


  1. “Неумолимый перст судьбы” [Inexorable finger of fate] by Дмитрий Биленкин, in Proverka na razumnost' (Molodaya gvardiya, 1974).
  2. “The Inexorable Finger of Fate,” as by Dmitri Bilenkin, in The Uncertainty Principle (Macmillan, October 1978).
  3. “Ein unerbitterlicher Wink des Schicksals” [An inexorable twist of fate], as by Dmitri Bilenkin, in Bankraub um Mitternacht (Kultur und Fortschritt, 1969).
  4. alternate translation.
    “Des Schicksals unerbittlicher Finger” [Destiny's relentless fingers], as by Dmitrij Bilenkin, in Das Unsicherheits-Prinzip (Heyne, April 1984).


  1. “Неумолимый перст судьбы” [Inexorable finger of fate] by Дмитрий Биленкин, in Proverka na razumnost' (Molodaya gvardiya, 1974).
  2. English.
    “The Inexorable Finger of Fate,” as by Dmitri Bilenkin, in The Uncertainty Principle (Macmillan, October 1978).
  3. German.
    “Ein unerbitterlicher Wink des Schicksals” [An inexorable twist of fate], as by Dmitri Bilenkin, in Bankraub um Mitternacht (Kultur und Fortschritt, 1969).
  4. German: alternate translation.
    “Des Schicksals unerbittlicher Finger” [Destiny's relentless fingers], as by Dmitrij Bilenkin, in Das Unsicherheits-Prinzip (Heyne, April 1984).