Gastly Glitch
- by Ami Diane
- Novel
- Fantasy, Romance, Mystery and Crime
- Adults
- Definite Time Travel
- English
- Ghastly Glitch by Ami Diane (Amazon Digital Services, September 2019) [e-book].
Ella has been in Keystone since last Thanksgiving. This time the town is in the age of reptiles. Someone gets killed by a dinosaur—but it seems the dinosaur was lured to the victim.
—Tandy Ringoringo
How many people could say they slept through a herd of dinosaurs?
- Time Periods
- Age of Reptiles (252 Ma to 66 Ma: Mesozoic/Triassic/Jurassic/Cretaceous): They are still in the age of reptiles (from the previous book).
- Circa AD 1950 to 1959: home time of Keystone
- Circa AD 2000 to 2099: Ella’s home time
- Timeline Models
- Time Travel Methods
- Real-World Tags
- Groupings
- Ghastly Glitch by Ami Diane (Amazon Digital Services, September 2019) [e-book].
Indexer Notes
- Debut citation—from Goodreads.