Pierre Boulle
writer, creator
- Filter: Show all works, including those with no time phenomena.
- Found: 5 results in 3.79ms
Feature Film
Planet of the Apes
- by Michael WIlson and Rod Serling, directed by Franklin J. Schaffner
- (at movie theaters, USA, 8 February 1968)
Feature Film
Feature Film
Escape from the Planet of the Apes
- by Paul Dehn, directed by Don Taylor
- (premiered at an unknown movie theater, Los Angeles, 26 May 1971)
Among the original Apes movies, only this one had true time travel; the others involved only relativistic time dilation, which (as even Dr. Milo knows) is technically not time travel. But in this one, Milo, Cornelius, and Zira are blown back to the time of the original astronauts (given the violence of the explosion, we’re going to call it a time rift) and are persecuted in a 70s made-for-TV manner. —Michael Main
Given the power to alter the future, have we the right to use it?
Feature Film
Planet of the Apes
- by William Broyles, Jr., Lawrence Konner, and Mark Rosenthal, directed by Tim Burton
- (premiered at an unknown movie theater, New York City, 23 July 2001)
I found two redeeming features in this melodramatic complete remake of the first Planet of the Apes film: Helena Bonham Carter and a time-travel twist at the end that was beyond my understanding. —Michael Main
In this temple as in the hearts of the apes for whom he saved the planet the memory of General Thade is enshrined forever