Time’s Eye
- by Arthur C. Clarke and Stephen Baxter
- Novel
- Science Fiction
- Adults
- Definite Time Travel
- English
- Time’s Eye by Arthur C. Clarke and Stephen Baxter (Del Rey, January 2004).
And she was continually amazed at how easily everyone else accepted their situation, the blunt, apparently undeniable reality of the time slips, across a hundred and fifty years in her case, perhaps a million years or more for the wretched pithecine and her infant in their net cage.
- Time Periods
- Stone Age (3.4 Ma to 3000 BC: Paleo/Epipaleo/Meso/Neo/Chalcolithic): Seeker and Grasper, in what will become Pakistan
- Ancient History (3000 BC to AD 476: Bronze/Iron Ages): The time of Alexander the Great
- Middle Ages (AD 476 to 1454): the time of [Error: Missing ']]' tag for wikilink]
- Circa AD 1800 to 1899: 1882, British soldiers in Pakistan
- Circa AD 2000 to 2099: 2037, UN Peacekeepers in Pakistan. Cosmonauts and astronauts in orbit.
- Unspecified Future Year: Bisesa and Josh are possibly taken by aliens to a future wasteland.
- Timeline Models
- Mixed Eras: Some of the movements through time are described as timeslips, but overall, the world of Mir is a better fit for a mixed-era geography.
- Unexplained Timeline Model: At this point, I don’t even know whether there are multiple timelines.
- Time Travel Methods
- Themes
- Anachronistic Music, Dance, and Other Creations: “an orchestral reworking of a few classic ganster rap anthems”
- Chronology Protection Conjecture: mentioned in Chapter 5
- Grandfather Paradox: mentioned in Chapter 5
- Real-World Tags
- Alexander the Great
- Eumenes
- Genghis Khan
- Hephaestion
- Neanderthals and Other Cavemen: Seeker and Grasper
- Ptolemy
- Rudyard Kipling
- Fictional Tags
- Post-Apocalyptic and Post-Holocaust Worlds: The future wasteland might be after a nuclear war.
- Groupings
- Time’s Eye by Arthur C. Clarke and Stephen Baxter (Del Rey, January 2004).
Previous Works
companion to Clarke’s Space Odyssey series