- by Aaron Springer, Erik Wiese, and Mr. Lawrence, directed by Aarpm Springer et al.
- from SpongeBob SquarePants [s01e14A], Nickelodeon (USA, 31 December 1999)
The first of SpongeBob’s family to foray into time was Squidward, whose accidental cryofreeze took him two millennia into the future. Of course, even primitive sponges know that that was not actual time travel, but future-SpongeTrons point the six-limbed cephalopod to a time machine that took him on two actual time travel trips before returning him to his own time. No, we don’t know whether one of the future SpongeTrons is SB-129, but we do note that the production code for this episode was 2515-129. —Inmate Jan
Well, why didn’t ya just ask? The time machine is down the hall and to the left.