You are reading an artsy story, told in the second-person, about a time traveler from AD 2181 who hunts a brontosaurus.
Time for listening to the oracle is past; you’re beyond the stage for omens, you’re now headed in for the kill, yours or his; superstition has had its little day for today; from now on, only this windy nerve of yours, this shakey conglomeration of muscle entangled untraceably beneath the sweat-shiny carapice of skin, this bloody little urge to slay the dragon, is going to answer all your orisons.




  1. “Poor Little Warrior!,” as by [~Brian W. Aldiss~], Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, April 1958.
  2. first publication as Brian Aldiss.
    “Poor Little Warrior!” by Brian Aldiss, in No Time Like Tomorrow (Signet, July 1957.
  3. alternative title.
    “Poor Little Warrior,” as by [~Brian W. Aldiss~], Venture Science Fiction, September 1965.
  4. “Nemoćni mali ratnik,” as by [~Brian W. Aldiss~], Sirius #15, September 1977.
  5. “Arm vechtersbaasje!” by Brian Aldiss, in Monsterlijke uitdaging (Born, 1969).
  6. “Arme kleine strijder!,” as by [~Brian W. Aldiss~], in Fontein science fiction, edited by Brian W. Aldiss (De Fontein, 1976).
  7. “Comment tuer un brontosaure” by Brian Aldiss [Error: Missing ']]' tag for wikilink] [The byline of Brian W. Aldiss listed at the ISFDB may be incorrect, based on the cover of Fiction #63. We have used the name Brian Aldiss, which is the name listed on the cover.].
  8. “Pauvre petit guerrier,” as by [~Brian W. Aldiss~], Fiction #337, February 1983.
  9. “Armer kleiner Krieger!,” as by [~Brian W. Aldiss~], in Der unmögliche Stern (Insel, 1972).
  10. “Armer kleiner Krieger!,” as by [~Brian W. Aldiss~], in 30 Jahre Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, edited by Edward L. Ferman (Heyne, 1981).
  11. “Armes Drachentöterlein,” as by [~Brian W. Aldiss~], in Die besten Horror-Stories, edited by Edward L. Ferman and Anne Jordan (Droemer Knaur, 1989).
  12. “Armer kleiner Krieger,” as by [~Brian W. Aldiss~], in Das große Dinosaurier-Lesebuch, edited by Jack Dann and Gardner Dozois (Goldmann, June 1992).
  13. alternative title of “Armer kleiner Krieger!.”
    “Armer kleiner Krieger,” as by [~Brian W. Aldiss~], in Gefährliche Possen, edited by Peter Haining (Heyne, 1997).
  14. “Povero guerriero!,” as by [~Brian W. Aldiss~], in Interplanetary Europa 5, edited by Gianfranco de Turris, Sebastiano Fusco, and Sandro Sandrelli (Edizioni dell'Albero, May 1964).
  15. “Povero piccolo guerriero!,” as by [~B. W. Aldiss~], Gamma #1, October 1965 [The byline of Brian W. Aldiss listed at the ISFDB may be incorrect, based on the cover of Gamma #1. We have used the byname B. W. Aldiss, which is the name listed on the cover.].
  16. “Ubogi mali bojevnik,” as by [~Brian W. Aldiss~], in Prodajalna svetov: Znanstvenofantastične zgodbe, edited by Drago Bajt, Bogdan Gradišnik, and Branko Gradišnik (Mladinska Knjiga, 1979).
  17. “Sanningens ögonblick,” as by [~Brian W. Aldiss~], in Det hände i morgon, edited by Sam J. Lundwall (Delta, 1973).


  1. “Poor Little Warrior!,” as by [~Brian W. Aldiss~], Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, April 1958.
  2. first publication as Brian Aldiss.
    “Poor Little Warrior!” by Brian Aldiss, in No Time Like Tomorrow (Signet, July 1957.
  3. alternative title.
    “Poor Little Warrior,” as by [~Brian W. Aldiss~], Venture Science Fiction, September 1965.
  4. Croatian.
    “Nemoćni mali ratnik,” as by [~Brian W. Aldiss~], Sirius #15, September 1977.
  5. Dutch.
    “Arm vechtersbaasje!” by Brian Aldiss, in Monsterlijke uitdaging (Born, 1969).
  6. Dutch.
    “Arme kleine strijder!,” as by [~Brian W. Aldiss~], in Fontein science fiction, edited by Brian W. Aldiss (De Fontein, 1976).
  7. French.
    “Comment tuer un brontosaure” by Brian Aldiss [Error: Missing ']]' tag for wikilink] [The byline of Brian W. Aldiss listed at the ISFDB may be incorrect, based on the cover of Fiction #63. We have used the name Brian Aldiss, which is the name listed on the cover.].
  8. French.
    “Pauvre petit guerrier,” as by [~Brian W. Aldiss~], Fiction #337, February 1983.
  9. German.
    “Armer kleiner Krieger!,” as by [~Brian W. Aldiss~], in Der unmögliche Stern (Insel, 1972).
  10. German.
    “Armer kleiner Krieger!,” as by [~Brian W. Aldiss~], in 30 Jahre Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, edited by Edward L. Ferman (Heyne, 1981).
  11. German.
    “Armes Drachentöterlein,” as by [~Brian W. Aldiss~], in Die besten Horror-Stories, edited by Edward L. Ferman and Anne Jordan (Droemer Knaur, 1989).
  12. German.
    “Armer kleiner Krieger,” as by [~Brian W. Aldiss~], in Das große Dinosaurier-Lesebuch, edited by Jack Dann and Gardner Dozois (Goldmann, June 1992).
  13. German: alternative title of “Armer kleiner Krieger!.”
    “Armer kleiner Krieger,” as by [~Brian W. Aldiss~], in Gefährliche Possen, edited by Peter Haining (Heyne, 1997).
  14. Italian.
    “Povero guerriero!,” as by [~Brian W. Aldiss~], in Interplanetary Europa 5, edited by Gianfranco de Turris, Sebastiano Fusco, and Sandro Sandrelli (Edizioni dell'Albero, May 1964).
  15. Italian.
    “Povero piccolo guerriero!,” as by [~B. W. Aldiss~], Gamma #1, October 1965 [The byline of Brian W. Aldiss listed at the ISFDB may be incorrect, based on the cover of Gamma #1. We have used the byname B. W. Aldiss, which is the name listed on the cover.].
  16. Slovenian.
    “Ubogi mali bojevnik,” as by [~Brian W. Aldiss~], in Prodajalna svetov: Znanstvenofantastične zgodbe, edited by Drago Bajt, Bogdan Gradišnik, and Branko Gradišnik (Mladinska Knjiga, 1979).
  17. Swedish.
    “Sanningens ögonblick,” as by [~Brian W. Aldiss~], in Det hände i morgon, edited by Sam J. Lundwall (Delta, 1973).