Dmitri Bilenkin
- Filter: Show all works, including those with no time phenomena.
Found: 3 results in 5.17ms
Short Story
Сберкасса времени
- Sberkassa vremeni
- Time savings bank
- Time Bank
- by Дмитрий Биленкин
in Marsianskiy priboy (Molodaya gvardiya, 1967)
- Undetermined
- Undetermined Time Travel
Принцип неопределённости
- Printsip neopredelonnosti
- The uncertainty principle
- The Uncertainty Principle
- by Дмитрий Биленкин
Iskatel, June 1973
- Undetermined
- Undetermined Time Travel
Short Story
Неумолимый перст судьбы
- Neumolimyy perst sud'by
- Inexorable finger of fate
- Inexorable Finger of Fate
- by Дмитрий Биленкин
in Proverka na razumnost' (Molodaya gvardiya, 1974)
- Undetermined
- Undetermined Time Travel