Lucy M. Boston

Feature Film

From Time to Time

  • written and directed by Julian Fellowes
  • (BFI London Film Festival, 15 October 2009)

At his granny’s house during World War II, 13-year-old Tolly sees ghosts from the 19th century and then finds that he can travel there, interact with those who believe, and solve a family mystery. —Inmate Jan
Rose: Are you a ghost?
Tolly: I don’t think I can be. I’m not dead.
Alex Etel (as Tolly) and Maggie Smith (as Mrs Oldknow) stand with other cast
                members above ghostly images of Tolly and Susan (played by Eliza Bennett) at the
                Greene Knowe country estate.
  • Fantasy
  • Experimental
  • Definite Time Travel