankie vs the Rowdy Romans

  • by Frank Lampard
  • (Little, Brown Books for Young Readers, August 2013)

When Frankie's football transports them to a Roman arena will his team be a roaring success or will the football battle be more than they bargained for? —from publicity material
The ball looked like it had been chewed up and spat out again. Half the leather had peeled away, and it sagged like a used teabag. He’d won it at a funfair from a strange old man, but something very weird had happened when they had played with the ball in the park. A portal into another world had opened up, and they’d found themselves on a wooden galleon, playing football against pirates.
Three cartoon children and a dog play football in a Roman arena.
  • Fantasy
  • Audience: Children
  • Definite Time Travel
Picture Book

The Treehouse #5

The 65-Storey Treehouse

  • by Andy Griffiths (story) and Terry Denton (art)
  • (Macmillan Australia, August 2015)

Each installment of Andy and Terry’s Treehouse series sees the house grow upward, but what if the house never had a proper building permit? No problem, if you’ve got a time machine in a wheelie trash bin! Caution: Important detours along the way may be necessary to save antkind and The Time Machine. —Michael Main
“Don’t you see?” says Terry. “We’ll just travel back in time and get a permit for the treehouse.”
A Giant cartoon tree with a spiral staircase winding around it and dozens of
                entrances and crazy happenings.
  • Comedy
  • Audience: Families
  • Definite Time Travel


After Farway Gaius McCarthy fails his final examination at the Central Time Travelers Academy, he puts together a rogue time travel crew to swipe valuable artifacts from the past at moments when they won’t be missed. And it’s all roses until a mysterious girl sidetracks them on the Titanic and steers them into a multiverse of fading timelines.

As you might guess, we enjoyed Far and his friends, but the thing that sealed an Eloi Bronze Medal was the fact that when a particular timeline actually managed to branch (not an easy feat) and the traveler then jumped to the future, she found her another self—the her that was born on that timeline—waiting for her. Most branching timeline stories ignore this issue entirely. —Michael Main
“There’s nothing to return to.” Eliot’s knuckles bulged at the seams, but she didn’t yell. “When the Fade destroys a moment, it’s lost. Forever.”
An abstract design of thin purple lines and dots over out-of-focus grey
  • Eloi Bronze Medal
  • Science Fiction
  • Audience: Young Adults
  • Definite Time Travel
Early Chapter Book

The Magic Tree House 31*

Warriors in Winter

Morgan sends Jack and Annie back to the time of Marcus Aurelius on the northern border of the Empire where they meet kind soldiers, mean soldiers, and the emperor himself. —Michael Main
“So I hear,” said the emperor. “When I first met you, I thought you must live nearby in Carnuntum. But now I do not think that is so. Where is your home?”
“Frog Creek, Pennsylvania,” said Annie.
“Beyond the Danube,” said Jack.
A Roman soldier seems just as startled as young Jack and Annie when all three
                meet on a snowy slope.
  • Fantasy
  • Audience: Children
  • Definite Time Travel
Picture Book

Arthur Travels Back in Time

Arthur the fearless dog travels to different times in a large blue cannister. The story is written in verse that ignores meter and uses rhymes that don’t quite work. —Ruthie Mariner
With sights on events his eyes have never seen, Arthur is ready for his new time machine.
A dog wearing clothes and a red cape leaps onto a cannister-shaped time
  • Science Fiction
  • Audience: Children
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story


  • by Susanne Hülsmann
  • in The Chorochronos Archives, edited by Jessica Augustsson (JayHenge, April 2021)

At the end of the 18th-century, Lucinda Henrietta Davenport finally finishes her time travel contraption, which she uses mostly to visit the past and sample the food without leaving a trace of herself. —Michael Main
I will leave no footsteps.
A leafy background shows through small openings in a stone wall.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
TV Episode

Loki, Season 1

Hang on to your Tesseracts! Apparently, in Endgame, when the Avengers traveled back in time to swipe various things from the 2012 Avengers, they inadvertantly started a branch in time where Loki ended up with the Tesseract. Of course, once that occurred, the Time Variance Authority spotted him as a Variant and quickly recruited him to help in their fight against even more variant Variants. —Michael Main
Appears to be a standard sequence violation. Branches growing at a stable rate and slope. Variant identified.
Tom Hiddleston (as Loki) stands with his arms crossed and an annoyed look on
                his face, in front of a large analog clock with multiple hands.
  • Eloi Bronze Medal
  • Superhero
  • Audience: YA and Up
  • Definite Time Travel