Wonder Stories Group

Tag Area: Periodical
Short Story

Addison, Time Traveler

After wandering around the fourth and fifth dimensions for some time, 20th century scientist Theodore A. Addison rematerializes himself in a 28th century filled with many amazing inventions and a war between the west and the Occidentals. In his review of the story, Robert Jennings notes that “Every few paragraphs in the story everything stops as the protagonist inquires about the science behind some future marvel.” In all, three stories were set in this world, although only the first two (“The Silent Destroyer” and “The Sky Maniac”) featured Addison; the third (“The Vanishing Fleet”), according to Everett F. Bleiler, was an adventure set against the same background.

Apparently, Juve and his wife lived just down the road from me (in Moscow, ID) while I was bean’ edicated in Pullman, but I didn’t know of him then.
As they watched, paralyzed, the building and air barge fell apart and hurtled toward the earth. The entire train had been split from end to end. The attacker now swung back and the then darted away.
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  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel

The Time Oscillator

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  • Undetermined
  • Undetermined Time Travel

The FitzGerald Contraction

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  • Science Fiction
  • Undetermined Time Travel
Short Story

An Adventure in Time

When a small time machine appears in Professor Bayers’ lab, he builds a larger copy and travels to the future, which is ruled by Amazon women.
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  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

The Time Ray of Jandra

Sylvester Gale, shipwrecked on the west coast of Africa, discovers a long lost civilization and finds himself back there, but unable to interact; when the civilization’s scientists manage to set off a lava explosion, Gale is thrown forward, but overshoots his original time of 1944 by 13 years.

This is the first published story of fan, writer and long-time editor Raymond A. Palmer.
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  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

The Time Valve

In an earlier story (“The Fitzgerald Contraction”), survivors of the sinking of Mu (or Mo, as they called it) travel into space at relativistic speeds only to return to Earth some 200,000 years later. That, of course, is mere time dilation rather than time travel; but in this sequel, the Moans along with present-day beauty Vayill continue even further into the Earth’s future where trouble ensues until Vayill’s aged father comes to the rescue with a real time machine in an airplane.
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  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

20,000 A.D.

Tom Jenkins heads into the “Vanishing Woods” to prove that there’s nothing dangerous about them, but he doesn’t return until six months later, and he refuses to talk about where he’s been and what he’ seen—but fortunately for us, the titles of the two Wonder Story stories (“In 20,000 A.D.” in Sep 1930 and “Back to 20,000 A.D.” in Mar 1931) give us a big clue, although it doesn’t tell us that the world he visits is divided into cold-hearted Masters and their four-armed, giant human Robots.

The use of the word “robot” had not yet evolved from Čapek’s meaning of a humanoid laborer to the modern usage as a purely mechanical being.
True, he says, the Masters are far advanced, an’ able to do lots o’ thingsas a result. They’ve learnt everything there was to be learnt, they can live on the earth, in the air, in the water, or underground; they can travel to the other stars; they know how the world come about an’ when it’s ending, they think great thoughts an’things I couldn’t even understand, but, he says, what about the Robots?
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  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

Faster Than Light

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  • Undetermined
  • Undetermined Time Travel
Short Story

The Lizard-Men of Buh-Lo

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  • Undetermined
  • Undetermined Time Travel
Short Story

The Time Annihilator

When genius Larry Stenson disappears into the future, his two friends follow him to the year 2418 where the world is ruled by cruel, giant superhumans—a fate for Earth that the trio discovers cannot be changed, even with a time machine.
We have purposely allowed our time travellers to become known to the people of the eras that they visit, for in this way the great drama of the story becomes apparent.
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  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

The End of Time

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  • Undetermined
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

Via the Time Accelerator

Mathematician and physicist Anton Brookhurst takes a trip 1,000,000 years into the future in a machine that was inspired by H. G. Wells and explained (in this story) by a series of official-looking equations, but, unlike in The Time Machine, Brookhurst’s machine resides in an airplane, and Brookhurst himself examines various paradoxes, such as: Would he have been brave enough to embark on the journey had he not first seen himself safely return?
T =

ℓ - v²/c²
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  • Eloi Bronze Medal
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

A Flight into Time

Ted Storrs is inexplicably transported from 1933 to 2189 (I almost thought, Hooray! Not a round number of years!—but it turns out to be 28 years into the future) where he is amazed by the air traffic congestion, beamed atomic power, casual nudity, interplanetary travel, and more.
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  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

The Empire of Glass

A present-day man puts on a helmet that lets him view the future where a scientist named Nebor outlines his plans to save mankind from giant insects by transporting all men to either the distant past or the far future.
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  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

An Adventure in Futurity

Conrad Elkins, a scientist from AD 15,000 who hopes to find a solution to the problem of too many male babies in his time, strikes up a friendship with Hugh in present-day New York City, eventually inviting Hugh to return with him to a future of infinite leisure where Venusian slaves with Martian overseers outnumber humans five-to-one.
And do you ever think that present-day New York will some time be as fragmentary and fabulous as Troy or Zimbabwe? That archaeologists may delve in its ruins, beneath the sevenfold increment of later cities, and find a few rusting mechanisms of disputed use, and potteries of doubtful date, and inscriptions which no one can decipher?
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  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

The Man Who Evolved

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  • Science Fiction
  • No Time Phenomena
Short Story

Through the Purple Cloud

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  • Undetermined
  • Undetermined Time Travel
Short Story

Worlds to Barter

In Wyndham’s first published story, Jon Lestrange (the distant descendant of the world’s foremost inventor) comes back to the moment of his ancestor’s greatest invention with a story of how his own time was invaded by the people of the 5022nd century, demanding to change temporal places with the people of Lestrange’s time.
It is a difficult situation, but I hope I shall convince you. Very few men can have had the chance of convincing their great-great-great grandfathers of anything. I am now an anachronism. You see, I was born in the year A.D. 2108,—or should it be, I shall be born in 2108?—and I am—or will be—a refugee from the twenty-second century. I assure you that you will be married shortly, but I can’t remember when—I think I told you I was bad at dates.
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  • Eloi Bronze Medal
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

The Man Who Changed the Future

When Park Helm laments about the state of gangster-overrun Lakopolis, his friend, Professor Nicholson, sends him into the future to observe whether things will get better, but somehow Helm manages to do a lot more than just observe, eventually becoming the future boss man, gaining a lovely wife, and generally righting wrongs.
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  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

Rebellion—5000 A.D.!

During an experiment with a new radio technology, Professor Crewe’s assistant is flung to a post-apocalyptic AD 5000 where an authoritarian, largely urban civilization has arisen and a group of rebels are expecting a man from the past to lead them.
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  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

The Derelict of Space

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  • Undetermined
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

After 1,000,000 Years

Beautiful time traveler Leela Zenken, searching for atomic power to save her people of the future, is aiming for 1985, but hits 1935 instead where hiker John Harling tries to help her.
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  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel

Emperors of Space

Being chased by the Chinese, Luke Raliegh (scientist extraordinaire) and his pal Harry build a giant gyroscope that spins so fast it takes them into the future where they cure the yellow rot and save the world.
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  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel

The Reign of the Robots

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  • Undetermined
  • Definite Time Travel

The Time Stream

  • by [Error: Missing ':]' tag for wikilink]
  • in Wonder Stories, December 1931 to Mar 1932

In this dated sf classic, four like-minded men from 1906 are swept into the time stream via a mental exercise, taken to the land of Eos in a far-off time (possibly in the past, possibly in the future) where they encounter Cheryl (who may or may not be the Cheryl that they know in their own time) and consider how personal freedom may or may not be abrogated.
No man or woman of Eos has the authority to direct, check, or in any way influence the free decision and impulses of another without that other’s full and intelligent consent. We demand the right to follow the natural inclinations of our characters. We demand the right to marry.
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  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

The World of the Red Sun

Harl Swanson and Bill Kressman leave Denver in their flying time machine, aiming to travel five millennia, but they end up some five million years later in a desolate world ruled by the evil and cruel brain Golan-Kirt.

I read this in Asimov’s anthology Before the Golden Age, which was the first SFBC book to arrive in my mailbox after going to college in Pullman in the fall of ’74.
The twentieth century. It had a remote sound, an unreal significance. In this age, with the sun a brick red ball and the city of Denver a mass of ruins, the twentieth century was a forgotten second in the great march of time, it was as remote as the age when man emerged from the beast.
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  • Eloi Honorable Mention
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

The Moon Era

Stephen’s rich inventor uncle sends him on a trip to the moon in an antigravity capsule without realizing that a side-effect also sends the capsule back to when the moon was young, green, and populated by the evil Eternal Ones and the last of the Mothers.
Time was a fourth dimension, he had said. An extension as real as the three of what we call space, and not completely distinguishable from them. A direction in which motion would carry one into the past, or into the future.
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  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

The Eternal World

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  • Undetermined
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

When the Earth Tilted

After a passing comet throws the earth’s axis out of kilter, the survivors, searching for a habitable spot to live on the planet’s surface, stumble upon a colony from the lost continent of Mu, whereupon war breaks out (after all, there’s limited land available now) and the Muians have a time-travel trick up their sleeves.
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  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

The Time Conqueror

Evil scientist Koszarek kills Ovington and uses his brain to view the future, which is dominated by the Brain who ruthlessly kills each of his servants that Koszarak inhabits.
Beyond the fourth there is a fifth dimension.. . . Eternity, I think you would call it. It is the line, the direction perpendicular to time.
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  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

Flight into Super-Time

Eccentric millionaire Domitian Malgraff and his Chinese servant Li Wong head off in a time machine, first to adventure into the future, but if that fails to hold there interest—says Malgraff in a letter to his ex-fiancée—there is always the past.
You have always considered me a hopeless dreamer; and I am the last person who would endeavor or even wish to dispute your summary. It might be added that I am one of those dreamers who have not been able to content themselves with dreams. Such persons, as a rule, are unfortunate and unhappy, since few of them are capable of realizing, or even approximating, their visionary conceptions.
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  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

Chicago, 2042 A.D.

The U.S. in the 1950s is ruled by the Jerry Ratoni of the Chicago mob, which Wakefield plans to infiltrate, but things go wrong when Ratoni, Wakefield and Ratoni’s secretary are transported to 2042, where the mob still rules.
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  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

The Time Express

Under strict rules against smuggling technology, time-travel tourism is permitted to the residents of 2124 A.D., but, of course, when a tour guide tries to take modern technology to the nontechnical time of 4600 A.D., our man Denton Kels must bring the dastard to justice.
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  • Eloi Honorable Mention
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel

The Man Who Awoke

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  • Undetermined
  • Definite Time Travel

Wanderers of Time

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  • Undetermined
  • Definite Time Travel

The Man Who Awoke 1

The Man Who Awoke

Upon waking from a long sleep of three millennia, Norman Winters finds himself in the world of AD 5000 (more or less). Humanity staggers to save itself amid the world's littered, stagnant wreckage after what has become known as the great Age of Waste. There is a political rivalry between the younger generation opposing the older generation's proposed waste of resources that they (the younger generation) assert that they are entitled to. —based on Wikipedia
Down in my lead-walled room I shall drink my special drug and fall into a coma which would on the surface of the earth last (at most) a few hours. But down there, shielded from all change, I shall never wake until I am again subjected to radiation.
Pen-and-ink drawing of a man in tattered clothes looking out from a vault-like
                bedroom to adark world.
  • Science Fiction
  • Time Phenomena

The Man Who Awoke 2

Master of the Brain

After a second long sleep, Norman Winters wakes around AD 10,000. The world is dominated by the Brain, an inexorable super computer that knows all, sees all, and feels nothing. Thanks to its cradle-to-grave supervision, human life is easy and comfortable, but what will happen when the Brain realizes people are superfluous? —based on Wikipedia
Certainly. . . . the Great Brain is infallible. Who would want to act contrary to reason?
Pen-and-ink drawing of a futuristic domed building with flying ships in the sky
                and frantic people running around on the ground.
  • Science Fiction
  • Time Phenomena
Short Story

The Third Vibrator

Hixton tells his fiancé the reason why he destroyed his death ray: He’s been back to ancient Lemuria and Atlantis and seen with his own eyes the effect it had.

Although the mechanism of the weapon differed from the atom bomb, it still feels as though Wyndham anticipated the capability for world destruction that would soon be upon us.
Furthermore, this young man can’t possibly be Adams Mayhew! Why Mayhew would be nearly eighty, if he were alive today, and this man is still in his twenties.
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  • Eloi Bronze Medal
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel

The Man Who Awoke 3

The City of Sleep

Another long sleep for Norman Winters and another world, this time circa AD 15,000. People can now program their choice of dreams and sleep their lives away, so much so that the sleeping outnumber the living, and Winters needs help to stop the implosion of civilization. —based on Wikipedia
Take our own single city, for the rest of the world is about the same, if not worse, how many people are alive . . . er . . . really alive and awake? Just four hundred and thirty by the last count. And these few people must feed themselves andprovide electrical energy and control the dream records for more than one million sleepers!
Pen-and-ink drawing of three futuristic men with a 20th-century man, carefully
                examining rows of sleeping people encased in electronic wires.
  • Science Fiction
  • Time Phenomena

The Man Who Awoke 4

The Individualists

Another long sleep brings Norman Winters to sometime around AD 20,000 where each individual has his own mobile city that provided for all his needs. —based on Wikipedia
“Yes. You called them cities,” she explained, “and that is essentially what this is. You had many thousands of people in each city, it is true—I suppose you could not afford many cities?—while we have a city for every inhabitant. But otherwise they are, I should imagine, much the same.”
Pen-and-ink drawing of a multi-tentacled robot with a saucer for a head
                crashing through buildings on the way to a man hiding behind a wall.
  • Science Fiction
  • Time Phenomena

The Man Who Awoke 5

The Elixir

One last sleep takes Norman Winters to about AD 25,000 where scientists have discovered to secret of immortality. But is Mankind ready for it? Immortality is frightfully boring without a purpose. Humanity scatters to the far corners of the cosmos seeking knowledge and experience, leading to a quest toward the meaning of it all. —based on Wikipedia
We must make him young again—what a chance to try out the full cell-cycle!
Pen-and-ink drawing a robed man looking into an auditorium of possibly comatose
                people who are bathed in a bright light from above.
  • Science Fiction
  • Time Phenomena
Short Story

The End of Tyme

Tyme (our man from AD 2232) visits editor-in-chief B. Lue Pencill of Future Fiction, who responds to Tyme’s outlandish claims by having him thrown into an asylum. Not to worry, though: Tyme shall have the last word in the following year’s sequel, [Error: Missing ']]' tag for wikilink]
So it was with such thoughts that Pencill turned to the first page. “The End of Time by Hamil Edmondton,” he read aloud, as was his habit when alone. With but a causual interest he began the story; but as the clock ticked and he read on, this interest became more than a casual one, and soon he was reading carefully, keenly, and with much enjoyment. On and on he read, and inexorable Fate slowly marshalled her forces in favor of the heroes case into time, and Pencill became aware that soon the story must end. End it did, in a very logical and pleasing way, and Pencill reluctantly placed the manuscript on his desk.
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  • Science Fiction
  • Comedy
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

To-Day’s Yesterday

Cavanaugh, a movie’s sound engineer, realizes that the complex wiring on the movie set has transported a microphone to another time, and Cavanaugh’s assistant, Wilson, then transports himself to that time, too.
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  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

Voice of Atlantis

Volking, a scientist, accidentally sends himself back to Atlantis where he reveals the eventual diluvian fate of the island and converses with an old man about the ills of our society and the closed nature of theirs.
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  • Eloi Bronze Medal
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

The Men from Gayln

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  • Undetermined
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

The Return of Tyme

Did you ever see a man suddenly materilize out of thin air directly in front of you, directly on the spot where you had been looking at nothing the instant before? If not, you must try it some time. It must be a very astonishing spectacle. That’s what happened to B. Lue Pencill . . .
Two men on a flying platform over a crystal landscape gape at an approaching
  • Science Fiction
  • Comedy
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

The Time Tragedy

A judge who sentenced a man named William Gregory to death thirty years ago explains his theory on what has happened to his own son, an inventor also named William Gregory.
Into the future she had gone, William said, and I had no reason to doubt him. The cat took the matter in a calm way and seemed in no wise injured by its uncanny transit.
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  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

The Prenatal Plagiarism

After the publication of Daniel Cartwright’s wildly successful novel, charges of exact plagiarism from a 50-year-old novel arise, even though he insists that he was the only author.
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  • Eloi Bronze Medal
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

The Eternal Cycle

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  • Undetermined
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

The Prophetic Voice

A voice, purporting to be from the future, warns mankind that they must all go into suspended animation or face extinction; mankind obeys, but when they wake up, the people at the other end of the future phone don’t know anything about the earlier message.
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  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

A Thief in Time

A scientist sends gangster Tony Carponi to steal some radium, and only years later does Carponi realized that the caper involved time travel.
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  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

The Branches of Time

James Bell invents a time machine, sees the end of mankind in the near future, travels further to see man’s successor, returns to mankind’s end to save the species, and visits the Mesozoic, anticipating Bradbury’s Butterfly Effect.
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  • Eloi Honorable Mention
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

The Man with the Four Dimensional Eyes

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  • Undetermined
  • Undetermined Time Travel
Short Story

The Reign of the Reptiles

Sanders is kidnapped and sent to a laboratory in the far past from which he escapes to find a civilization of intelligent, winged reptiles—possibly the first story of intelligent dinosaurs in our past.
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  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

The Worlds of If

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  • Science Fiction
  • No Time Phenomena
Short Story

The Circle of Zero

In Professor Aurora de Néant’s odd logic, everything that’s occurring now has already happened many times before in the endless eternity of the past. So, if you want to know the future, all you need to do is call up your memories of the past. A crazy idea, perhaps, but shortly after the crash of ’29, de Néant, his daughter Yvonne, and his former student Jack Anders have nothing to lose in trying to predict their future. —Michael Main
In eternity, the Law of Chance functions perfectly. In eternity, sooner or later, every possible combinaton of things and events must happen. Must happen, if it’s a possible combination. I say, therefore, that in eterminty, whatever can happen will happen!
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  • Undetermined
  • Debatable Time Travel

The Land Where Time Stood Still

Twentieth-century American Ronald Stratton and Arthurian damsel Elaise find themselves in a land with people from all ages as well as predators from the 400th century.

This may be the earliest use of something akin to a “wheel of time.” —Michael Main
Time’s all mixed up. It’s as if the universe were the rim of a great wheel, whirling through Time. As if, somehow, we have left that rim, shot inward along different spokes whose outer ends are different years, far apart, and reached the wheel’s axis where all the year-spokes join. The center point of the hub, that doesn’t move at all through Time, because it is the center. Where there is no Time. Where the past and the present and the future are all one. A land, in some weird other dimension, where Time stands still.
A red, bug-eyed future man and a modern-day man with ray guns hold off a
                Neanderthal, a Roman Centurion, and others.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

Trapped in Eternity

Alan Blair and his beautiful fiancée Dora are brought to the future by the lecherous Sah Groat who cures her blindness and proposes that she be his mate to start a new race. —Michael Main
Time traveling! And here, in this same space that now held Dora’s little bungalow and garden, Sah Groat’s home existed in the year 2536.
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  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

He Who Masters Time

After testing his time machine on mice, Richard Sauger himself travels to the far end of time with no plot other than that.
He stood on a flat plain that undulated gently. That much was understandable. The surface of the earth, if it really was changing rapidly, had become a mere blur to his senses. The solid ring of substance across the sky was the sun, traveling at a prodigious rate that kept pase with his transit through Time. The retina of the eye caught its image as a solid ring, so swift was the earth’s rotation. As the seasons altered the ring shifted lower or higher across the horizon, that was all.
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  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

Lost in Time

While crossing the Pacific alone in a small boat, Jim Dunning runs into a storm that capsizes his boat. When he comes to, the only thing in sight is a spherical ship with one passenger: the beautiful (but unconscious) Thalma of the house of Adams, who’s been thrown into the past by her evil Uncle Marnota. When Thalma recovers, she pushes random levers which result in both her and Jim returning to her time and the clutches of Marnota.
You just trust your Uncle Jim! Everything’s going to be all right, sure as God made little apples. Just sit down over here, and powder your nose, or whatever they do in your time. Then you can tell me all about it.
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  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

A Month a Minute

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  • Undetermined
  • Undetermined Time Travel
Short Story

Lords of 9016

Dick and his scientist friend Ladbrook take a helicopter into the giant hole that has opened in the ground near two cities where all people and animals have disappeared, only to find giant ants from the future.
Not ants of your time, however, but the rulers of the year ninety-sixteen, seven thousand of so years ahead of you—time enough for the busy creatures of your present day to have evolved into the significant might you see we have.
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  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

Time on My Hands

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  • Undetermined
  • Undetermined Time Travel
Comic Strip

If—You Were Stranded in Time

Comic book artist Jack Binder wasn’t as well known among science fiction readers as his two brothers Otto and Earl, but Jack did series of what-if comics for “Thrilling Wonder Stories,[/i] including this
Suppose some fourth-dimensional phenomenon catapulted you back to the days of Caesar, with the possibility of a return to your own twentieth century entirely removed. Equipped with an elementary understanding of various sciences, how would you capitalize on your knowledge of future events and discoveries? Could you, with a head-start of two thousand years, earn a living?
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  • Nonfiction
  • Definite Time Travel

The Loot of Time

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  • Undetermined
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

Stolen Centuries

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  • Science Fiction
  • No Time Phenomena
Short Story

Pete Manx and the Time Chair 1

Roman Holiday

Captain Marvel’s time chair got scooped by Dr. Horation Mayhem who sent Pete Manx into dangerous hijinks in the past in the pages of Thrilling Wonder Stories.
“Yes, my boy. I understand your aversion to making any more trips into the historical Past. You have been a—um—lodestone for violent trouble . . .

“Something always happens to me!” exclaimed Pete. “What if I she’d get bumped off in the Past? Nix. No more o’ that stuff for me.”

“Quite right, my son. And yet—” Mayhem’s benign tone and dreamy stare at the ceiling were pure ham. “I would never have invited you here again, Pete, knowing it to be a place of strange memories, except that occasionally in our lives there arise demands that transcend all selfish personal considerations. Do you follow me?”
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  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

The Einstein Slugger

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  • Undetermined
  • Undetermined Time Travel
Short Story
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  • Undetermined
  • Undetermined Time Travel
Short Story

Perfect Murder

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  • Undetermined
  • Definite Time Travel

The Time Cheaters

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  • Undetermined
  • Undetermined Time Travel

The Tides of Time

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  • Undetermined
  • Undetermined Time Travel
Short Story

Parallel in Time

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  • Undetermined
  • Undetermined Time Travel
Short Story

Pete Manx and the Time Chair 5

The Comedy of Eras

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  • Undetermined
  • Undetermined Time Travel
Short Story

Man About Time

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  • Undetermined
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

The Blonde, the Time Machine and Johnny Bell

Johnny Bell, a reporter for the Clarion, expected to get a story out of Pop Keller’s Curiosity Shop. What he didn’t expect to find were a blonde who looks like Betty Grable who cons him into buying a used time machine.

This was a $25 contest winner story, but Harrison, 23 at the time and living in Portland, Oregon, never published another story.
But the strangest thing he had ever seen was the queer-looking mechanical apparatus in the center of the window. Johnny Bell’s gray eyes narrowed in perplexity as he read the advertising card atop it:
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  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

Dead End

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  • Science Fiction
  • No Time Phenomena
Short Story

Time Column

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  • Undetermined
  • Undetermined Time Travel
Short Story

How Much to Thursday?

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  • Undetermined
  • Undetermined Time Travel
Short Story

Tubby—Time Traveler

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  • Undetermined
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

Delvers in Destiny

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  • Undetermined
  • Undetermined Time Travel

Dead City

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  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

Find the Sculptor

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  • Undetermined
  • Undetermined Time Travel
Short Story

Forever Is Today

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  • Undetermined
  • Undetermined Time Travel
Short Story

A Hitch in Time

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  • Science Fiction
  • Undetermined Time Travel
Short Story

The Time Twister

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  • Undetermined
  • Undetermined Time Travel
Short Story

The Timeless Tomorrow

Demoisell Anne Poins Genelle visits Nostradamus and witnesses one of his visions—children climbing into a series of long, wheeled structures with glass windows—and she promptly steps into the vision.

I enjoyed how he wrote out his visions in quatrains.
Within the Isles the children are transported,
The most of them despairing and forlorn,
Upon the soil their lives will be supported
While hope shall flee.. . .
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  • Eloi Bronze Medal
  • Fantasy
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

The Shape of Things

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  • Science Fiction
  • No Time Phenomena
Short Story

A Dog’s Life

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  • Undetermined
  • Undetermined Time Travel
No image currently available.
  • Undetermined
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

No Winter, No Summer

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  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel

The Mobius Trail

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  • Undetermined
  • Undetermined Time Travel
Short Story

I, Mars

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  • Science Fiction
  • No Time Phenomena
Short Story

The Life-Work of Professor Muntz

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  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel


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  • Undetermined
  • Undetermined Time Travel
Short Story

. . . backward, O Time!

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  • Undetermined
  • Undetermined Time Travel
Short Story

Spectator Sport

Dr. Rufus Maddon is the first man to travel 400 years into the future, but those he meets think he’s in need of treatment.
Every man can have Temp and if you save your money you can have Permanent, which they say, is as close to heaven as man can get.
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  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

The Time Cave

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  • Undetermined
  • Undetermined Time Travel

Sunday Is Three Thousand Years Away

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  • Undetermined
  • Undetermined Time Travel

Moment without Time

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  • Undetermined
  • Undetermined Time Travel

The Gadget Had a Ghost

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  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

All the Time in the World

Robert Ashton is offered a huge amount of money to carry out a foolproof plan of robbing the British Museum of its most valuable holdings. —Michael Main
Your time scale has been altered. A minute in the outer world would be a year in this room.
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  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

The Middle of the Week after Next

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  • Undetermined
  • Definite Time Travel