Sundry Extinct Species

Tag Area: Real-World Collective


A fourth-dimensional phenomenon sweeps through the solar system, causing many centuries to coexist on Earth. Wars over resources kill almost everyone. —Michael Main
In my time it was June 5, 1942. The only thing that’s certain is that it is summer; the year depends on—well, it depends on what year you were living in when all this happened.
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  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel

The Land Where Time Stood Still

Twentieth-century American Ronald Stratton and Arthurian damsel Elaise find themselves in a land with people from all ages as well as predators from the 400th century.

This may be the earliest use of something akin to a “wheel of time.” —Michael Main
Time’s all mixed up. It’s as if the universe were the rim of a great wheel, whirling through Time. As if, somehow, we have left that rim, shot inward along different spokes whose outer ends are different years, far apart, and reached the wheel’s axis where all the year-spokes join. The center point of the hub, that doesn’t move at all through Time, because it is the center. Where there is no Time. Where the past and the present and the future are all one. A land, in some weird other dimension, where Time stands still.
A red, bug-eyed future man and a modern-day man with ray guns hold off a
                Neanderthal, a Roman Centurion, and others.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel

A Quantum Love Story

Awkward neuroscientist Mariana is pulled into a four-day time loop by equally awkward Carter, who is a tech at the particle accellerator that started the whole thing. —Michael Main
He already knew he was in a loop of some sort, something that started the instant he woke up on Monday mornings.
A red line and a dotted green line weave through silhouettes of a man, an
                upside-down woman, the Golden Gate Bridge and more.
  • Science Fiction
  • Romance
  • Definite Time Travel