Ella has been in Keystone a couple of years. They are in a new location, beside the pyramids of Giza, apparently shortly after most of them were constructed. And they get to meet some ancient Egyptians, enabling Ella and a couple of archealogists to learn a bit about pronunciation of the pre-Coptic language. And discuss the possibility of the butterfly effect.
Tandy Ringoringo
“Because we don’t know how returning to our own timelines will affect things.”

She let out an exasperated noise. “For God’s sake, Will, that’s why you go back to a few seconds before you enter Keystone for the first time. It’s Time Travel 101.”




  1. The Secret in the Sarcophagus by Ami Diane (Amazon Digital Services, July 2020) [e-book].
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . written by Ami Diane

Indexer Notes

  1. Debut citation—from Goodreads.
  2. Dead end—The last few pages of the book have Lou, a Keystoner who got stuck in Ancient Egypt, seeing the flash again, at a slightly different location, and then seeing an older Will. It has only been a few months for Lou, but a few years for Will. Apparently Will has figured out how to control Keystone's time travel. He says that Lou can even bring a couple of people back to Keystone. Then Will adds that "There’s a long line of folks waiting to go to other places.” But there is no explanation of how Will controls this. And the next book ignores the end of this book, and has Keystone just when it should be without that bit about finding Lou again.