Joseph Stalin

Tag Area: Real-World Character
TV Season

The Umbrella Academy, Season 1

  • by multiple writers and directors
  • 10 episodes (Netflix, USA, 15 February 2019)

Of the 43 children born 1 October 1989 with no gestation period, the eccentric and sometimes cruel billionaire Reginald Hargreeves brought up seven of them and turned them into the super-powered group called the Umbrella Academy when they developed powers. Nearly thirty years later, after Hargreeves dies, the five surviving members of the group gather at their family home. Oh, and: Number Six died some time ago and only Number Four can see him; Number Five disappeared about seventeen years ago, but he’s back (and in his 13-year-old body) after living 45 years in a post-apocalyptic future that’s scheduled to start in eight days. —Michael Main
As far as I could tell, I was the last person left alive. I never figured out what killed the human race. I did find something else: the date it happens. . . . The world ends in eight days, and I have no idea how to stop it.
The six living siblings of the Umbrella Academy gather in colorful garb under a
                black umbrella held by Luthor.
  • Eloi Silver Medal
  • Superhero
  • Audience: YA and Up
  • Definite Time Travel
Short Story

MacCoinnich #5

The Bureaucratic Constraints of Time Travel

  • by Jeff Currier
  • in The Kafka Protocol and the Burden of Compliance, edited by Jessica Augustsson (JayHenge, July 2024)

“Have any requests ever been approved?”
“Of course—just last week I approved a request to investigate the original Neolithic origins of the ‘Iceman’, the preserved mummy found in an Alpine glacier in the late 20th century.”
“And that wasn’t deemed a risk of changing the past?” Deraz asked.
“Certainly not. Prior to approval, it was determined the requestor was the ‘Iceman ’. ”
A bleak gray image of repeating grey rectangles, possibly windows in a giant
                apartment building.
  • Silver Medal Eloi
  • Science Fiction
  • Comedy
  • Definite Time Travel