When the World Formula for the world is calculated in a huge Red Bull sports event, the world plunges into total illogicality. All of the theories of the philosopher Johannes Getting turn out to be true, and the terrorist group, Ironically Revolutionary Faction, devastates the inner city of Vienna in the most creative way possible, German studies suddenly becomes a prestigious course of study and wild time travel tourists storm Braunau in droves to kill Adolf Hitler. In general, time travel is becoming the new national sport.
based on publicity material
Ein weiteres Problem ist auch die Tatsache, dass, wenn Nicolas Cage zum Beispiel (wie in Ihrem furchtbaren Film geschildert) in die Vergangenheit ins Jahr 1969 reiste, um sich das Woodstock-Festival anzusehen und dort aus Versehen seinen eigenen GrolSvater als kleines Kind umbrachte (was ja vorkommen kann), Nicolas Cage selbst nie geboren wiirde und somit nie in die Vergangenheit reisen kdnnte, etc.
translate Another problem is the fact that if Nicolas Cage, for example (as depicted in your terrible film), traveled back in time to 1969 to see the Woodstock festival and accidentally killed his own grandfather as a small child (which can happen), Nicolas Cage himself would never be born and thus could never travel back in time, etc.




  1. Meine Freunde haben Adolf Hitler getötet und alles, was sie mir mitgebracht haben, ist dieses lausige T-Shirt by Elias Hirschl (Milena, March 2016).
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . written by Elias Hirschl