Loquat T. Blake, time detective, takes the case of one Mrs. Kate Alston’s niece who disappeared from the face of the Earth back in 2037 at a location that could just create the biggest time paradox this side of John Wilkes Booth’s pistol.
I thought the Time Agency was going to be fun when I joined. I didn’t expect them to be a bunch of old fogies, petrified of time paradoxes, with red tape up the wazoo for every trip they made. So I “borrowed” some of their old equipment from storage and struck out on my own under-the-radar business.


  1. “Blake Takes a Case” by Belinda Whitney, in Still Out of Time, by Janet Guy et al., Unknown Publisher, November 2014 [e-book].
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . written by Belinda Whitney