Animals or Small Children Sense Time Travelers or Anomalies

Tag Area: Time Travel Trope


Frank Cross, the ruthless president of a TV network, deals with producing A Christmas Carol extravaganza while being visited by the traditional Christmas ghosts who, among other things, bring him to a point of regretting his rat-bastard treatment of his employees over many years and his schmucky dumping of the perfect girlfriend years ago. —Michael Main
Now this is just possible future, right?
Bill Murray (as Frank Cross) holds a cigar for a skeleton hand to light.
  • Fantasy
  • Comedy
  • Debatable Time Travel
TV Episode

Quantum Leap (s01e05)

How the Tess Was Won

Sam leaps into Doc Young, DVM, back in 1956 Lubbock, Texas, where it seems his purpose is to out-rope, out-ride, and out-posthole-dig cowgirl Tess McGill in an effort to win her heart. —Michael Main
You can’t expect me to do this and not get involved. So if Tess falls in love with Doc, I’d appreciate it if you just leap me outta here as soon as possible.
Covered in mud in a pig sty, an exasperated Scott Bakula (as Sam Beckett) holds
                up a piglet.
  • Eloi Silver Medal
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
TV Episode

Quantum Leap (s02e05)

Blind Faith

Who knew that if Sam leaped into a blind pianist’s body that he’d be able to see with his own eyes and stop a Central Park killer? —Michael Main
He says he wants to play.
In a tux and sunglasses, Scott Bakula (as Sam Beckett) sits at a concert piano
                while Dean Stockton (as Al) holds his sheet music.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Feature Film

If You Believe

Thirty-seven-year-old jaded book editor Susan Stone gets a kick in the pants when her fun, easygoing seven-year-old self shows up during the Chistmas season. Young Suzie says she’s merely Susan’s inner child, but we like to give her the benefit of the doubt and say she might be time traveling. —Michael Main
Let me say this slowly: I am you; you are me; we are us.
Young Hayden Panettiere (as Suzie) stands with a dog in front of a Christmas
                tree with images of herself and Ally Walker (as old Susan) above.
  • Fantasy
  • Romance
  • Audience: Families
  • Debatable Time Travel
TV Commercial

Xfinity Scrooge

  • (10 November 2014)

Now remember, Mr. Scrooge, we can see them, but they can’t see us.
Scrooge and the Spirit of Christmas Present appear in a 21st-century living
  • Fantasy
  • No Time Phenomena
Feature Film

Time Trap

After archaeologist Jason Hopper disappears into a deep cave, his grad students, a friend, and a couple of kids follow after him and run into time anomalies. —Michael Main
Guys, we’re gonna go check out this [spooky] tunnel.
At the bottom of a deep cave occupied by cavemen, Cassidy Gifford (as Cara) and
                Brianne Howey (as Jackie) cower beside angry Reiley McClendon (as Taylor) aims a gun
                at an unseen target.
  • Science Fiction
  • Debatable Time Travel
Flash Fiction

Your Cat

You travel back in time to save your childhood cat in exactly the way that you know she was saved. —Michael Main
You have traveled thirty years back in time to save your cat.
Stylized outline of a rocket launching in a green circular seal for
                Daily Science Fiction.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Feature Film

The Greatest Hits

  • written and directed by Ned Benson
  • (South by Southwest Film Festival, 14 March 2024)

No image currently available.
  • Silver Medal Eloi
  • Romance
  • Music and Musicals
  • Definite Time Travel