
Tag Area: Real-World Collective
Novel Series


MacCoinnich Time Travels

  • by Catherine Bybee
  • (Wild Rose Press et al., November 2009 to November 2013)

Initially a trilogy, the series was expanded to five books of modern women’s romances with 16th-century Scottish hunks. —based on publicity material
He let her walk for several minutes before attempting to speak to her again, “I would be happy to escort you on a walk. But, we need to get you more properly dressed.” He knew the effect watching her walk in tight jeans was having on him, he could only imagine what his men must have thought when she stormed the court yard.
A Scottish castle, a woman in an off-the-shoulder dress, and a silhouette of a
                rider on horse.
  • Romance
  • Definite Time Travel

Traveling Town Mysteries 2

The Body in the Boat

  • by Ami Diane
  • (Amazon Digital Services, November 2018) [e-book]

Ella has been in Keystone for a couple of weeks. Her friend Will has cobbled together scuba diving equipment, and they plan to go to the lake to test it. Unfortunately, Will’s boat is in the middle of the lake, and when they get to it, there is a body. When Will finally gets to dive, he discovers a skeleton. As for time travel, a caravan of Romani show up and set up camp by the lake. —Tandy Ringoringo
They would be playing God, and not only that but what if their tampering resulted in making the future worse? Their altering of history could set off a chain reaction, events woven together in an unforeseen way, that resulted in World War III or the zombie apocalypse for all she knew.
A skeleton hand emerges from a rowboat on a beach with small-town storefronts
                in the background.
  • Fantasy
  • Romance
  • Mystery and Crime
  • Definite Time Travel