Invisible Traveler

Tag Area: Time Travel Trope

Creatures of the Light

A Teutonic scientist attempts to create a race of artificially created superman who, among other things, can jump a few seconds through time, but only as invisible witnesses to the future goings-on. The story is disturbingly prescient of Nazi ideas of an Aryan Herrenvolk. —Michael Main
Before Northwood’s horrified sight, he vanished; vanished as though he had turned suddenly to air and floated away.
Black-and-white drawing of a well-dressed man and woman struggling behind a
                large energy-beam projector.
  • Science Fiction
  • Debatable Time Travel

Terror Out of Time

Until I started reading 1930s pulps, I didn’t realize how ubiquitous were the scientist with a beautiful daughter and her adventurous fiancé. This story has Dr. Audrin, his machine (to project the brain of a present-day man forty million years into the future and possibly bring another mind back), his beautiful daughter Eve, and her manly fiancé, Terry Webb. Manly Webb agrees to be the test subject for the machine, much to the dismay of beautiful Eve. —Michael Main
I must have a subject. And there is a certain—risk. Not great, now, I’m sure. My apparatus is improved. But, in my first trial, my subject was—injured. I’ve been wondering, Mr. Webb, if you—
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  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

Time Control 1

When Time Stood Still

Two Russians (Khalin and Mikhailloff) and an American engineer (Earl Lyons) find a way to step outside of time, view the future from outside their bodies, then step back into time soon that they left, thereby preventing bad things such as Mikhailloff’s murder by the counter-revolutionaries. Also, Earl finds a Russian bride. —Michael Main
Of all five senses, sight alone remained to them. They could see as before, but with unusual clearness.
In a large science lab, two men stand in a large cage beside an older man at a
                control panel.
  • Science Fiction
  • Debatable Time Travel
Short Story

Time Control 2

The Time Control

Two Russians (Khalin and Mikhailloff) and an American engineer (Earl Lyons) find a way to step outside of time, view the future from outside their bodies, then step back into time soon that they left, thereby preventing bad things such as Mikhailloff’s murder by the counter-revolutionaries. Also, Earl finds a Russian bride. —Michael Main
Of all five senses, sight alone remained to them. They could see as before, but with unusual clearness.
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  • Science Fiction
  • Debatable Time Travel
Short Story

Time Control 2

The Time Control

The two Russian researchers along with their American friend and the beautiful secret police officer Mina are back and traveling to the future via an out-of-body experience that once again allows them to see all threats to their research and world peace. Also, the American's marriage to Mina is finally sanctioned by the Central Committee—or rather it seems that it will be! —Michael Main
My respected Comrades. I am serious, and through over eighty, am in full possession of my senses, when I say that I will now demonstrate to your satisfaction that my colleagues and I have succeeded in partially controlling time!
In a large science lab, four men and a woman watch a glowing man stand in a
                large cage.
  • Science Fiction
  • Debatable Time Travel

Don’t Live in the Past

A future transportation system goes awry, which results in flangs, tweedledums, collapsed flooring, argo paste, and mangels (yes, especially mangels) being delivered to the homes and business places of persons in a past century. Moreover, it’s quite possible that civilization down the line (including Bloggett’s own time!) will be altered. When the buck finally stops, the buck-kickers have decided that it’s up to Ronald Mao Jean-Jacques von Hochbein Mazurin to travel back and set things right. —Michael Main
The mathematicians are still working on that, Your Honor, and the best they can say now is that it was probably somewhere between the mid-Twentieth Century and the last Twenty-First. However there is a strong possibility that none of the material reached any enclosed space which would attract it, and that it may all have been dissipated harmlessly in the form of incongruent molecules.
Two drawings of a futuristic man in a robe.
  • Science Fiction
  • Comedy
  • Definite Time Travel
Comic Book

Journey into Mystery #47

The Blinding Flash!

In order to retrieve his cigarette lighter from a crime scene, a small-time thief agrees to be a test subject for Professor Mark Hanson’s atom-powered machine that sends an astral projection of a person into the past. Oh, I almost forgot: There’s one other volunteer, too. —Michael Main
Professor Mark Hanson has tus far been unable to get a single person to use his remarkable discovery for recovering the past!
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  • Science Fiction
  • Weird Fiction
  • Audience: YA and Up
  • Definite Time Travel

Future Science Fiction, February 1960

Through Other Eyes

Although the story is not about time travel, the characters do spend the first couple of pages reminiscing about their disappointing experiences with a time machine. —Fred Galvin
“And watching the great Pythagorous at work.”
“And the three days that he spent on that little surveying problem. How one longed to hand him a slide-rule through the barrier and explain its working.”
Pen-and-ink drawing of the head of a man staring forward while others parade
                beside him in futuristic dress.
  • Science Fiction
  • Cameo Time Travel

A String in the Harp

Twelve-year-old Peter Morgan is not happy about being uprooted from Massachusetts and hauled off to a tiny coastal hamlet in Wales, but he is fascinated by the ancient harp key that he finds wedged between two cracks on a dike. Oh, did I mention that the key is magic, letting him (and eventually other children) see the legendary Welsh bard Taliesin? —Michael Main
I can tell you that the things you have seen and explained with reason could fit the story of Taliesin, though your sister would rather not hear it.
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  • Fantasy
  • Audience: Young Adults
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

retold for children

A Christmas Carol

The tale is a somewhat faithful retelling for children, abridge to about a third of the original length, in simple language, and with copious illustrations by Chris Russell. It even retains the metaphysical thought that the future will be bleak for Tiny Tim if things remain unchanged. —Michael Main
If these shadows do not change, Tiny Tim will not see another Christmas.
Dressed in green and holding a torch high, the ghost of Christmas-yet-to-come
                beseeches a cowering Scrooge in his nightshirt and nightcap.
  • Fantasy
  • Audience: Children
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Movie Cartoon

Mickey’s Christmas Carol

You’ll enjoy all the Disney characters’ renditions of all the Dickens characters, from Scrooge McDuck (as Scrooge, of course) to Goofy (as Marley), Jiminy Cricket (as the Ghost of Christmas Past), and the weasels (as Scrooge’s gravediggers).

With Dickens, we always want to know whether Scrooge actually time travels or merely observes the past and present. In this case, none of the spirits explicitly explain one way or the other, but if you watch carefully when Scrooge and Jiminy arrive in the past, you’ll spot Scrooge definitely interacting with a physical object the past when he’s unable to see the festivities inside Fezzywig’s. Verdict: probably time travel!

This cartoon was based on a 1972 audio musical entitled Disney's A Christmas Carol, although the cartoon is not a musical. —Michael Main
If these shadows remain unchanged, I see an empty chair where Tiny Tim once sat.
Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse and three little ones gather around Scrooge McDuck
                in front of a Christmas tree.
  • Science Fiction
  • Audience: Families
  • Definite Time Travel


Frank Cross, the ruthless president of a TV network, deals with producing A Christmas Carol extravaganza while being visited by the traditional Christmas ghosts who, among other things, bring him to a point of regretting his rat-bastard treatment of his employees over many years and his schmucky dumping of the perfect girlfriend years ago. —Michael Main
Now this is just possible future, right?
Bill Murray (as Frank Cross) holds a cigar for a skeleton hand to light.
  • Fantasy
  • Comedy
  • Debatable Time Travel

The Hemingway Hoax

Literature professor John Baird and conman Sylvester Castlemaine hatch a plan to get rich forging Hemingway’s lost stories, but before long, Baird is confronted by an apparent guardian of the many timelines in the form of Hemingway himself. —Michael Main
I’m from the future and the past and other temporalities that you can’t comprehend. But all you need to know is that yiou must not write this Hemingway story. If you do, I or someone like me will have to kill you.
A Hemingway-esqu man has various heads and appendages coming out of his head.
  • 1991 Hugo
  • 1991 Nebula
  • Science Fiction
  • Horror
  • Comedy
  • Definite Time Travel
Feature Film

If You Believe

Thirty-seven-year-old jaded book editor Susan Stone gets a kick in the pants when her fun, easygoing seven-year-old self shows up during the Chistmas season. Young Suzie says she’s merely Susan’s inner child, but we like to give her the benefit of the doubt and say she might be time traveling. —Michael Main
Let me say this slowly: I am you; you are me; we are us.
Young Hayden Panettiere (as Suzie) stands with a dog in front of a Christmas
                tree with images of herself and Ally Walker (as old Susan) above.
  • Fantasy
  • Romance
  • Audience: Families
  • Debatable Time Travel
TV Episode

Sabrina, the Teenage Witch (s07e08)

Bada Ping!

Sabrina takes Salem into the future to find out her fate after gangster Mickey Brentwood finds out that she’s writing an exposé on his shady practices. —Inmate Jan
You see, this thug nightclub owner threatened our little Lois Lame over there—
Melissa Joan Hart (as Sabrina) lies peacefully in a white-lined coffin.
  • Fantasy
  • Comedy
  • Audience: Families
  • Debatable Time Travel
TV Episode

Sabrina, the Teenage Witch (s07e09)

It’s a Hot, Hot, Hot, Hot Christmas

While on a Christmas trip to Florida, Sabrina and Salem travel back in time to see who robbed the condo where everyone is staying —Inmate Jan
Oh, oh, oh—I think you went back a little too far!
Melissa Joan Hart (as Sabrina) pulls the lever on an a vintage engine order
                telegraph, bathing herself and Salem the cat in gold and red light.
  • Fantasy
  • Comedy
  • Audience: Families
  • Debatable Time Travel
TV Commercial

Xfinity Scrooge

  • (10 November 2014)

Now remember, Mr. Scrooge, we can see them, but they can’t see us.
Scrooge and the Spirit of Christmas Present appear in a 21st-century living
  • Fantasy
  • No Time Phenomena
Feature Film

A Christmas Carol

Patrick Steward delivers a nuanced portrayal of Scrooge in this faithful adaptation. Much of the dialog came verbatim from Dickens’s original, and the costumers paid careful tribute to John Leech’s original illustrations. —Michael Main
Scrooge: Is there no chance that boy will be spared?
Christmas Present: Not if the future remains unaltered.
Dressed in a black Victorian tophat, black coat, and black gloves, Patrick
                Stewart (as Scrooge) raises his cane as if to strike.
  • Fantasy
  • Debatable Time Travel
Feature Film

Ghosts of Christmas Always

This time around, the usual three ghosts are only one of the many three-ghost teams who are given a yearly assignment to scrooge one of the many Scrooges who seem to be more numerous than ever before. Together with their 2022 assignment—Peter Baron, an unsatisfied son of a food baron—they provide a nice tear-jerker for the entire family. —Michael Main
He’s like the anti-Scrooge.
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  • Eloi Honorable Mention
  • Fantasy
  • Romance
  • Audience: Families
  • Debatable Time Travel

Time Witch 2

So You Think You’re a Sleuth?

Essie’s husband Julian and his brothers have been arrested and imprisoned. With the removal of spells that had blocked memories of other family members, Essie learns that she has an identical twin sister (in looks at least) and an aunt. Some mysteries are solved, but new ones appear. Magical devices that can assist with or impede the abilities of Time Witches appear. Essie works with (and without) the Wayfarers (magical society's police force) to solve murders. And . . . is Julian really a bad guy? —Tandy Ringoringo
And I would tell you that you need to be careful when you go back in time—make sure you don’t change a thing, no matter how tempting that might be.
A contemplative young woman, dressed in red and wearing a witch hat, stands
                beside a black cat.
  • Fantasy
  • Romance
  • Mystery and Crime
  • Definite Time Travel

Time Witch 3

So You Think You Can Dance?

Essie is missing Julian, who’s in witness protection, and she’s caught a chill that simply will not go away, even though it’s summer. The Wayfarers (magical police) are avoiding her, which only makes her suspicious that they’re using him for bait. So, when her boss needs to go undercover at a dance class to investigate a possibly fraudulant insurance claim, Essie demands to join him to distract herself from her woes. —Tandy Ringoringo
‘You know if I could stop what happened to Vince, I would,’ I told her. ‘But Time Witches can’t really change things without bringing a crapstorm down on their heads. If I thought there wouldn’t be consequences, I’d do it in a heartbeat.’
A young witch in a black hat sits cross-legged beside a black cat.
  • Fantasy
  • Romance
  • Mystery and Crime
  • Definite Time Travel

Time Witch 4

So You Think You Can Dance?

Essie is missing Julian, who’s in witness protection, and she’s caught a chill that simply will not go away, even though it’s summer. The Wayfarers (magical police) are avoiding her, which only makes her suspicious that they’re using him for bait. So, when her boss needs to go undercover at a dance class to investigate a possibly fraudulant insurance claim, Essie demands to join him to distract herself from her woes. —Tandy Ringoringo
‘You know if I could stop what happened to Vince, I would,’ I told her. ‘But Time Witches can’t really change things without bringing a crapstorm down on their heads. If I thought there wouldn’t be consequences, I’d do it in a heartbeat.’
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  • Fantasy
  • Romance
  • Mystery and Crime
  • Definite Time Travel

Time Witch 4

So You Think You Can Turn Back Time?

Belinda, Essie's identical twin, is still in love with Vince, who is dealing with PTSD from when Julian’s brothers kidnapped him. Vince is refusing to get any help for his PTSD, and he is in a temporary assignment in Dublin, forcing Belinda to go to Dublin if she wants to keep their relationship alive. It is a very lopsided relationship. —Tandy Ringoringo
[. . .] it can be kind of mind-blowing and a little bit nauseating to jump through time, so trying to hold an invisibility spell of your own at the same time could be hard. Hey.’ She gave me a quick hug. ‘Don’t worry, okay? If Bill and Ted can handle time travel, then so can we.’
A white cat sits behind a young woman with red lipstick and a crown of flowers
                on her head.
  • Fantasy
  • Romance
  • Mystery and Crime
  • Definite Time Travel