Although the story is not about time travel, the characters do spend the first couple of pages reminiscing about their disappointing experiences with a time machine.
Fred Galvin
“And watching the great Pythagorous at work.”
“And the three days that he spent on that little surveying problem. How one longed to hand him a slide-rule through the barrier and explain its working.”




  1. “Through Other Eyes” by R. A. Lafferty, Future Science Fiction, February 1960.
  2. “Met andere ogen” [With other eyes] by R. A. Lafferty, in Negenhonderd grootmoeders (Meulenhoff, 1972).
  3. “Mit anderen Augen” [With other eyes] by R. A. Lafferty, in Der metallene Traum, edited by Herbert W. May (Lichtenberg, 1971).
  4. “Mit anderen Augen” [With other eyes] by R. A. Lafferty, in 900 Grossmütter Band 1 (Fischer Taschenbuch, June 1974).
  5. “Con Occhio Altrui” [With other eyes] by R. A. Lafferty, Urania #855, 28 September 1980 [Translated by Hilda Brinis as per].
  6. “他人の目” [The eyes of others], as by R・A・ラファティ, in 九百人のお祖母さん, February 1981.


  1. “Through Other Eyes” by R. A. Lafferty, Future Science Fiction, February 1960.
  2. Dutch.
    “Met andere ogen” [With other eyes] by R. A. Lafferty, in Negenhonderd grootmoeders (Meulenhoff, 1972).
  3. German.
    “Mit anderen Augen” [With other eyes] by R. A. Lafferty, in Der metallene Traum, edited by Herbert W. May (Lichtenberg, 1971).
  4. German.
    “Mit anderen Augen” [With other eyes] by R. A. Lafferty, in 900 Grossmütter Band 1 (Fischer Taschenbuch, June 1974).
  5. Italian.
    “Con Occhio Altrui” [With other eyes] by R. A. Lafferty, Urania #855, 28 September 1980 [Translated by Hilda Brinis as per].
  6. Japanese.
    “他人の目” [The eyes of others], as by R・A・ラファティ, in 九百人のお祖母さん, February 1981.