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Tag Area: Time Travel Trope

Sands of Time 1

The Sands of Time

Terry Donovan realizes that it’s possible to travel through time in 60,000,000-year increments, so naturally he travels back to the Cretaceous where he meets dinosaurs and aliens.

This story was under Tremaine’s Astounding editorship, but the sequel, “Coils of Time,” (May 1939) appeared after Campbell became editor. —Michael Main
Incidentally, I have forgotten the most important thing of all. Remember that Donovan’s dominating idea was to prove to me, and to the world, that he had been in the Cretaceous and hobnobbed with its flora and fauna. He was a physicist by inclination, and had the physicist’s flair for ingenious proofs. Before leaving, he loaded a lead cube with three quartz quills of pure radium chloride that he had been using in a previous experiment, and locked the whole thing up in a steel box.
A young man peers out from an egg-shaped time machine at an older man.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel

Sands of Time 2

Coils of Time

You’ll need some patience with “Coils of Time," seeing as how it takes the hero, Rutherford Bohr Adams, twenty-some pages before you’ll realize that the story is a sequel to “The Sands of Time,” and it’s going to fall to space pilot Adams to travel through the 60-million-year coils of times into the future and the past, saving Earth from the evil Martians and their zombies, while also saving his own boss’s beautiful daughter from a fate worth than death. —Michael Main
It’s another form of the space-time field that I use in the Egg to bridge the gap between the coils of time.
A worried man in a futuristic jumpsuit climbs up shelves of inanimate bodies.
  • Science Fiction
  • War
  • Definite Time Travel

Time and Time Again

Hugh Stanton is recruited by cadre of Cambridge professors to use Isaac Newton’s technology to fix the past 111 years starting the the 1914 assassination of  Archduke Franz Ferdinand.
—Michael Main
‘Tell me, Mr. Bentley,’ Newton asked, staring at the dregs in his wine glass, which was empty once more, ‘if God gave you the chance to change one thing in history, would you do it? And if so, what would you change?’
Clocks, newspapers and a man with his back to us, dressed in a tweed suit and
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel