Jared Axelrod

Flash Fiction

Fleet of Ages

Axelrod is one of the founders of 365 Tomorrows, which presents a piece of flash fiction every day of the year. This was their first time travel story, a story in which ships bring items from the future with unpredictable consequences.
I used to think that, more than any man, I understood the consequences of what those ships were supposed to bring back.
A star emerging from behind a blue planet.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel
Flash Fiction

Who Forever Belongs To

In his second time-travel story, 365 Tomorrows founder Jared Axelrod has a rummage sale aficionado stumble across a time machine and philosophically discuss why the owner would let it go for five dollars.
So when I unearthed the device from under a seriously disturbing collection of polyester sweaters, I knew it was something to treasure. I just didn’t know what.
A star emerging from behind a blue planet.
  • Science Fiction
  • Definite Time Travel