Some 50 years after Martin Padway was thrown back to Byzantine times, a group of holy men and scientists travel back to the supposed date when the Great Man ascended to godhood.
“It’s definitely a past with Martinus of Padua in it. There are no other lines within several hundred chronospace-years that show a scientific-industrial revolution this early. Quantum factors make it difficult”—fucking meaningless—“to say if it’s precisely the line that led to us.”


  1. “The Apotheosis of Martin Padway” by S. M. Stirling, in The Enchanter Completed: A Tribute for L. Sprague de Camp, edited by Harry Turtledove (Baen Books, May 2005).
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . written by S. M. Stirling