Mammoths and Mastodons

Tag Area: Real-World Collective
Short Story

The Man Who Never Lived

Strange Nicholas van Allensteen joins with a universal mind to journey back before the start of time. —Michael Main
[. . .] This is an experiment in mental monism, you know, along the time-space continuum that forms material totality.”
I looked at Nicholas and, despite all my conversatons with him, I did not comprehend.
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  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

Astonishing #23

Doom of Ages

Three arctic explorers are thankful for the life-saving meat they’ve stumbled across in a frozen mammoth, until they start to wonder what killed the proboscidea. —Michael Main
“I wonder what killed it?” Hafton wondered curiously, cutting swiftly through the thick masses of mastodon meat.
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  • Fantasy
  • Audience: YA and Up
  • Time Phenomena
Comic Book

Unusual Tales #6


Herman Pringle despairs of ever having the respect of his wife Clara, so much so that he daydreams of living the life of of a caveman where every man’s wife was his servant. —Michael Main
But she’d never push me around if we lived back in the time of the cavemen! No, siree! I’d be boss.
In the large first panel, a man in a business suit stands in front of a larger
                version of himself as a caveman.
  • Fantasy
  • Audience: YA and Up
  • Definite Time Travel

The Creature Cases, s02e01

The Missing Mammoth: A Holiday Mystery

An intense story about Sam, Kit, and R.O.N. going back in time to the ice age with wooly mammoths and how they got back to C.L.A.D.E.
You’re right. We’ve got to help them, even if we are stuck in the Ice Age.
Sam and Kit try to hang on the a rampaging wooly mammoth.
  • Mystery and Crime
  • Audience: Preschoolers
  • Definite Time Travel

A Quantum Love Story

Awkward neuroscientist Mariana is pulled into a four-day time loop by equally awkward Carter, who is a tech at the particle accellerator that started the whole thing. —Michael Main
He already knew he was in a loop of some sort, something that started the instant he woke up on Monday mornings.
A red line and a dotted green line weave through silhouettes of a man, an
                upside-down woman, the Golden Gate Bridge and more.
  • Science Fiction
  • Romance
  • Definite Time Travel
TV Episode

Time Bandits, s01e07

Ice Age

Kevin and the Bandits finally meet up with Saffron in the ice age where over a period of three years she’s become legendary among the Neanderthals. —Michael Main
Kiera Thompson (as Saffron), dressed as a Neanderthal with face paint and ratty
  • Bronze Medal Eloi
  • Undetermined
  • Audience: Families
  • Definite Time Travel