Conrad Elkins, a scientist from AD 15,000 who hopes to find a solution to the problem of too many male babies in his time, strikes up a friendship with Hugh in present-day New York City, eventually inviting Hugh to return with him to a future of infinite leisure where Venusian slaves with Martian overseers outnumber humans five-to-one.
And do you ever think that present-day New York will some time be as fragmentary and fabulous as Troy or Zimbabwe? That archaeologists may delve in its ruins, beneath the sevenfold increment of later cities, and find a few rusting mechanisms of disputed use, and potteries of doubtful date, and inscriptions which no one can decipher?




  1. “An Adventure in Futurity” by Clark Ashton Smith, in Wonder Stories, April 1931.
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . written by Clark Ashton Smith