
Tag Area: Real-World Event

Whatever Happened to Billy Parks?

Forty years after he rode the bench in England’s tragic football loss, old Billy Parks gets a second chance to get in the game and win it for his country. —based on publicity material
I know everything, son. As I told you, I’m in the Service. And now I want to help you, Billy. I want to help you to put everything right. You do want that don’t you? We can do that in the Service.
A footballer crouches in dispair on a pitch in a large stadium.
  • Fantasy
  • Definite Time Travel

Magic Tree House: Merlin Mission 24*

Soccer on Sunday

Jack and Annie search for the fourth secret of greatness for Merlin in Mexico City at the 1970 World Cup Games. They hope to learn something new from soccer player great, Pele. —based on
On a muddy field, barefooted Jack jumps high to kick a soccer ball while Annie
                runs toward him.
  • Fantasy
  • Audience: Children
  • Definite Time Travel