Juko’s Time Machine
- written and directed by Kai Barry
- Feature Film
- Science Fiction
- Adults
- Definite Time Travel
- English
- Juko’s Time Machine, written and directed by Kai Barry (Costa Rica Film Festival, 10 November 2011).
When the wife of Juko’s lifelong friend Jed gets fed up with Juko living in their garage, Jed comes up with his best plan yet, to build a time machine so Juko can go back in time and win the heart of the girl whom he's waited twenty years for, even if Juko isn’t cool like her finance is.
Lauren Struck, one of the producers, sent me a press kit and an invitation to stream the film in May of 2012, precisely 35 years after my first press-kit-and-invitation-to-a-fan-to-see-an-sf-movie-preview—that other one being from a little-known producer named George something, of course, so Lauren is in excellent company. (Thank you, Lauren.)
Lauren Struck, one of the producers, sent me a press kit and an invitation to stream the film in May of 2012, precisely 35 years after my first press-kit-and-invitation-to-a-fan-to-see-an-sf-movie-preview—that other one being from a little-known producer named George something, of course, so Lauren is in excellent company. (Thank you, Lauren.)
—Michael Main
Jed? Are you Jed Four? I think you’re Jed Four.