The Chronos Files
- by Rysa Walker
- Novel
- Science Fiction
- Young Adults
- Definite Time Travel
- English
- The Chronos Files by Rysa Walker (1 January 2014).
The first book in Rysa Walker’s Chronos Files series, Timebound, won the 2013 Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award. The book follows 16-year-old Prudence “Kate” Pierce-Keller to 1893 where a murder risks wiping out everything she knows, including herself.
The rest of the series has two more novels and two interregnum novellas.
The rest of the series has two more novels and two interregnum novellas.
I was feeling very shaky on my feet. I’d never had any sort of hallucination, and the sounds and images had seemed so real, like I was actually experiencing them firsthand.
- The Chronos Files by Rysa Walker (1 January 2014).