Big Game (sports)

Tag Area: Time Travel Trope

Unsound Variations

Peter Norten and his wife Kathy already had a rocky marriage before heading up to Bruce Bunnish’s Colorado mansion for a ten-year reunion with Bruce and two other members of the Northwestern University B Team that Peter captained to a near-win at the North American Intercollegiate Team Chess Championship. But will Peter and Kathy’s marriage survive the trip, and just how did Bruce end up as the only member of the team to go on to success? —Michael Main
Time is said to be the fourth dimension, but it differs from the other three in one conspicuous way—our consciousness moves along it. From past to present only, alas. Time itselfdoes not flow, no more than, say, width can flow. Our minds flicker from one instant of time to the next. This analogy was my starting point. I reasoned that if consciousness can move in one direction, it can move in the other direction as well. It took me fifty years to work out the details, however, and make what I call a flashback possible.
A blue-skinned, bikini-clad, sword-wielding woman flies over a forest on the
                neck of a dragon.
  • Eloi Bronze Medal
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
TV Episode

Quantum Leap (s01e01–02)


Physicist and all-around good guy Sam Beckett rushes his time machine into production—funding is about to be cut!—and as a consequence, he leaps into the life of a USAF test pilot, where Sam and his holographic cohort Al have a moral mission. And after setting things right in that pilot’s life, Sam—“oh, boy”—takes a few moments to win the big baseball game in 1968. —Inmate Jan
One end of this string represents your birth, the other end your death. You tie the ends together, and your life is a loop. Ball the loop, and the days of your life touch each other out of sequence, therefore leaping to one point in the string to another . . .
A worried Scott Bakula (as Sam Beckett), dressed as a test pilot, stares out of
                the small cockpit of the experimental X2 plane.
  • Eloi Gold Medal
  • Science Fiction
  • Sports
  • Definite Time Travel

Whatever Happened to Billy Parks?

Forty years after he rode the bench in England’s tragic football loss, old Billy Parks gets a second chance to get in the game and win it for his country. —based on publicity material
I know everything, son. As I told you, I’m in the Service. And now I want to help you, Billy. I want to help you to put everything right. You do want that don’t you? We can do that in the Service.
A footballer crouches in dispair on a pitch in a large stadium.
  • Fantasy
  • Definite Time Travel
Feature Film

Time Freak

  • written and directed by Andrew Bowler
  • (at movie theaters, Phillipines, 7 November 2018)

When Debbie breaks up with often-clueless physics genius Stillwell, he does the normal thing and invents a time machine for him and his friend to go back and fix every wayward relationship moment. —Michael Main
I just love the proofs and the equations and the whole riddle of it all.
Asa Butterfield and Sophie Turner stand nose-to-nose with their eyes closed
                with light drops falling around them.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel