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The Internet Time Travel Database

Ancestral Voices

by Nat Schachner

Time traveler Emmet Pennypacker kills one ancient Hun without realizing who will disappear from the racist world of 1935.
— Michael Main
The year of grace 1935! A dull year, a comfortable year! Nothing much happened. The depression was over; people worked steadily at their jobs and forgot that they had every starved; Roosevelt was still President of the United States; Hitler was firmly ensconced in Germany; France talked of security; Japan continued to defend itself against China by swallowing a few more provinces; Russia was about to commence on the third Five Year Plan, to be completed in two years; and, oh, yes—Cuba was still in revolution.
“Ancestral Voices,” Astounding, December 1933.
1 English variant
Time Periods Timeline Models Time Travel Methods
  • Time Spheres, Cubes, etc.: “Resting on a movable platform was a large square box, tall enough and wide enough to accommodate several men, as well as a cluster of shiny machinery, tubes, numerous gadgets and controls.”
  • Grandfather Paradox
  • Never Change the Past!: “ What’s done is done. ‘The moving finger writes, and, having writ, moves on’—You know the rest. We try to introduce an anachronistic element into the past, and the consequences may be incalculable.”
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