Delio Zinoni


Vintage Season

More and more strange people are appearing each day in and around Oliver Wilson’s home; the explanation from the euphoric redhead leads him to believe they are time travelers gathering for an important event. —Michael Main
Looking backward later, Oliver thought that in that moment, for the first time clearly, he began to suspect the truth. But he had no time to ponder it, for after the brief instant of enmity the three people from—elsewhere—began to speak all at once, as if in a belated attempt to cover something they did not want noticed.
Pen-and-ink drawing of a broad metal bowl containing steaming liquid.
  • Eloi Bronze Medal
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel

Up the Line

A series of layered two-dimensional drawings including many purple clouds, a
                woman with a head jewel and long black hair, and possibly Byzantine cities.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel

A.E.S.O.P. fix-up novel

Ship of Strangers

We haven’t fully checked, but we believe that the only time travel in this fix-up novel is in Chapters 8–12, taken from Retroactive. —Michael Main
He had been unwilling to admit his own fears that Man, perfector of a type of thinking which had given him mastery of the three spatial dimensions, had finally encountered a cooler, more judicious culture which had established its dominions in the long gray estuaries of time.
No image currently available.
  • Undetermined
  • Definite Time Travel