Jay Dubya notes that these 21 stories share similar anachronistic plots and themes dealing with movements or shifts in time. I read the first one—“The Music Disk”—about the nostalgic music experts Chad and Jeremy who long for the 50s and find themselves taken to the times sung about in the war songs on a CD from Satan Records. Two of the stories (“The Music Disk” and “Batsto Village”) are part of the free Kindle sample at Amazon.
“And look! There’s an abnormal fog cloud up ahead right near the entrance to Atlantic Blueberry’s packing house!” the history teacher alerted the already distressed and bewildered driver.


  1. “Time Travel Tales” by Jay Dubya, in Time Travel Tales, (Bookstand Publishing, March 2011).
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . written by Jay Dubya