A physics guy invents a time machine that can go only backward and must always return the traveler to the exact same present from which he left.
Michael Main
  1. Travel is possible only into the past.
  2. The object transported will return to exactly the time and place of departure.
  3. It is not possible to bring objects from the past to the present.
  4. Actions in the past cannot change the present.




  1. “Ripples in the Dirac Sea” by Geoffrey A. Landis, in Asimov’s Science Fiction, October 1988.
  2. “Golfjes op de Diraczee” [Waves on the Dirac sea] by Geoffrey A. Landis, in De beste science fiction verhalen van het jaar, edited by Donald A. Wollheim (Loeb, 1989).
  3. “Untiefen im Meer der Zeit” [Shallows in the sea of time] by Geoffrey A. Landis, in Die besten Stories der amerikanischen Science Fiction: Worlds Best SF 8, edited by Arthur W. Saha and Donald A. Wollheim (Bastei Lübbe, July 1989).
  4. “Wellen im Diracschen Meer” [Waves in the Dirac sea] by Geoffrey A. Landis, in Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine 35, June 1990.
  5. “Increspature nel mare di Dirac” [Ripples in the Dirac sea] by Geoffrey A. Landis, Urania #1142, 16 December 1990.
  6. “Increspature nel mare di Dirac” [Ripples in the Dirac sea] by Geoffrey A. Landis, in I tempi che corrono, edited by Bill Adler, Jr. (Mondadori, October 1998).
  7. “Ρυτίδες στη θάλασσα του Νταιρακ” [Wrinkles in the Dirac sea] by Geoffrey A. Landis, in :Ψηφίδες από το μέλλον :: Psifídes apó to méllon:], edited by Θανάσης Μαντζάρας :: Thanásis Mantzáras, Απειρον :: APEIRON [/d]1991[/d].


  1. “Ripples in the Dirac Sea” by Geoffrey A. Landis, in Asimov’s Science Fiction, October 1988.
  2. Dutch.
    “Golfjes op de Diraczee” [Waves on the Dirac sea] by Geoffrey A. Landis, in De beste science fiction verhalen van het jaar, edited by Donald A. Wollheim (Loeb, 1989).
  3. German.
    “Untiefen im Meer der Zeit” [Shallows in the sea of time] by Geoffrey A. Landis, in Die besten Stories der amerikanischen Science Fiction: Worlds Best SF 8, edited by Arthur W. Saha and Donald A. Wollheim (Bastei Lübbe, July 1989).
  4. German.
    “Wellen im Diracschen Meer” [Waves in the Dirac sea] by Geoffrey A. Landis, in Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine 35, June 1990.
  5. Italian.
    “Increspature nel mare di Dirac” [Ripples in the Dirac sea] by Geoffrey A. Landis, Urania #1142, 16 December 1990.
  6. Italian.
    “Increspature nel mare di Dirac” [Ripples in the Dirac sea] by Geoffrey A. Landis, in I tempi che corrono, edited by Bill Adler, Jr. (Mondadori, October 1998).
  7. Modern Greek.
    “Ρυτίδες στη θάλασσα του Νταιρακ” [Wrinkles in the Dirac sea] by Geoffrey A. Landis, in :Ψηφίδες από το μέλλον :: Psifídes apó to méllon:], edited by Θανάσης Μαντζάρας :: Thanásis Mantzáras, Απειρον :: APEIRON [/d]1991[/d].